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    Curious George

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  1. Thank you for all your answers, I used ForScience and it did not work at first, but after uninstall, save and then a clean reinstall the icon showed up on my bar and experiments started I can confirm that ForScience! v1.5.2 will work for KSP 1.7, although it is not marked as compatible (at least in CKAN).
  2. I just want my science experiments get triggered automatically. There have been multiple mods (KerboKatz Automated Science) for this purpose over the time, but none of the ones I know is working for KSP 1.7+ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/95531-14x-automatedsciencesampler-v135-28042018/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/107803-142-forscience-v152-your-science-autopilot/ Is there a working one, that I am missing?
  3. Well all the time bubble solutions can create paradox game states. Only synchronized warp can prevent them. Yes I think that is the right direction, but still I want to be able to dock with my friend "live". Or fly in formation etc. I am happy that a squad member replied in this thread, but there have been a lot of talking about features and mp but nothing happened...
  4. I think the only way multiplayer works is synchronized time warp. And this should be pretty simple to implement. Just check the state of the players if timewarp can be done (means that all players are in stable orbit and not under accelleration) and then let the player "vote" for timewarp. For example one player can request to timewarp to next waypoint and then every other player gets a message where he or she can accept that warp. Of course more players means more waiting time until everyone is ready in this szenario. But I think KSP will be played in co-op mode with some friends (2-10) so this shouldn't be to big of a deal and players can communicate how and when they want to warp. I am imagining that playing KSP in multiplayer is like playing Factorio or Minecraft. The other option is to disable time-warp completly and play it more like in an MMO style. But then we need better automation, so our ships can fly and do manoveurs while we are offline. But then it is more a flight sim, cause going further than mun and minmus will take some time But you can fly with planes on Kerbin with others.
  5. Easy solution: create new User, log into it, install ksp. Then you can watch your homedir which files gets created etc. If you want you can initialize a git repository in your new home dir, so you can watch for changes. And if you can start ksp as root, then you loveed up something in your homedir with permissions. Maybe you created or copies some files as root one time? Anyways creating a new test user should be easy.
  6. Install mods one by one and check which are causing the crashes.Save games where you can reproduce the crashes. Write a bug report (to modder).
  7. Just wanted to say that I absolutely love this mod. I play career only and I need this mod to play therefore I pause until it is ready for 1.2
  8. Automated science sampler, can not play without it...
  9. 80% of the time this error. No downloading from ckan possible every download gets interupted after a few seconds.
  10. Why is the big ISRU Base converter not generating any heat? Maybe use the heat and efficiency options from the stock isru`and tweak them?
  11. Thanks, I would prefer not to install another mod FSfuelSwitch seems to be right, at least the "kontainer tanks" have it. There should be some cfgs around for this, but I can not find them.
  12. Hello, I have around 40 mods installed and among them are: firespitter core, usi core and b9 part switch Usi core provides some tank kontainer that can switch their content. Sadly I can not switch the content of the stock tanks or the space Y tanks I am using. What is the easiest way to enable fuel switiching for those tanks? Thanks in advance.
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