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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. Yep, it is up. Also, 0 for not flying, 1 for flying. Yay, it was in 720p. - - - Updated - - - The second fight, the Little Buster vs the CK260.
  2. Yay, new drek. The 32? Sadly, that makes all of my ships obsolete instantly...
  3. And folks, all tournament slots are filled. That is 16 slots filled, and the tournament will begin within the day. Good luck, and see you in the skies! Bracket here:http://challonge.com/AlphaTourney1
  4. Which entry would you like removed? I said earlier 2 entries per person so do you want the First plane or the second to be removed? - - - Updated - - - The other plane will be on a waiting list if no one else joins. I would recommend removing your first plane.
  5. In my signature, it is there. In case: jammer 20 Vulcan 7 ammo boxes 4 gau 8 14 aim 9 6 aim 120 4 Flare 3 Chaff 2
  6. These jets aren't well matched....Mine is superior by far . But it can't aim guns so you end up with this.
  7. Try the heatwave vs the peregrine or GoldenHawk... I want to see the results.
  8. No, I can wait. But, the battle should be over by august 31st... School starts again:(
  9. Granted, but as soon as she wakes up, she is sat on by a Snorlax and can't get up ever. The snorlax will never get up. I wish latios was real, and friendly to my friends and I.
  10. I will be happy to see it. Hope it can do well! EDIT: What is with all these mid air collisions?!?!?! Thats the 3rd one in a row!!!
  11. Yes it is. But, nobody uses them because they are too heavy and don't turn well.
  12. You are a very helpful user who contributes to the forum and game community with meaningful and honest opinions. Also, your avatar is great! And, you are very active and fun to play with in the forum games.
  13. I do that now, but in a smaller scale. That is how the sides of the posterus are armored.
  14. I can't do the name of the plane, I can just change it in Challonge.
  15. just update it and it will be ok. Chaff is 2 each because we never use radar guided.
  16. Umm, jammer is 20 points. I will likely lower it to 14, and you will just squeeze in.(Not because of him, jammers are inconsistent,but more consistent than 4 flares, less so than 5.) 8 flares= 24 1 jammer=15 2 20mm=14 2 ammo cans=8
  17. Ask Panzer 1b how he armors his ships, or zekes... zekes had some good old designs. Or, download a drek 14 or later and take it apart!
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