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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. Also, with my ships, feel free to add mechjeb to the missiles for guidance.
  2. What is it ihaveaname117? I couldn't hear you. Something about a racoon?
  3. This heavy cruiser is 30 tons heavier than the nouvelle, and features disconnected fuel tanks. That stops a hit to the front from disabling the craft(new for me, I am sure most people do that here). She has 4 anti capital ship "Horus" missiles, 6 smaller "High Velocity High Mass" Missiles for lighter capital ships that are under about 50 tons, and 8 anti fighter RCS missiles. The ship is 674 parts, but the armor has been updated to a newer design that is harder to one shot. it is 141 tons as well, and has double and triple layered armor in some places. It has 4 heavy but fast missiles that are very hard hitting as well. Have fun! http://www./download/osbsahczgsml0o4/Avenir-class_Cruiser.craft Company: SAP-C(It would be a blue logo with a white stripe through the middle) Allegiance:HKA Another here, this is a collection. The SAP-C Raven Light Tank At 9 tons, this beast has twin vulcan turrets, quad 50 cal machine guns, and 7 Hellfire laser guided missiles. She can go up to 49 mph(22 m/s), and take turns at below 20 m/s in a stable way. She is coated with both heat resistant and kinetic resistant plate in two layers. She seats 5 in her external command seats. http://www./download/ofbakujlr3ez8se/SAP-C_Raven_Tank.craft And here: The Posterus was created as an alternative to the Nouveau for use in space combat. It has 8000 or so m/s of delta v, weighs between 63 and 65 tons depending on version. It carries 6 high velocity missiles that are capable of crippling most ships that are less than 100 tons in one or two shots. It also has 2 NERVA engines and 4 Ion Engines. It is double armored in the sides, and on top it has one layer of structural plate. The ship is very well armored and armed for its weight, and is soon to be tested in the Naval Battle Club.It is also completely stock. http://www./download/doe0fpkdsjdpei8/A_E_S__Posterus-class_Light_Cruiser.craft Finally: [TABLE=class: cms_table_cms_table_grid] [TR] [TD]Name[/TD] [TD]Nouveau-class Destroyer[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Delta-V[/TD] [TD]11,000 M/S[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Parts[/TD] [TD]173[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Propulsion[/TD] [TD]2x LV-N NERV Atomic Rocket Motor,6x IX-6315 "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Armament[/TD] [TD]2x RT-5 Flea Guided SRB Missiles, 2x High Velocity I Beam Separatron Missiles[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Armor[/TD] [TD]Class 3 (80 m/s core and plating, with some being less)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] http://www./download/dy...+Nouveau.craft Planes: FA-33 GoldenHawk A hypermaneouverable air superiority fighter that can turn on a dime, and is very fast, but has very short range. http://www./download/6ljokp7gmnuul99/FA-33_GoldenHawk.craft All ships are under SAP-C and allied with HKA. - - - Updated - - - Sorry about the spam:(
  4. Less parts, more mass, more range, and Horus missiles.
  5. I just finished a 122 part, 27 ton ship with 1 horus and 2 HVHM missiles. Don't want to restart KSP after the crash, though.
  6. The funniest thing was I was working on a lighter ship myself, sub 40 tons to act as a destroyer escort. The pheonix is too simple.
  7. This heavy cruiser is 30 tons heavier than the nouvelle, and features disconnected fuel tanks. That stops a hit to the front from disabling the craft(new for me, I am sure most people do that here). She has 4 anti capital ship "Horus" missiles, 6 smaller "High Velocity High Mass" Missiles for lighter capital ships that are under about 50 tons, and 8 anti fighter RCS missiles.
  8. Would like to see an escape attempt by the Kerbals at KSC. Maybe the assault could happen as they escape?
  9. Ok then. If you could do one or two, then I could probably finish that off. next fights are the hummingbird and little buster.
  10. Late to the party again, am I? Sharkman Briton won't be.
  11. How do you use cruise missiles? I have targeted GPS coordinates and they don't go there when I launched them? Also, why isn't the cruise altitude of missiles editable in the SPH anymore?
  12. That,and little sections of the forum with certain tags. They also break those.
  13. That looks good, unless you are willing to build a desktop. Otherwise, good laptop.
  14. Well, I just finished developing a join strike fighter design. Maybe I will refine it further and put it here.
  15. What will the next episode require in terms of units? Planes, ground units, naval ships?
  16. I will try to finish all of the dogfights in this challenge.
  17. Hope there is no confusion. The enterprise is going to be my next generation destroyer escort. Lets hope that when they meet, it won't cause any confusion... - - - Updated - - - I want a download so bad! AMX 13 90!!!!
  18. Well, I don't like the round-8 but I love it. It is great for small torpedoes.
  19. 9/10 cool youtube channel.
  20. 7/10 for getting nominated for an Oscar B award. Never happened to me:(
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