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  1. Wow, exactly what i was looking for the past 500 hours in the game. Thank you for this great piece of work!
  2. Nope, just the 2.5 container and the nom-o-matic. They would show up in the ressourcepanel anyway even if there are locked containers. But there it reads 5000 wich is the combined storage of these two. I warped often and this is the first time that happend, i would say i'll monitor it and should it occur again i write it down here Maybe it's only a weird combination about my mods, this station, trajectory, etc.
  3. Did it again with paying attention to EC. Sorry no drop at all. Nuclear Reactor is up and running at 100% Efficiency and 13.97% load. Screenshots of the situation before and after:
  4. I found a bug today. Got my spacestation on the way to Duna. For the USI LS Parts there was an Nom-O-Matic 25000, a 2.5m Life Support Tank and 2 Kerbals on board (Also a OKS 6-Way Hub, a modded Science Lab, a USI Reactor, a cuppola Module, Dockingports, Radiators, etc...). I was 23d away from the SOI Change und decided to warp there. Halfway trough the warp my supplies dropped from 4335 to zero. And i've checked it twice, the supplies supposed to last for more than 4years. So i think my supply container had a hole in it or something I can replicate this bug and also have a savegame if necessary. Modlist would be huge, but i can generate one
  5. Scientist trying to save the gathered science information from the equipment via EVA before ditching the stage while at 2000m/s in upper atmosphere. He burned to death in a second after leaving the pod.
  6. Puh that's a tough one... i would say my favourite car is the Tesla Model S. I like the style, i like the innovations and overall i like what this company does to push the automobile industry forward. But i also love Mustangs and other cars from the muscle car era in the late 60s, like the Dodge Charger or the Plymouth Barracuda. I also love BMWs from the late 80s early 90s like the E30... i had one on my own and wanted to resurrect it, but time, money and simply space, prevented me from doing so :-/ From supercar perspective i love Aston Martin, especially the Vanquish.
  7. Ah, we have a different understanding of what collection was meant to imply then. For your examples, I would've put RO in gameplay (or parts), KSPRC and AVP in visual. I was thinking collection would be for stuff like what @magico13 and @DMagic have, which is a single thread of modlets crossing a variety of categories. It could also cover a mod that repackages a bunch of other mods into a "collection", but since that is generally frowned upon maybe it's better to just rename the prefix to modlets and let it cover that one specific use case? Yep, that's what i tought for RO (and other mods) too, no need for a collection tag here, because it changes or adds to whole gameplay. Then i thought about @Nertea and the "Near Future"-Mods, but there also: it generally adds parts. I like modlets, but it feels like we only have renamed "plugins"
  8. I suggest to also drop the "collection" tag. It's too generic and the content of a collection could be better described with every other tag, whether it's a part-, gameplay-, ui-collection or all of that. Unless i misunderstood the "collection" tag and it describes a combination of parts, gameplay and ui mods. Then it would make sense to me.
  9. I run around 100 Mods, including Visual Mods, Plugins and Parts... KSP crashes 3-4 times during a 5 hour session... this is annoying, but hasn't made the game less fun for me still my most favorite game till now Crashing is also a kind of scientific exploration for me... I have found 5 different kind of crashes yet... the "Crash-with-error-window", the "Crash-without-error-window, the "Eternal spinner", the "how-did-i-triggered-that?" and the "what-the-f-happend?"
  10. Have already around 500h on the game and never knew this Comes in pretty handy as i installed a new flag yesterday, so thank you for sharing this
  11. Works for me, thank you for this fix. Was wondering what causes the transmit bug and as always google was my best friend
  12. Disadvantage of having a fast internet connection: i almost didn't made it to steam to stop the update so i can do a backup. But i managed it, so everything is fine Now i'm ready for 1.0.5. Steam, go for it!
  13. I was on a manned Duna mission with the target to bring them back home alive. Designed the vessel with many parachutes to save enough fuel to get back home. Everthing went fine and in low kerbin orbit i let Bill got on EVA to pack the chutes for a save return. Only to realise that i've never took Bill on a mission before and his level wasn't high enough to pack the parachutes.
  14. Bigger is better More thrust gets you further For higher DeltaV add more fueltanks and more engines My ever first Mün lander had about 2 orange tanks, 6x2silver tanks, all equipped with mainsails in an asparagus staging (thanks to youtube). The actual lander was ontop of that thing, upside down with a docking port, a MK2 Pod, white 2.5m tank and a skipper engine as far as i can remember. Do not know the DeltaV as i haven't installed mechjeb or KER at that time.
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