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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. /\ | What he said. Also, stick on a nuclear engine, some liquid fuel, and voila, instant DeltaV. Don't know how much though.
  2. Ye man, makes for good side railing. - - - Updated - - - I don't know if this is enough.
  3. Hello forum users! My name is SpaceplaneAddict! Recently, I came across the Elcano Challenge, which is to circumnavigate a planet/moon by land. So, wanting to be unique, I chose Tylo. Not like I have to return from it or anything. Anyways, here's the rover, Launcher is being prepped.
  4. Finally, a new champ. K-35 now? EDIT: sorry if I'm impatient. I just put a lot of hard work on it, and want to see it fly officially
  5. MOAR BOOSTERS Kenergy drinKs
  6. It's the K-35 BTW. - - - Updated - - - Less roll/yaw authority.
  7. Well, I don't want the Medal of Dishonour. -56. GO GO GO!
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