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Posts posted by DDE

  1. 5 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    Hawaii lights up.  First time since 1984.




    To be fair, it's been grumbling for a while now. 

    Because back in my single-digit years I had a NatGeo VHS on volcanos that spent 90% of the film covering Hawaii eruptions, I struggle to recognize this as an unusual occurence.

    This was literally my first time seeing a video of lava.

  2. Alumizine's major problem was that the aluminium refused to burn, and would quickly precipitate in a silvery residue downrange. So, I imagine it would be "sooty" and smoky as all heck, closer to an SRB than an LRPE.

  3. Interview with Vladimir Degtyar', CEO and Chief Designer of KB Makeyev (for the last 25 years). Clearly a puff piece with a very recognizable pace of a Soviet article meant for his fellow bigwigs.


    Three key takeaways are, close work between Makeuev and munition designers at VNIIEF, including on designs that afford up-armijg of existing SLBMs, a continuing push for the next-gen SLBM to be liquid-fuelled (thus forcing MIT out of Makeyev's fiefdom), and Sarmat-based asteroid defense using a Lagrange-point-based soace surveillance system (inspired by the Chelyabinsk meteor, in the very literal sense of it being visible from Miass). The asteroid defense effort includes conceptual studies for a kill vehicle capable of intercepting "objects" 10-100 m in diameter at 1-2 mln km.

    There are, of course, no other known use for such a capability.

  4. 6 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

    Why is metallic hydrogen metastable? What does metastable even mean?

    With regards to metallic hydrogen, that's more of a wish and a possibility.

    Metastability means the existence of an equilibrium point alternative to the system's ground state, so the system can retain potentially useful energy without extern containment. It liberates said energy once knocked out of that states. Ball rolls downhill. Wood burns. Bombs explode.




  5. 9 hours ago, tater said:

    It's not the production values, it's the writing.

    I wanted to try to dodge this Mumakil in the room. Unfortunately, the writing in a lot of them could be improved with very little added cost, yes. It definitely doesn't drive the costs.

    But at this point, I'm having serious questions as to what they're burning money on. And the ouster of the cost-cutter Chapek in favor of bringing back Iger is very, very alarming (for them).

    And I think it's a reasonable inference that they had to pay Chapek boatloads of money for his dismissal. From the outside, it looked like the middle management, whom he was going to put on a tight financial leash, retaliated with a political assassination.

    2 hours ago, SunlitZelkova said:

    They're planning to introduce ads btw. The ad plan costs the same as the existing one, and the ad-less one will cost more.

    Oh, brilliant. This is certainly not going to infuriate the already rather irate viewers.

    It's not like their exclusive content is so damn precious that people aren't going to unsubscribe.

  6. 5 hours ago, Nuke said:

    bad shows. seems they are using the shotgun approach to their star wars content. do lots of things and see what sticks. you end up with a couple good shows and several failure shows.

    TBH it feels that the shows are only bad compared to the vast budgets, and those budgets don't match the production quality or the viewership. They're not that bad compared to 2000s TV, but they're not good enough to make money. Something is really sucking up the Mouse's money, and they don't seem to find a way to trim the fat off the Hutt.

    A caveat is that all of this is second-hand. Don't really need even more drama at this point...

  7. On 11/1/2022 at 2:53 AM, stephensmat said:

    "There's a tribe living down by a river, and in the river there are crocodiles. The tribe has one particular piece of wisdom passed down through the generations. It goes like this: if you happen to meet a crocodile, don't stick your head in its mouth. Every now and then, and who knows the reason, people ignore this advice, which is sad, because they die. But very stupid because they were warned. They had a choice. The moral of this story is this: You can't afford to be stupid. There are crocodiles."

    --Lynda Day; Press Gang. (A Piece of Life Wisdom I've never forgotten.)

    "Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems. Throw away the solution and you get the problem back. Sometimes the problem has mutated or disappeared. Often it is still there as strong as it ever was."

    - Donald Kingsbury

    Those tribesmen must be very committed empiricists.

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