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Everything posted by lukethecoder64

  1. An intern probably accidentally clicked the "Your free Windows 10 upgrade is ready!" popup.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity
  3. If a guy named Albert walked into your office and said he had figured out how everything moves (BUT it changed our entire definition of time) and he only had math to back it up, would you believe him? No. But if he told you he could prove it by preforming these observations and they turned out exactly how he said they would, would you believe him then? Yes.
  4. Regardless, this feature prevents players from causing mayhem and explosions in a game that otherwise allows (and almost encourages) mayhem and explosions. IMHO the better question to ask is why Shouldn't this feature be implemented. Luke
  5. As a Oculus DK2 owner & user since October, I can say that KSP would be AMAZING in VR, particularly IVA's Luke. Imagine preforming a mun landing with VR.
  6. I'm ALSO still stuck in high school, but I want to major in Mechanical Engineering and/or video game development. I taught myself to code around 9. Sence then I have been doing game dev projects and the like. I currently use C# + Unity, but I have used HTML/CSS, JS, Python, Haxe, C++, an Java.
  7. Oh boy. Let's see how many faces the Internet can find in THIS map!
  8. The First Tech Challenge SDK. For starters, there are variables named TOAST.
  9. Okay. Will this be temporary? Like, a permanent spaceport replacement?
  10. I have an idea. So, anybody heard of github pages? Its a free hosting service (with no bandwidth limit) provided by github. Perhaps we (the community) could port KS over to github pages? I'd be hard, but its worth it in the end. Tell me what you think.
  11. Hmm.... If bandwidth/hosting is an issue, perhaps KS could be ported over to github pages? Just a thought.
  12. Very touching. Thanks for sharing. P.S. Will he still get to play KSP after he is better?
  13. Thats not how it works. The currently loaded vessel can be as big as your RAM will allow: You'd have problems climbing up it, though.
  14. Not just vive and steam! Don't forget my DK2 and the rest of the Oculus gang! You have my sword.
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