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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. Banned for advertising a mod that you haven't given a new release of.
  2. No big deal, I'm already prepping a new rover for a new place (muahahahahA!) -SPAddict Ina give a space potato a good running after I'm done this.
  3. Ooh, make sure you have stuff for night time driving! It's so fun! -SPAddict The suspense of night is AWESOME
  4. What, is exactly wrong with you, kuansenhama? You forgot a mission to HUG DRES -SPAddict You hurt Dres
  5. Granted. You go MLG, and die right before your first tournament, which was tomorrow. I wish my TyloRacer was more stable when driving it across a (planetary) surface
  6. Banned for not sharing your DankMeme monopoly.
  7. Ok, no more driving today. Tomorrow shall conquer 200 km! -SPAddict
  8. Nooooo! I'm about to run into the dark side of Tylo... No solar power? Only an RTG? Oh my... -SPAddict
  9. !!!! We forgot to give a warm welcome! Welcoe to the forums Graveworks, and enjoy your stay. Ask questions? Learn things! We all do! -SPAddict I always like greeting a new member, in any circumstance
  10. I hate you Tylo. -SPAddict One of those pics showed a destroyed rover and an injured Valentina, this was during a "test"
  11. Maybe, we can only hope. -SPAddict Better get that Tylo badge ready - - - Updated - - - A frequent issue with the stock "Ruggedized" wheels. The suspension is such that when it is compressed, my rover performs beautifully, and when it is decompressed, I run the fear of flipping multiple times when trying to steer. -SPAddict Well, at least that's minor
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