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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. that is why i made countermeasures worth less, so that you can have both types.
  2. I was taking the balance shift into account. AMRAAMS are quite bad on their own. Also, guns are useful. The next update will likely be out within the week, so I can start the tournament with working guns.
  3. I am starting a new tournament. Will be minimizing the mods, because 250 parts tends to drop my FPS when I am not recording.
  4. All of these are so cool, thank you for publishing the page.
  5. I will be starting a tournament for this: The BiWeekly(tentative) Alpha Tournament. Rules: -No mods. (Except for BDarmory) -Fights are 1v1 -Fights are best of 3 -The last flying aircraft wins. If both are destroyed in the sky, the round is considered a draw. If one runs out of fuel it is a loss. -Part Count Cap of 125(Don't push this!) -ALL DESIGNS MUST HAVE A COCKPIT, PROBES ARE NOT ALLOWED. -REACTION WHEELS ARE ALSO NOT ALLOWED(except for the cockpit reaction wheels). They are stupidly OP. -All designs must be within the point limit, which is stated below. -All turrets MUST be fixed forward -One entry per tournament, unless stated otherwise. -No clipping fuel tanks or engines. They can be slightly clipped for looks, but not completely inside each other. Structural parts and ammo, guns, gear, etc. Is ok. Wings are OK as long as you're not putting all your wings inside the plane. -All planes can and will be inspected without warning for rule compliance. ALL PLANES ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE RADOMES! 60 point limit -AIM-9 - 5 Points -AIM-120 - 4 Points -All other missiles - 4 points -Chaff - 2 Points -Flares- 3 Points -Ammo Can - 4 points (all types) -.50 cal turret - 4 points -GAU 8 30mm - 14 points -M230 - 6 points -Vulcan Hidden - 6 points -Vulcan Turret - 8 points -ECM Jammer - 20 points -Goalkeeper - Banned -Abrams Cannon - Banned -M102 - Banned -Millennium Cannon - Banned ABL Laser - Banned ADDENDUM: All settings EXCEPT for teams will be used as provided. So, save your planes with guard and AI setups. No changes after the signup. Planes cannot be changed when and after signup is done. Also, if anyone is found to be breaking the rules, they will be dropped into the loser's bracket, and it will be recorded as a loss. These rules are tentative, and so if a rule change occurs, you have until the next match to change the plane. I will do a temporary fix for that match where the rule change occurred just before the match. Sign-up for the tournament allows for 16 planes. Sign-up occurs on this page:http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/tKV5Op6xhe Or, you can request to be added on this thread. During tournament fights, planes will be 1 km apart(roughly). Mid Air Collisions cause draws. 16 planes have already entered, any new participants are on waiting list. Badges here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130238-Top-Gun-AI-The-Official-Tournament-Thread/page53
  6. I can run a tournament, but the rules will be set up so that planes are used as they are except for team setup.
  7. heatseekers are OP atm. Flares don't stop them at all. Doesn't matter if you have 2 flares or 5, it won't matter.
  8. Baha, in dogfights I noticed that chaff and flare has very little effect if you only have 5 pods. Could flares be made more effective?
  9. 9/10 Your rank lies. That is no mega absol!
  10. 9/10, white suit kerbals aren't as good as orange!
  11. Hmm, Alphasaurus was interpreting the rules that were already there when colmo established the format.colmo said that structural can be clipped for looks, and he also said that guns could be clipped as well as ammo. He never said anything about engines, but he did mention fuel tanks. Not to mention that I was the lenient one when we started the discussion by talking about the engine clipping of the XMF. EvenFlow agreed to remove it. I can understand you not seeing that, but it was mentioned as breaking the rules before the budgie was discussed. You even mentioned that the budgie may have to be changed in that conversation.
  12. Umm, ok I will battle you. I have some not so great ships though, so I have no idea on the result. Can you set up, and I can have 1st turn?
  13. Is it just as maneuverable like that? You did remove a control surface. Also, how good it the pitch authority without it?
  14. Hmm, I took a look. Again, will autodesk inventor work for that?
  15. Oh, ok. Thank you. Would autodesk inventor work for that? I have done cones quite well in it.
  16. Your profile picture is an amazing example of technology. Also, you are a very intelligent and creative poster.
  17. I already build with spines, I was just unaware of redundant cores.
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