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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. -41. Bev, change your post to -40, 'cause your counting is bad.
  2. Alright, screw the K-35. It's too unstable! Alright, time to shamelessly steal another US aircraft and kerbalize it the Addiction Aeroworks way. - - - Updated - - - Nevermind, a redisgned K-16 helps a lot.
  3. Ye, don't worry, he's alive, and the only thing he crashed was a heat shield, which he used to "surf down from orbit" A K-35 appears out no where! RKO! On the KSC. Yep, the whole complex was destroyed.
  4. Okay then, I think the butthurt has passed, I'll work on recording tomorrow, 'cause I'm a useless no-lifer. - - - Updated - - - The Current champion version of the Arctic Skua. Also, I'm thinking Wnderfound meant my K-35, because I never actually posted an updatd K-16. I'm confused.
  5. I can help. I have a YT account, and can record/upload. Just say what fighters, and I'll be good to go.
  6. It was a stack SEPERATOR instead of a docking port. Mort tried to save money and hired 5 year-olds as engineers. Your Kerballed prototype ISRU SSTO crashed into Minmus, a billion fund loss.
  7. Aww, so adorable! Anyway, I've decided to scrap the MiK-4 airfram and redesign. Pulled 10G at high subsonic when I realized the canards weren't at full deflection.
  8. Wanderfound, I want a rematch. I'm fed up with the AI and set the visual to 360 degrees. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B588M8xKv0QKX0U0UmpTSHBNdmc
  9. it was jeb sucking on a popsicle. He just came back from the hottest of hot planets. Eve. John Kerman took his helmet off after hearing a comm relay order. He said that it said to eat some Mun rocks.
  10. This is gonna be hard. I wanted to build using exclusively parts saying Mk2 in them. Oh well, sacrifices must be made.
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