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Everything posted by Nicholiathan

  1. Milestones are a stock feature. When you get a first accomplishment (1st orbit, 1st Mun flyby. 1st EVA etc.) in career mode you get a mission completion with rewards propotional to the difficulty of the accomplishment. The game doesn't seem to keep track of having been to orbit of the galactic core or recognize that putting a rover on the runway is not the same as escaping Kerbol's SOI. Other than the unending money supply it appears to work perfectly. Just waiting on the planet packs to get updated to 1.1.2 now.
  2. I was so happy to see this on ckan for my 1.1.2 career play through but I seem to have done something wrong. Maybe I have something that is not compatible. Every time I launch a craft I get the World First Milestone: Enter orbit of the galactic core & 157,440 roots, 2 science & 4 reputation reward.
  3. I am running KSP version 1.0.5. The version history for this mod indicates that since version 3.0.2 it has been updated for KSP 1.0.5. Are the version history notes therefore incorrect? I had been assuming that they were correct and that the problem was that CKAN was incorrectly reporting that is max version 1.0.4 compatible. If CKAN is correct that this mod can not be used with the current version of KSP then the version history should be updated to reflect that it is not yet ready for use with KSP 1.0.5. I appologize if I had been unclear.
  4. I want to use the latest release and want it maintain the latest release. The problem is having to manually download and reinstall with every update because CKAN thinks that this mod is not compatible with 1.0.5.
  5. You didn't install the mod correctly. You need to open zip file and extract the StationScience folder into the KSP GameData folder. The simple solution here is to open the folder .../Kerbal Space Program/GameData/StationScience-1.5 and copy the folder StatationScience. Then open your .../Kerbal Space Program/GameData folder and paste it. You can then delete the .../Kerbal Space Program/GameData/StationScience-1.5 folder, move the read.me file if you want to keep a copy of it. When installed correctly this mod works perfecly fine with 1.0.5.
  6. When attempting to install with CKAN the version is reported as 1.1.1 max version KSP version 1.0.4 resulting in the need to manually install. I'm curious as to why it takes so long to get mods updated on CKAN. This really is one of my favorite contract packs. CKANs refusal to allow me to install perfectly functional mods for version 1.0.4 can be a real annoyance. Just give me a pop-up warning and let me decide if I want to take the risk.
  7. All of these points are very helpful and I now know what I was doing wrong. I'd build my rover, attaching the pieces in order: ground pylon, front chassis, rear chassis, 4 wheels, rear wheel cover thingie and 2 seats. I then grabbed the front chassis and tried moved it asside but offetting it left the wheels in the ground resulting in a catastrophic bounce with my Bill Kerman chasing after the rover, missing the board seat button and clicking on the destroy this part button. I'm sure detaching the rover will yeild the desired results. Thanks a million roots. Got to say I absolutely love KIS.
  8. WTF?! Didn't anyone consider the possibility that we might want to try this on Minmus? Max vertical offset leaves about 15cm of wheel in the dirt providing enough bounce to throw a rover roughly 40 meters off the surface. Good thing I did a quick save.
  9. Until recently I could build a pack rat rover by attaching a ground pylon to the ground attaching a front chassis to the pylon, rear chassis to the front chassis, 4 wheels to the chassis & then removing the pylon. Now I can't remove the pylon. Is USI Exploration broken or is the error in KIS?
  10. Until recently I could build a pack rat rover by attaching a ground pylon to the ground attaching a front chassis to the pylon, rear chassis to the front chassis, 4 wheels to the chassis & then removing the pylon. Now I can't remove the pylon. Is USI Exploration broken or is the error in KIS?
  11. [quote name='goldenpsp']I would honestly question the validity of that. Even way back in Roverdude's original KAS assembly video of the packrat, it took 6 of the large KAS containers to hold it all. There may have been a time during the KAS/KIS transition where the configs accidentally made the packrat able to be packed super small, but I don't think there was ever the intention to be able to fit it into that small of a package.[/QUOTE] I have a lander on the Mun that brought a pack rat in 2 small boxes. It was launched before 1.0.5 and only just now getting enough of my mods updated to be able start playing again. Thought that was normal. Guess the error was getting all that in.
  12. I used to be able to stow a packrat in 2 KAS detachable boxes. no one box will only hold the frame 1 seat & ground block I need 2 boxes for 2 wheels each and the front & rear pieces don't fit at all. Is this "problem" with KAS or the rover? was it changed intentionally?
  13. I got an error tying to take a picture of Ike in the CactEye GUI. In the console it said something about missing module ModuleLiftngSurface.SetupCoefficents. After pulling up the console to see what the error was about I could not close the console.
  14. I got an error tying to take a picture of Ike in the CactEye GUI. In the console it said something about missing module ModuleLiftngSurface.SetupCoefficents. After pulling up the console to see what the error was about I could not close the console.
  15. I forgot to R.T.D.M. before I accepted this station science contract and now really wish I'd paid more attention. The contract wants me to take a guest pilot to Hadrun's Ramp on the Mun and preform an Eccentric Kuarq and Retrogrades Kuarq experiments. For some reason I thought I could load my Kuards into the experiment at my LKO space station, dock my experiment onto a lander and then take that to the Mun. Nope! I have to take 2 cyclotrons and at THN-KR to Hadrun's Ramp. For this I'm "rewarded" a bit over 200k roots. That just barely covers the cost of one of the 3 launches to 4 launches and then I've got a low-latitude Mun base that has poor concentrations of resources. In sumary, make sure to carefully consider the cost before accepting the contracts from this mod. You can lose a substantial amount of roots in doing so.
  16. I've built a rover with a mini-goo on it for collecting science around the space center. The rover has a science storage unit on board. So I will transmit the goo experiment twice. Then run it twice more & store the results in both the science storage and command module of my rover. Each time I run the experiment I have to have my Kerbal get out and reset the experiment. If I make the mistake of having my scientist Kerbal run the experiment from the exterior I lose the ability to click anything. Even getting back into the command module to run the experiment each time I lose the ability to click parts after repeated iterations. After looking at the config file for the mini-goo and comparing it to the Squad Mystery Goo experiment config I noticed one difference. The Squad version has a usageReqMaskInternal = 1 and usageReqMaskExternal = 8. Not sure if these records are critical but I'm going to have to remake my rovers with normal Mystery Goo in the the mean time.
  17. I had one of those contracts on the Mun that did the same thing. The contract completed when I got my vessel home. Seemed that transmit didn't register.
  18. On two different ships that I've refueled from my Minmus station and then left in a parking orbit for an extended period of time this happened. When I went to execute their next maneuver their fuel tanks show as full but they have an engine that registers as empty and will not fire. I've listed my mods bellow & included screen shots of 2 ships that had this happen. Alcubierre Stand alone, version: 0.2.1 Blizzy's Toolbar, version: 1.7.9 BoxSat, version A.02e Cap Com, version: 1.1 Chatterer, version: 0.9.6 Coherent Contracts, version: 1.02 Community Resource Pack, version: 0.4.3 Community Tech Tree, version: 2.1 Connected Living Space, version: Contract Configurator, version: 1.5.4 Contract Configurator-AdvancedProgression, version: 4.5 Contract Configurator-AnomalySurveyor, version 1.2.2 Contract Configurator-Contract Pack-SCANsat, version: v0.5.2.1 Contract Configurator-Field Research, version: 1.0.6 Contract Configurator-Grand Tours, version: 1:0.1.7 Contract Configurator-Initial Contracts, version: 1.0.4 Contract Configurator-Kerbin SpaceStation, version: 2.2 Contract Configurator-ScanSat Lite, version: 1.2.0 Contract Configurator-Tourism, version: 1.1.8 Contract Reward Modifier, version: 2.0 Crowd Sourced Science, version: v3.0 DMagic Orbital Science, version: 1.0.7 Docking Port Alignment Indicator, version: 6.2 Final Frontier, version: 0.8.6-1370 Firespitter Core, version: v7.1.4 Fusebox, version: 1.50 Heat Control, version: 0.1.2 Heat Control-Core, version: 0.1.2 Infernal Robotics, version: v0.21.2 Interstellar FuelSwitch-Core, version: 1.15 JSI Part Utilities, version: v0.3 Karbonite, version: 0.6.2 Karbonite Plus, version: 0.4.1 Kerbal Alarm Clock, version: v3.4.0.0 Kerbal Attachment System, version: 0.5.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux, version: Kerbal Inventory System, version: 1.2.0 Kerbal Stats, version: 2.0.0 KW Rocketry, version: 2.7 MechJeb2, version: 2.5.3 Mobile Frame System, version: 0.3.2 Near Future Construction, version: 0.5.4 Near Future Electrical, version: 0.5.2 Near Future Electrical-Core, version: 0.5.2 Near Future Electrical-Decaying RTGs, version: 0.5.2 Near Future Props, version: 0.4.3 Near Future Propulsion, version: 0.5.3 Near Future Propulsion-Extras, version: 0.5.3 Near Future Propulsion-Low Thrust EP, version: 0.5.3 Near Future Solar, version: 0.5.21 Near Future Spacecraft, version: 0.4.3 Part Wizard, version: 1.2.1 Persistent Rotation, version: 0.5.3 Protractor, version: v2.5.1 Raster Prop Monitor, version: v0.21.2 Raster Prop Monitor-Core, version: v0.21.2 RCSBuildAid, version: 0.7.2 Reflection Plugin, version: 1.2 SAVE, version: 1.0.1-672 SCANsat, version: v14.1 Ship Manifest, version: Spacetux Shared Assets, version: 0.3.6 Station Parts Expansion, version: 0.3.3 Stage Recovery, version: 1.5.7 Stock Bug Fix Modules, version: v1.0.4a.1 Stork DeliverySystem, version: v0.2.3 Surfacelights, version: 1.0 TextureReplacer, version: 2.4.7 UKS, version: 0.31.4 Universal Storage, version: USI-Exploration Pack, version: 0.4.1 USI-Frieght Transport Technologies, version: 0.4.1 USI Tools, version: 0.4.1 Waypoint Manager, version: 2.4.1 [x]Science, version: 4.7
  19. Would it be difficult to add a "Copy mod list to clipboard" feature that would put a plain text copy of the mod list in the clipboard. Better yet with the mod names hyper linked to they mod pages. This would be useful when a mod list is needed for a troubleshooting report or when sharing a KSP adventure on the various forums, reddit & youtube.
  20. I've had to restart as all my craft in flight were Krakenized. After 3 days of attempting to repair my save game it was no longer worth the effort. I really appriciate the fixes that were made but I'm sad to have lost all the progress I'd made.
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