I honestly think it is short sighted to think it's a good idea for the devs to work on modding tools and compatibility at this stage of development.
Right now the game is in a very unfinished state hence it being an Early Access title, things are constantly being changed/updated/added/fixed. Releasing and supporting mod tools right now should not be a priority by any stretch of the imagination. When things settle down and become more stable and the end of EA is in sight, then setting time aside to looking the modding side would make perfect sense. Right now is simply not a logical thing to do. Let the devs focus their time where it is truly needed.
I love KSP and the mods it offers and I can't wait to see what the future brings for mods in KSP2 and I appreciate those that are modding right now and developing 3rd party loaders, but now is simply not the time for the devs to be working in that area. I certainly hope the modders from KSP1 will return when the time is right, I can't begin to say how much enjoyment I got from mods over the years, it may take time but we'll get there again.