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  • About me
    That guy from over there
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    Over there
  • Interests
    Rocketry,Coding, Webdesign, Dank Memes

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  1. I have a huge problem. All my tracking solar panels are tracking Grannus instead of Ciro.
  2. Ven's Stock Revamp pack isn't working. Not a single part from the partpack has reflections.
  3. Couldn't you have waited a day? I have a test tomorrow. love it. I don't have to write that test. Guess I am going to be sick tomorrow.
  4. Can you drop me that link too? I am a famous youtuber with 9 000 000 * 10^(-6) subscribers. I would love to do a review on that glorious mod of yours.
  5. Where do i put the content from the Extra folder in the Texturereplacer.zip
  6. I am more hyped for the release of NH 2.0 than I was for the release of 1.1. I can't wait to start a new career in this awesome planet pack of yours.
  7. I present to you, my SSTO "Karpfenator MKIII". It can get easily to Minmus and the mun(yet to be tested). To make the visibility during the landing, I used planetshine to increase "Vacuum Ambient Brightness".
  8. Tidus Ice sheets are a tiny bit too small in my opinion. Still awesome work.
  9. Do you mind if I use my Jool 5 craft with some extra Landers slapped on?
  10. I did the Mission in the 1.1 prerealese. Shouldn't I be in the 1.1 Hall of Fame?
  11. I did the Jool 5 (2nd lvl) in 1.1 prerelease.It took 16 hours, 513 quickloads and 51 quicksaves. Here it is. Spare Delta V stats Tylo Lander: 1200 m/s Vall Lander: 400 m/s Laythe SSTO: 700 m/s Bop Lander: 2000 m/s Pol Lander and Return Stage: 3000 m/s Nuclear Transfer Stage: 4000 m/s Mods used E.V.E Better Burn Time Kerbal Engineer Better Crew Assignment Default Action Groups Information I was plagued the entire flight by Phantom Forces and glitchy Orbit lines. For example I was thrown away by Vall in a very buggy way multiple times, even though I had never an Encounter with it while warping to an Encounter with Laythe. The Vall and Bop Lander like to hover over the ground(with SAS on) or to spin out of control(with SAS off). My Encounter with Pol was bugged in the Mapview and I had to guess how low my Periapsis was.
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