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Everything posted by pack_rtr

  1. @Felbourn Have you tried this : https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul Don't be fooled by Kerbin on the main menu, they work when you are at the space center.
  2. Thanks a lot. What about this new repo? The KSP 1.0.4 MKS installation?
  3. After installing all the basic mods for Genesis and checking that they work, I started diging into configs and I have two questions. 1st: Before some MODULEs instead of having @MODULE you have %MODULE. What is the difference? 2nd: At some title changes you wright @title ^= FIX ME. What does the ^ mean? About the square root function I don't know what to say. English is not my native language so I didn't understand what it was. And we learned it at school like 2 years ago.
  4. 1st:Mind blown. Well done.:confused: 2nd:I have no idea what a square root function is. 3rd:By replicating your Genesis Install will I be able to understand a thing or two? ---Edit--- Again checking the Genesis install and I am wondering, if those MM Vars are standad numbers that change the numbers in KSP itself? By creating a MMVars.cfg file and add configs for example for maxTemp and then when you edit the part you write something like a path to the config? Also, you could document the creation of this install and make vids like "How to make a moded KSP install" and be like a tutorial series. This way A LOT of content will come out.
  5. Looking at your Genesis instal I said to myself : WHAAAT?? You have realy become a MM master. I am 15 years old and I thought that the only thing MM had was the ability to edit parts while the game loads without editing the original .cfg file. And I was proud of my self that I knew how it worked. Now ... WHAT IS THIS [TABLE=class: diff-table tab-size, width: 918] [TR] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+{[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @title ^= : FIX ME::[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @description ^= :a maximum 100 units of ::[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @maxTemp = #$@MM_VARS/BatteryTemp$[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ massTypeCanVolume = 1[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ Can_dia = 0.25[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ Can_hgt = 0.25[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ Can_density = #$@MM_VARS/ISAMass$[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell is-hovered, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number is-hovered, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition is-hovered, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ massTypeBattery = 1[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ battery_dia = 0.25[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ battery_hgt = 0.25[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ @TechRequired = inProgress[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition empty-cell, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+}[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] I have now idea what those 'MM Vars' are. So, back to learning new things!
  6. I like how the parameters sync with the real audio! Very impressive!!! I have a question, is 1 mass = 1 ton?
  7. Thanks! About Project Genesis I have already downloaded it and played it from like the first 7 commits. And in the last time I had checked you had commited 20 seconds ago! BTW I am half way done with Project Odyssey redone in 0.90. Couldn't get it to work in 1.0.4 cause of the new aerodynamic and heating models. Your save doesn't work but I'll see what I can do. Also there are some craft files missing from the repo like the TDRS sattelites. Other than that enjoy your holiday!
  8. What I did is create a new install, add hot rockets and moule manager and just messing around with the stock configs. After a while I had understood a couple of stuff. Bob, I have the idea of making a mod but i don't know how to publish it. I know that GitHub is the best place but the whole online account and program download and stuff through command lines (I am not sure if it works like that) seems complicated. Could you make a vid (or just explain me here) how git works? BTW are you using tortoisegit? I have heard it is much simpler. Last but not least, can you answer to my last post???
  9. Hey, I am thinking of making a ''Stock Engine Sound Overhaul'' mod and your engine sounds are amazing.Would you mind using your sounds?
  10. If you remember me from Module Manager, I will need CrossFeed Enabler and RealFuels for 0.90 as well:rolleyes:
  11. Hey Bob, I just have a question. Will your next main series be a custom install just like Odyssey or not? If yes, I will be able to follow, cause i got a new pc that can run KSP better than my old laptop. Also will overclocking my CPU increase the physics calculation time? Because I heard that a dual-core Celeron CPU can run KSP very well. I have an i5 so??
  12. I am making a custom 0.90 install and i need an older version of Module Manager. Can you provide me with a link?
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