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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. Nope, I have never landed on the Mun. TUBM has, though.
  2. My question is: Why is Marquee in code banned?
  3. That is interesting in results. How much was the gimbal set to, because it may need a bit more then reliable gun kills can exist.
  4. Yeah we will be using Jedediah and Val from now on. 15 g is quite simple for most planes that made it to the finals. In testing the f9, Little buster, fa33 and Gladius did it at low speeds too.
  5. I was thinking about using this mod for the finals matches, but I think that the colors would cover too much of the screen. What do you think?http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125845-1-0-4-G-Effects-blackouts-redouts-G-LOCs-v0-2-2-with-beta-sounds-%282015-July-24%29
  6. I once had 2 ships, one about 700 parts and the other about 600. 1300 parts at about 15-20 fps is playable.
  7. I have seen 2 ways to fix the gun issues. One, all vulcans instead use the turrets with restricted gimbal and 30 mm use m230s with restricted gimbals. Or, we can go with instakill.
  8. round 16.... Not that it would have mattered, but i will change it on the tournament site. EDIT: Changed
  9. 50 cals have a terrible rate of fire for their point value. 2 vulcans are far better than 4 50 cals.
  10. Hmm, good point. A plane that lands can't fight however. It can't take off again. That is a mission kill.
  11. Because, instakill is sensible. Gun hits are too rare so if we can't make that work than guns need to do more damage. The GAU8 still has more rate of fire. This makes it more likely to hit and do more damage. Look at the results when an f-9 hits something as opposed to an fa-33 or other plane that uses vulcans. One plane was torn into pieces, the other lost a wing.
  12. Yes, but I once had a plane without an engine. It turned and shot down my plane. So, how does that work? He killed me, but i killed him. Results like these made me interpret things that way.
  13. No, last I remembered, she was on your lap. I think that she will be here soon.
  14. Well, your planes did quite well. But, the plane was simply too unstable to turn consistently with the little buster.
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