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Everything posted by VektorWorlds

  1. I find that the new Gemini is perfectly fine for most LKO ops. You can always just add more thrusters on if you need to, or even edit the config yourself. The fact is that in real life, Gemini was basically an advanced, two man Mercury. It was literally called "Mercury Mark II" early in development.
  2. All games have restrictive-sounding EULA. I've been seeing "Stock sold out, goodbye" since at least 1.0... Squad gives us anything and we get angry. Not to say I support the EULA (I don't) or love the new parts (Bluedog Design Bureau is better) but it's not worth worrying about.
  3. I like the bottom pic more (painted black). Amazing work on the mod btw - just starting to get into making 1.875m space stations in Career
  4. Everything I do at this point is some mix of ProbesPlus, BDB, and SSTU. Probes are usually ProbesPlus and BDB, manned is usually BDB, and launchers are BDB and SSTU. (SSTU because it lets me tweak the settings and make gigantic Whackjobian monstrosities. I'm not sure why you'd need 2,500t in LKO, but I can do it )
  5. I haven't used a stock part since 3 career saves ago. Help me. PS Mike089, you're going to love this mod. There's alt-history Apollo parts (solar panels, unmanned resupplies, interplanetary flyby), Skylab, Apollo subsatellite, and if you get KIS/KAS and the SurfaceExperimentPackage mod then you can even use the ALSEP.
  6. You've basically exhausted all of your other options. This is going to take a while no matter what you do. I've used Universe Sandbox and I see no reason why it wouldn't work for this.
  7. Are you doing the Black Prince? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Prince_(rocket) Nice work btw, love the new textures!
  8. Here's my probe plan (it uses a few parts from not yet approved mods, which is why it's a plan right now) http://prntscr.com/f3f0ef Of course, I could be more than happy to develop a new mission
  9. An urgent meeting of the Kerbal Sun Physics Society has deduced that the need for a solar observation satellite is paramount. A new Payload Provider, Dets65, is now formulating a plan for a basic solar observatory... We shall soon see the results.
  10. Prologue Since time immemorial, Kerbals have reached for the stars. Sometimes they have failed, sometimes they have succeeded. But every time, they have tried. From the earliest flights on the original line of Goddard rockets in 0.90 (which definitely could not fly whatsoever in the new aero) there have been failures as well as successes. But Kerbals themselves have never ventured beyond Minmus - never ventured into the inky black void. But that will all change soon. *DISCLAIMER - I did send a manned flight to Duna in 0.90, but it looked horrendous and I used MJ for pretty much all of it.
  11. Year 0, Day 0. ~A New Beginning~ Ever since 1.0, no Kerbal has dared step beyond the bounds of Kerbin's SOI. But today, we begin the first steps to change this. How may you ask? With the launch of a brand new rocket - the Goddard III.
  12. We choose to go to Laythe, and do the other things, not because it is easy, but because it is FUN! The Kerbal Expeditions is a stock alike, sandbox save (currently planned for a total of 29 missions, including epilogue mission) in which I will visit Duna, Laythe, Jool, Ike, Eve, and Gilly for the first time post-1.0. Kerbals will land and return from Duna, Laythe, Ike, and Gilly. This plan will stretch my KSP skills to their limits and back as I strive to make good-looking interplanetary ships - and I hope we both have fun doing it. (reason why it's not career - i have troubles with Bluedog Design Bureau and their SRBs and adapters I just can't live without anymore.) MOD LIST (off the top of my head, at least the mods that I plan to use) Bluedog Design Bureau Tantares (for some station parts?) Procedural Parts ProbesPlus Trajectories! Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Alarm Clock Table of Contents; A New Beginning - Page 1 (doesn't count as mission)
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