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Everything posted by Shark4558

  1. Well, I think I'll buy a train ride, and by the way, Jebediah says he wants to travel in the tip of the locomotive, in a external command seat,it is allowed? and as for what will happen in the next version, I agree with almost everything except the MK1 cabin, as far I have understood, the current cabin will be replaced by another more like a commercial plane?, I'm not sure, but I'm sure I would not want my fighter look like a commercial plane if it's true ... someone knows what will happen with the MK1 cabin ?.
  2. wanted to ask a question. I can create a general page to my profile ?, then link on the signature of my post, it is to get organized a little, and if so, where is the best place for this page? The reason for this question is that soon I may want all my creations and ideas grouped on one page, which has a link to the corresponding thread of the creation/idea. i do this to let the people find what they want,without having to search a lot...
  3. Banned for passing the speed limit of the forum.
  4. Yes,its the fastest plane i have. want a race with it?
  5. 7/10 I've seen you several times in the forum games.
  6. things blow up because they want to. how do you breathe in space ? :I
  7. Granted,but it is impossible to be the emperor ... I wish to be a astronaut.
  8. 6/10 Sonic looks a bit weird .. but "Ok": D
  9. I liked the ship!, in all aspects, is small, and now I will try it ...
  10. Well, I wish the implementation of the analysis of samples, because I find it odd that a surface scanning apparatus "magically" shows the exact concentrations of minerals without previous samples or something, I would leave in the last place the scanner surface. It would be something like: the sample surface reveals the chemical components of the place. the orbital scan shows abnormalities of the normal composition of the place (eg iron concentrations in the lunar soil) and the surface scanner displays the actual value of iron in a specific place. and as for the system of science in general, it could be improved KSP has great potential, to my knowledge, KSP is the only game that lets you explore planets the "modern" way, and if it were possible to analyze a planet in many ways, plus doing real science,not bring apparatus and click "log data" science.it would be an awesome game !.
  11. I always go to the forums, if it were my pc, would have a permanent bar in the browser .... but not so
  12. Hello, Aerospace Aero Shark today presents its first product, the Sky lander, is a heavy lander designed to be the first vehicle to reach the Mun, has the following characteristics: http://imgur.com/a/wbId1 -De-orbit stage: is a dedicated fuel tank to de-orbit the lander,it can be used as a landing engine with the spare fuel with a great safety margin. -Landing Stage: This stage has a Rockomax X200 tank connected to four FL-T200 four tanks via fuel lines, the FL-t have 2 "TWICH" engines per tank. in the last stage the capsule is separated from the landing stage.The capsule is self-propelled, it is capable of reaching an orbit of 20 Km Pe and 17 Km Ap, with only half the fuel used, it has a few emergency thrust solid fuel boosters.use Abort to activate the boosters. Carries a basic RCS system for rendezvous. -Location beacon in the descent stage (distance marker in the game,nothing rare) Notes: Before releasing the capsule, press the number "9" to turn off the descent stage engines,to keep the lander from liftting when separating the capsule. with the number "4" the solar panels are deployed.with "5"the ladder is activated if the capsule gets stuck in the moment of lift-off,press again spacebar,this will trigger the decoupler. Bonus:Science command module,equipped with a laboratory and a few experiments.it can go from LKO to Mun orbit with spare fuel in the transfer stage. it has a docking port on the capsule to carry the Sky lander. Notes:the command pod has a crew capacity of 3,in case of a emergency,only the command pod can be decoupled.do not decouple the command pod with the parachutes opened,if you do so,the laboratory parachutes cut and it goes in freefall mode.... if you find a forgot detail,let me know,and Btw,the command module is not very tested.but it works Download links: Sky lander:http://kerbalx.com/Shark4558/Sky-Lander Sky command module:http://kerbalx.com/Shark4558/Sky-Lander-Command-module
  13. You know what you can do? use the same lander that landed in Mun, add a module for remote control, and if you have fuel problems, add a "landing" stage to the lander, that should fix most of the problems, if the lander is in orbit, you would have to send another to meet the first where is Bob ...
  14. although contracts do not say "deliver" the satellite, they do not want to spend money to locate the satellite in an orbit suitable for a few minutes and then switch to another useful orbit for another company, the solution is to change the contracts to "deliver "the satellite to a 75 Km orbit per example, and also it can be suggested that the player instead of launching a satellite,launch several satellites at a time, to use the other as necessary ... I support the idea.
  15. the accident I had was with a replica of the ¿Atlantis shuttle? the issue is that never took off, and ended badly in the sea ... this is what was left. and the other accident I had was with Munar lander, I dont have a photo but it was like this: i had a MK1 capsule with a parachute and landing feet,below was the ascent engine, on the sides of the ascent stage tank was the descent engines ,below the ascent stage was the de-orbiting engine, when the De-orbiting engine separated, instead of separating itself.the capsule separated from the entire lander, I was like ..., and the capsule had the landing legs to slow down, so Jebediah got out of the capsule to try to save himself, survived but with slight injuries. .. it was all a mistake on the Staging sequence ...
  16. I like the mod, I will be very helpful to explain some things in my tutorial: D downloading!
  17. my day was a bit "painful" I spent all afternoon trying to create a lander, I asked my imagination a lot and now I have a headache ...
  18. I think the only use of pilots is to handle rockets that have no remote control. which applies to the emergency rockets in my Kerbin space station ... a use that could be given to the pilots would be,having them in space, so when a important load arrives,let the pilots handle it,just in case something happens...
  19. ​Hello, yesterday i played in the science mode in KSP. and I found it a little "drop apparatus, score points, earn points and unlock more pieces," so I came up with a way to change the system of science by one more useful. science system is changed, instead of numbers that allow access to technologies, science is divided as follows: the tests done on another planet, are used to track the performance of some part as a engine, for example a pressure experiment Mun will used to determine if the wings are useful (not obviously), while the same experiment on Duna serves to know that the wings will underperform and should be improved (make them lighter and less resistant ,but using the normal wings is allowed.) sample reaction testing (reaction of various types of samples) are those to determine not only the composition of the atmosphere, also it serves to know what happens in the short term with some kind of specific material, for example a sample of metal in Eve oceans is destroyed in a short time, which shows that a metalic lander will suffer the same fate if it falls into the oceans of Eve.(later you can develop a material that survives the exposure to the Oceans of Eve) the same thing applies to a wing made for Duna, used in Eve..., it is usually destroyed if it goes fast,due to the weight/hardness ratio.so you can also create a strong wing but a little heavier than the normal wing. the science system i propose allows us to make a piece more customizable, adapting to different environments, and also shows us the consequences of using the wrong piece in the wrong environment (the previous example). another thing that should be added is research in the field, because flying an aircraft loaded with sensors (to know the behavior) dune and then read the data back in Kerbin is one thing, and quite another to control the aircraft Duna with live readings of atmospheric pressure and to enhance research data. research in the field greatly accelerates the development of parts, because the data can be processed quickly, and if you want to know something, it's just a matter of turning on the plane and fly near the base in Duna. This way the Science feels more active, instead of using a Goo canister and earning points ... I think I should give a few examples. i have an aircraft in Kerbin,it flies well, but when I get to Duna, it had a poor performance, but from the data collected in the flight, I noticed that the wings had much weight and the shape was not the best,so i used a modified wing, a more lightweight and aerodinamic wing, it worked very well in Duna,with the great disadvantage of not being able to resist high pressures (Eve) But here comes the dark side, if I use the mentioned wing in Eve, if the plane goes very fast, it will Snap violently,so i have to go slow in Eve, hence I learned that I should use a heavy and strong wing to fly very fast in Eve. if you have some ideas to improve my suggestion,or feedback, I'll be happy to hear it!.
  20. I refine all the ore on the surface because if the fuel carrier runs out of fuel, you can at least use the fuel that is being transported. less transported fuel is better than nothing and a carrier crashed or lost ...
  21. Welcome to the forums Fluburtur!,I'm building airplanes lately, especially VTOL, but always end crashed into the ground (my planes take off very badly due to unbalanced thrust)
  22. Hello Kordollius!,welcome to the forums. Your project looks very interesting, especially the scientific VTOL, you could turn your VTOL into an unmanned aircraft,and use it in Duna (the red planet) but if you use a aircraft in Duna, you would have to replace the Jet engine by a rocket, jet engines dont work on Duna ... seriously, it must be incredible to deliver the rover to Duna using an aircraft, I still have not done it ...
  23. this suggestion is about the astronauts, I noticed that the EVA have little animations, so what I propose is the following: first of all, the fact collect samples where you can see how the soil astronaut collects a sample ... gestures: this kind of animation is mainly used to pose for pictures, the menu is opened by pressing the "Y" key for example. in the menu that opens, the player can choose to make gesture, eg greet the camera, or shake hands with another Kerbal, if you select some other gesture that requires Kerbal, you select directly the other Kerbal, or controlling the other Kerbal you select the same gesture and you approach the first. one could also add a camera on a tripod, which once set, you can open the camera menu. I think this little idea will be useful to celebrate something in multiplayer.
  24. sorry for your loss, I know the feeling of loss, I had a cat, it was almost a year old, but something happened to him, when I left home the cat was a little weird, when I returned the cat was feeling very bad. after 2 days he died .
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