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Everything posted by HUG

  1. ...unfortunately it apparently destroyed my savegame or maybe it destroyed just the whole game itself. I can´t visit my flag sites anymore, instead it generates an eternal loading screen loop, in the VAB the camera just quits it´s work randomly but hey I was rewarded with the "Mun Rover" Achievement even though I never ever had anything similar to a rover somewhere in this game. None of my vehicles had actually tires so far, I guess that´s kind of a key element for a rover isn´t it? So everything about this update is weird but the fact that it really seems to improve performance a bit. Do I really have to start over again? And even more important, will this do the trick?
  2. Good News. Performance is indeed a problem. I´d love to see this thing using the extra power of the X somehow. I don´t even dare dreaming about 4K support but at least it could use the "Extra Terra Flip Flop Super Charge" the Microsoft salesman promised was in this little box full of miracles, ferry dust and dwarf feces.
  3. Doesn´t seem like many people playing on PC want that thing due to them having mods. Since you need to update all those mods permanently and modders don´t keep up with the updating process I gave up on them, too stressful and anger causing for way too little outcome. So yes I´d appreciate it but my favorite platform has become the console version and there you will find masses of people who really want this stuff without only complaining about it (as long you keep the sun untouched ) so is this planned and if yes is there a rough assessment for the release date?
  4. I love you! I always did! Just not during the last couple of days but that doesn´t count anymore. I just installed and checked and it´s perfect.
  5. I just tried to finally play the game even though it looks crappy but I meanwhile doubt you will ever fix it nor answer again but unfortunately I always start puking when I see the crippled sun and then I start hating you guys. This makes the game unplayable for me so thank you for nothing!
  6. Soooo?...I´ll bump this up until it´s fixed or until I at least get any information on what´s the status of ths. It´s 2019 and you will not get me satisfied with graphics downgrades. Whether you can implement some pretty much useless parts without downgrading the whole rest of the game or you leave them out, this thing looks like 1999 now and if there´s just one dev who had the brilliant idea to take the only beautiful thing out of the game for a useless parachute you should fire him or her immediately because this is not how space with cold rock and gas balls in it get´s impressive, ask the guys on the ISS and not Larry from the accounting department about it. I´m looking forward to a proper official information or will push it up in a couple of days again and then again and then again and every time I will be a bit more liquided and let you know about it. Thank you!
  7. I hope this wasn´t an official statement because it takes no more but a look up into the sky on a bright sunny day to easily falsify it. Next question would be why they didn´t get this "realism update" on pc though.
  8. ...any news on this? With the first update weeks ago the issue wasn´t fixed.
  9. Nah excrements happens. Since they answered I´m confident it will be fixed soon. If you want an example for impudent patching I can tell Eurofishing from Dovetail wasn´t playable after an XBO patch for not only weeks but over a month until the fix came out and they stopped answering in their Forum after a couple of days so you had weeks of uncertainty when or if you will ever be able to play the game again. That was the moment I was wondering what this whole Microsoft certification system actually is for because in this case it´s impossible they did anything at all during this process. In comparison to this such a minor graphics issue and a prompt answer is absolutely ok for me.
  10. Actually shouldn´t make a difference what XBox, I´m not even sure if KSP really supports One X. Between 4K and 1080p settings I don´t see any difference. I just mentioned it on here because I´m not sure. Some games do allow different settings depending on which Box it is and others don´t even improve the fps based on the system. I guess it has a lot to do how a game is programmed and not necessarily everything is better with a One X as it would be true for PC when it comes to better hardware. In general there´s not allowed by Microsoft to have any game on One X not running either on the One-S or One. So this parts issue you describe must have been a bug or other issue. Reinstallation for example fixed the heavy lags I had with the DLC missions. That´s actually always a good idea if something doesn´t work as it´s supposed to.
  11. xactly what I mean. I´m sure there´s maybe some hardcore people out there who might be even happy about not being distracted by all the shiny bling bling anymore. But for me it´s an important part of the joy to have stunning coronas and sunrises in space.
  12. Hi, I udated KSP Enh. on my XBO-X today and bought the DLC. Since then the Sun Glare completely disappeared in no matter what mode (4k, 1080p, enhanced HDR, normal HDR). I took some screenshots to explain what exactly I mean: That´s what I get from the current version of KSP Enhanced Edition incl. DLC (But also without and either after complete new installation and deleting the savegame on the console and in the cloud): Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4 And here´s what I get from the current KSP (normal version without DLC and Update? don´t know because I just reinstalled after a very long time again) Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 I guess we don´t need to argue about which one looks awesome and which one is a ridiculous joke, so please fix it because since KSP isn´t a beauty after all those light effects are pretty much the only joy, beside the pure gameplay mechanics, this game has to offer. rgrds Daniel
  13. Whoop Whoop the update and the DLC is available on XBOX Hooray!!! [EDIT: And it lags like hell at least in Missions mode and for any reason the sun glare is gone completely (also only testet in missions so far) which makes the whole thing very ugly, no coronas and no nice sunrises in space anymore and even though the surfaces now look very nice and shiny, the fact the sun itself has become nothing but an ugly yellow dot in the sky is absolutely not worth any of the other improvements. I try to play around with my xbox settings a bit and hopefully it can be fixed with any of the 4K settings or so but so far this thing is really one step forward and three steps back. ] Edit Edit: It stopped lagging after complete reinstall. I don´t know how or if this was the trick or if it was another thing like a XBO update in background maybe (which I now turned off to happen automatically) but that´s what I did and it doesn´t lag anymore. Regarding the graphics I made a bug post on here and already got an answere that they know the issue and look into it. So this is satisfying me for now and I´m confident it won´t take long the be solved. As soon it is, I´m perfectly happy with the update and the DLC.
  14. Dang you don´t even know how right you are here man. Even the 10 Action Groups restriction forced me into brainwork for better solutions in combining Actions into one Group, which resulted in hilarious ideas I never even considered thinking about on PC. It´s just super satisfying to see these things work in the end.
  15. Fairly soon I actually don´t care too much as it runs fairly good on the box and once used to the steering it´s not one bit less of fun either more buggy as it is on PC. In the beginning I thought it was a nice way to let my children experiment with this thing without being in constant fear they set my PC on fire somehow. Meanwhile it became my first choice since I learned I actually don´t want any mods anymore. Once 3 months off you spend more time to update and getting rid of outdated stuff than it´s actually worth. So, I´m looking forward to fairly soon!
  16. Hi, I´ve got KSP on XBOX One (for the kids) and PC (for the big kid ) and now I wonder if there´s any chance to get the XBO controller setting into PC for a XBOX 360 controller to run it. I found out that I like playing KSP on the sofa and the XBO version (I guess it´s still on 1.1.3 or so) works pretty nice even with the gamepad. but the vanilla isn´t fair enough for me. So the idea is using my notebook with the TV, connecting a 360 gamepad to it and find a way to make it work the same way as it works on the XBOX. The user interface is 1:1 the same as it´s for the PC version but unfortunately I can´t configure the gamepad properly. I can´t bind some functions to the buttons and I can´t configure intervals like: Tap X = X ; Hold X = Y. Is there any chance to get such a working XBO (similar) file and make it work? Thnx!
  17. anyone can use this on 1.1.2? My Kerbulator doesn´t appear anywhere in the game
  18. Same here. I´ve no idea if my pc is underpowered, all I can say is about 60fps on Kerbin launch pad without EVE and 24fps with EVE installed. I don´t think so. It has nothing to do with the texturesize at all. I changed the textures from the 1024x1024; 2048x1024 and 8000anythingx4000anything to 256x256; 512x256; 2048x1024. The result: excrementsty clouds and still 24fps. Even when I deleted all texture files and it shows no clouds, it remains at 24 fps. I tried to gamble around with the shader files, deleted some I thought I might not need. The result: a way more excrementsty graphic with still 24fps. After getting rid of all this useless try out I deleted EVE and hooray back to 60fps.
  19. Hi, have you noticed the conversation earlier in this thread about it, there is at least a good possibility to avoid this by changing the "persistent.sfs" in your saves/name_of_your_savegame folder. First open it, search for the lines as follows and change them to exactly as follows: name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities scene = 5, 6, 7, 8 SpaceCenter/LaunchPad { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/Runway { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/AstronautComplex { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/MissionControl { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/Administration { lvl = 1 } SpaceCenter/FlagPole { lvl = 0 I recomend to start a new game and go back to main menu right after you see the space center for the very first time. Then do like in description above. Now you have the space center fully upgraded from the beginning. That´s the bad news, but if you start your career by setting up entry fees for new parts, you need almost as much money as before, when this option turned off but you needed to upgrade facilities. And the bug disappears That´s the good news For me this works perfect. But of course it´s just perfect if you can live with a fully upgraded space center from the beginning on. cheers
  20. Yes I use real chute and FAR. I simply deleted the stock chutes from parts folder: KSP Main/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility (deleted folders: MK1 (= MK 16) - MK 25) I don´t nned them anyways and by deliting them I don´t get any contract offers accordingly anymore. Since I did this, I´ve had absolutely no more issues yet. If there´s nothing more coming up, I´d say the 64bit runs at least as stable as 32bit and if people have regularly CTD´s and wouldn´t mind a fully upgraded HQ in carreer mode, they might want to give it a try.
  21. uhm...my camera is doing weird things when I fly through 6000m with a rocket (at least I still can´t tell anything about planes yet). As soo as my rocket reaches the 6000 it stops following the spacecraft and it´s moving weird around, not possible to explain that kind of behavior. IVA is still working then but returning to ext. camera doesn´t fix the issue. It´stays weird and after the craft landed anywhere, I can´t recover it as it seems like spinning around. In IVA I then find the vessel not moving at all and everything is fine. The only way to recover it, is to EVA after landing as EVA camera is also still working perfect. Have you ever heard of such an issue maybe? I didn´t find much in this topic accordingly EDIT: The issue must be related to a contract. It wants me to haul a MK16: 6000 - 11000m ; 40-240m/s. I once failed that contract as of too high speed and edit2, probably wrong, I think it never used to work with MK16 >>>right after that fail the camera issues started from next flight on<<<edit2, probably wrong, I think it never used to work with MK16. When I remembered that, I simply took down the MK16 et voila camera works again. Can´t tell yet if this was a one timer or whatever. All flights with issues I started from launch pad, the latest flight with MK16 off, I started from VAB...questions about questions...but not a reason for me to give up yet, I want to check out the planes first on 64Bit, if KSP lets me. EDIT2: I tested a few scenarios with the MK16 and can tell for 99.9% sure, it´s the part itself which is corrupt. I declined the contract, but the issue remained starting with MK16. When I puted it directly to the vessel (I transported it in a container for the contract) there is no chute stage showing off.
  22. You don´t think in hierarchies? Everybody is equal? You are a worker or farmer? Join the wonderworld of the CCKP (Союз Социалистических KepônH Республик aka. SSKR - Sojus Sozialistitscheskich Kerbalitsch Respublik) with it´s glorious leader of the Great Kerbalian October Revolution, Wladimir Iljitsch Kerman. His likeness sheets the official blazon of Kerbin as an example for all brave comrades to reach out and bring glory and honor to our united world of Kerbin. What are we searching for? - Young, dynamic workers or farmers with about 40 years of work experience, to lead our (perhaps not even existing yet) space program. - Users of the stunning Texturereplacer only. What do we offer? - A beautiful IVA Suit for space crew members in bronze color (or ugly orange) and one for our future space tourists or trainees in green color. Of course there is no mean little piece of paper pinned at the back of the green IVA suit saying something like: "kick me!". These are just slanders by our imperialistic opponents...wherever they may live. - Four different kind of EVA Suits. Three of them are for space crew members only an awesome bright white dream of a suit with colored stripes on helmets and legs according to the function of each crew member (Red=Capitanski and Pilotskiev ; Black = Screwkov ; Blue = Scientistikov). And a green one for our greenhornskovs. - Chevrons on the IVA and EVA suits (Capitanski= 4 bar chevron ; Other Crew = 2 bar chevron ; Greenhornskov = 0 bar chevron...that one was hard to paint!)...don´t get it wrong, everybody is of course equal in our wonderful world. The bars just sign how equal someone is, the more bars, the more equal he is. - Outstanding CCKP and blazon of Kerbin sprayings on all helmets including the mantra of our greatest scientist Wladimir Iljitsch Kerman which says "in omnibus veritas" ...he´s so well-read... Written, of course, in our own non-imperialistc letters. - The proud of us all, our splashy flag (of the Great Kerbalitsch Oktober Revolution) and our blazon with Kerbins Mr. Universe Wladimir Iljitsch Kerman on it, for your Flags folder. flag of the Great Kerbalitsch October Revolution Blazon of Kerbin - Optional you can get our new hi-tech navball textures please note that you need xEvilReeperx ksp_navballtexturechanger for instructions read xEvilReeperx post on this page in topic : - And a job as a space center leader. Download: If you´re interested, please download the stuff as descripted above. Get suits and flags here (Mediafire Download) and unpack it into your ksp main folder. Don´t forget to ensure you have Texturereplacer installed. No KSP Gamefiles files will be overwritten. Get navball textures here (Mediafire download). Don´t forget to ensure you have xEvilReeperx ksp_navballtexturechanger installed. No KSP Gamefiles will be overwritten. Yours sincerely Korelev Kerman aka HUG
  23. This hidden little post is really a big deal man, thnx for that !
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