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    Code Space Monkey

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  1. I'm in orbit around Kerbin and sure, it looks freakin' awesome, but about half the stars are sparkling. My understanding is that doesn't happen when outside the atmosphere (admittedly, I've never been outside the atmosphere but... ) I do love the effect - maybe add a toggle for that?
  2. Okay I'm not the only one with this problem - good to know. Will submit feedback. Thank you!
  3. It would be fantastic if we could keep things like the parts manager and engineer's report open and on another monitor while building in the VAB. While I do like the new UI, until it can be scaled down substantially, I can't leave these open because they take up too much screen real estate. If we could pop them into their own window and move them to a 2nd monitor, that'd be fantastic.
  4. Found one more - line 1 in MM_Portrait_Stats_PATCH.cfg needs the same fix. NEED should be NEEDS. Those were the only three errors in my install - @TranceaddicT gets credit for showing me the way!
  5. CTT was the issue - thank you! I'll check into the MM version I have installed - I believe I got that one from CKAN but I'll verify. Thanks for the tip! So that's what "AD" means...I had no idea. Cool - thanks for the tip! That's Kerbal for you - even when you've got close to 1,000 hours in it, you are still learning stuff every day. I appreciate it! I had a feeling that would probably be the case. I see a new build of Kopernicus went up last night but it still is showing up as incompatible with 1.10.1. I may just mess around on Kerbin getting back into the hang of things before starting a full career until it's updated again for 1.10.x. Thanks! Mark
  6. Hi all, Getting back into KSP after about a year away. I have both expansions installed, and a variety of mods. This time around, I've decided to download and install manually from SpaceDock instead of via CKAN, since many mods that aren't tagged as compatible with the latest version actually are, and I hate waiting for CKAN to get updated. Anyhow, I love the concept of this mod, but...I can't get it to work. It's installed per the instructions, but when I run KSP and start a new game, I'm just getting the stock tree. So...two questions: Is the mod not compatible with 1.10.1 at all? I'm not being "that guy" and expecting it to be - I'm just hoping that it is. If not, what is the latest version it is compatible with? Are there any mods that just prevent this mod from working? I've read through the docs and I don't see anything that's obvious? The one mod I've installed that I know isn't compatible with 1.10.1 is Kopernicus, but I'm hoping it'll be fixed before I'm ready to visit the planets in the OPM mod. If there's any info I can provide to help answer the questions, let me know. The most obvious thing I think would be my list of installed mods - so I've put that below as a spoiler. Appreciate any help anyone can provide! Thank you! Mark
  7. Hi RoverDude, Love the mod, but having problems with auto-staging - basically, that's not happening (running 0.5.4 in KSP 1.2.2). Is there a trick to getting it to work properly? I've tried rerooting to the nose-cone, I've tried not rerooting, I've tried with different combinations of the boosters, nothing seems to work. Any thoughts? Thanks! Amgrod
  8. Progress? Just tried to load CKAN and the error went away, but still no mods. Maybe github is getting itself back online...
  9. Well, I was just sitting down to reconfigure mods, so I didn't have any installed. CKAN can't find any mods - when I try to update the repository, it says: "Connection to https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/archive/master.tar.gz could not be established." Thoughts? EDIT: And it looks like github is down...maybe that's the problem?
  10. That's unfortunate, but not unexpected. Thanks for the response and keep up the good work on GC Monitor!
  11. This would be a great bit of info to have! I use GC Monitor all the time - in fact, on Sunday I went through an exercise of loading each add-on one at a time, loading the game, and noting the memory usage as the add-on list built. I didn't find any one add-on that greatly spiked memory usage, but something that monitors add-ons while I'm playing and logs their memory usage would be great!
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