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Everything posted by Abrecan

  1. If you build it (the periscope)... They will look through it. I see your light on top there HAHA!
  2. fairing grid fins would be cool , but sadly I think the odds and ends Soyuz stuff would be great sooner than later (periscope, orbital module light, big Igla antenna, and one part I miss the most is a SA/PAO decoupler with the lattice structure in the middle). Contares is good for extra parts, but I tend to move away from mods that have dependencies from other mods..
  3. Sort of I suppose, I don't recall seeing 1x3 PVAs, but BDBs Blue Gemini panels look somewhat ok. I just think 1x4s look too long... and I think a small .9375 to 1.25m adapter (placed between parachute and female docking adapter. The LK dish looks good on there, but a dish that kind of comes straight out and doesn't 'turn' would look more accurate. Did you also have a small hoop antenna also that was for the Vostok parts as well?
  4. Dimitri and Harvlov Kerman sip vodka from Kosmos 182 (Soyuz 7K-L1 Zond 4-8) as they near the Far Side in this triple capture.
  5. If anyone is interested Mad Rocket Scientist has produced a lovely 1.25m NK-33 - It's a pretty beasty engine
  6. I've downloaded the NK-33 (which looks fantastic) to test with Tantares; will see what happens! And if I may, that NERVA looks like a beast! If you plan to configure it for use with Hydrogen, may I recommend scaling it to 5m for BDB? It would look phenomenal on top of a modified Saturn V!
  7. Awesome. The Soyuz 2-1v will be a great addition to the LV family.
  8. @Beale, down the long road here, is it a possibility to get standalone single engine parts (NK-33/NK-15) from the N1?
  9. Hey @Beale, sorry to bug, but is it me, or does the 'Farshot' engine still have no fuel cell? IMO though, I think monoprop fuel cells would be more useful than the normal run-of-the-mill biprop ones, as @CobaltWolf has them on Gemini ' The most notable difference between the original Soyuz and LOK was the power supply system. Unlike solar panels which provided electrical energy for the 7K-OK spacecraft, the LOK would feature liquid hydrogen/oxygen-powered fuel cells, EKhG, similar to those used on the US Gemini, and Apollo spacecraft. In addition to generating electrical energy, fuel cells would output critically needed breathing oxygen and potable water as byproducts, thus greatly increasing spacecraft's life-support capacity.'
  10. Thanks Cobalt and Beale! Progress M2 can actually carry the actual weight of ~500 kg of supplies, or and extra 250 kg in the forward orbital module ive sunk into the craft
  11. Progress M2 is ready to roll out and service MIR-2 on the Zenit LV
  12. Wildfire in Nevada! Andromeda Strain is a great book and OK movie, I prefer this one though, because dying in interplanetary space is just more... quiet After seeing the movie 'Life' I can see why they'd want to do so... although that alien was ridiculously OP on the ISS
  13. Another National Collaboration Mission: The Kerbin Atoll Research Station! A dedicated research laboratory to planetary sample acquisition and testing based off of the Antaeus Orbiting Quarantine Facility researched in 1978. This station houses a permanent crew of 5 (one Pilot and 4 Scientists) and resides in Mid-Kerbin Orbt (~200 km). KARS is built of 4 modules: 6-sided docking module, power module, lab module and the hab module, with the solar arrays maintaining attitude towards the sun at all times [The power module also houses small jets to change altitude if need be (albeit minor changes)]. The lower node is for Logistics which arrive periodically, and the other two are for crew transfer or for any other station augmentation. The Science lab also contains a port for sample acquisition which can be itself quarantined if need be. ALSO: There are contingency plans for samples that break quarantine... a beefed-up upper stage will dock with the 18t station and inject it into interplanetary space to prevent samples from contaminating Kerbin;
  14. Awesome mod! been having plenty of fun with this, but I had noticed I get a lag spike / graphics spike (?) when orbiting Phobos... the rock is almost warping when I look at it lol
  15. National Cooperation btw, @Beale was propellant added to the TKS retro engines as of yet? and also, I believe the lunar version of the Soyuz had fuel cells instead of PVAs, can this also be added to the engine part? Your parts are amazing
  16. Was playing around in my early career and found a good alternative to the atlas for the first orbital missions too.. at about the fraction of the cost... The Mercury Castor can perform the same results, at about 1/3 the cost.. not bad for only 6,700.00... although the TWR at burnout is about 4.2~ @ peak Ap of 75-86km and even it out with coinciding the burn time with my time to apoapsis (TWR is about .92 at ignition, so its a nice ride to the end)
  17. in fact it does have x2 F-1's per booster. to quote from astronautix - Saturn MS-LRB-23(L) Part of Saturn LRB stage series Family LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Liquid rocket booster strap-ons using 2 F-1's. Status: Study 1967. Thrust: 15,486.60 kN (3,481,526 lbf). Gross mass: 874,100 kg (1,927,000 lb). Unfuelled mass: 18,100 kg (39,900 lb). Specific impulse: 304 s. Specific impulse sea level: 265 s. Burn time: 162 s. Height: 47.85 m (156.98 ft). Diameter: 6.61 m (21.68 ft). Span: 6.61 m (21.68 ft). No Engines: 2. Also, link to the LV: http://www.astronautix.com/s/saturnv-23l.html
  18. Saturn V-23(L) - My workhorse for interplanetary missions Also... is anyone ready for a 'Voyage'...? Basically the Saturn MLV V-4(S)-B, but Voyage names it as the Saturn VB
  19. @Jack Wolfe where'd you get that fancy light mounted on the orbital module?
  20. Summoned I see! Eternity of sleep keeps me vigil. @Drakenex Time to Arise!
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