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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. 4/10. I have know idea what those badges are for.
  2. Doge avatar. Pfft, it's Doge that counts.
  3. I just did. One tweakscaled jet fuel tank and a 1.25 nuke engine. Trying to fight a wobble? Try using just one tank then the engine. So Tank-Engine-Whatever
  4. I feel shamed that I would ask... anyway, just an update, I still hate rockets. -SPAddict This mission shall be 100% legit now.
  5. Granted, before you eat them, I slap them out of your hands saying: DENIED! I wish people liked me, as a good person friend and gamer.
  6. I slap you off your hill. My hill.
  7. 8/10, haven't actually played many forum games with you.
  8. Not really, as you can see, the rover will be landing on the tanks. Also, building an efficient nuclear tug is hard, but I've managed to come up with one.
  9. The launch was jittery... less said the better. Nontheless, Val made orbit, and posed for the cam. Pics of launch aren't shown, but can be proved later down the line if needed.
  10. Obligatory memes when PMing me????? CHEATOROR!
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