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Sharkman Briton

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Everything posted by Sharkman Briton

  1. Oh, I tried many strut patterns, at best all but 2 of the struts connected.
  2. Started off with an N1 replica... There it is in all it's insanity. Dat mass tho. Moar engines! I was gonna continue it but I hit a standstill on the interstage, struts don't like me.
  3. I tried that, it didn't seem to work (according to KER, at least) it was as if they recieved no fuel.
  4. Alright, so here it is, a good looking, as-of-now not functioning miniature soyuz replica! As demonstrated in the album, the replica currently has way too low TWR on the second stage, and the parachute isn't good enough. I'm trying to keep to Spark and maybe Twitch engines. If someone could help me with this thing I would much appreciate it. download Soyuz (Mini) As you might see, it looks pretty cool. (not to sound arrogant) Thanks to Xeldrak (His Zhar-Ptitska was the basis of the 'sphere' of the spacecraft) and Zakalth for inspiring me to do this with his 0.625m orbit challenge. Thank you.
  5. Can someone help me with this kinda stuff? I'm very new to video making So, I want to cut out some parts of my vid (damnit OBS you hath failed me!) and add music. (and mute out the games sound) I've tried using the Youtube Video Editor, and dragged in the vid and some (CC) music, but all it does it play the video once I drag it in... I really wanna make some cool cinematics but this is pulling me back... Anyone know what to do?
  6. Title says it all really... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ErFeNj-Dz1VzvmW_vpBrA Channels very WIP ATM but it's just been made I would like some help with making vids though, as OBS likes to lag on the video's and I can't figure out how to use the youtube vid editor to add music, and how to cut out the OBS lag. Thanks!
  7. Panzer, how high ARE your standards?! XD
  8. Oh heck yes, put them on the Spacecraft Exchange!
  9. The idea is that it generally stays outside of battle like a normal carrier, but if it absolutely REQUIRES to (for example as a last ditch effort to save a defeated fleet) it can run into battle, guns blazing, kinda like a glass cannon.
  10. I tested that setup just now on Kerbin, Alpha, and it seems kinda efficient, I clipped the docking port into the engine and the engine immediately explodes the docking port on engine startup, removing dead weight. - - - Updated - - - Okay, the as-of-now untested (I might get around to it tomorrow unless someone else tests it (dunno what I'll test it against)) Ramdasia I carrier is built, but since it's untested it may be changed. It's rather simple really, just a simple unmanned craft with a big opening at the front that holds a Plum Fighter, and multiple Ibiza Torpedoes. image 1-4: Ramdasia I, image 5: Plum fighter, image 6: Ibiza Missile.download Ramdasia I
  11. Hotaru, I am a BIG fan of your aqualung and super aqualung tankers!
  12. Has anyone got any good 0.625m missiles (liquid-fuelled please) I can use for a carrier? (This things like half assault carrier, basically if it really needs to it can go and fight, or use the missiles for self-defense
  13. Good luck m8, the thing I'm most interested about in this story is that you got Kerbal Galaxy 2 working. Well done!
  14. Looks good, but I'd suggest NOT having this be a copy/paste of your company page, just having the mission logs and more detailed descriptions of whats going on.
  15. SAP has some "exotic" virus software incase of AKS attack... MUAHAHAH
  16. All who war against SAP quiver in their seats as the broadcast showing our WIP offworld torture dungeon/prison! Those involved in the battles against SAP are retreating, as they wish not to undergo such torture as has been demonstrated...!
  17. WIP Offworld prison. Whoever that guy doing the dunatian is, please have a look, as this could help you!
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