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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. Ok, long story short: My saves and appearing in my "Resume Saved Game" I went over to the log and searched up "save" It said this: [ERR 20:06:19.131] [GamePersistence Error]: No ROSTER node found in save state GamePersistence. I used logic and assumed that was the Kerbal Roster. I checked the persistent it and indeed, all the Kerbals were gone. So WTH happened? The back up persistent does have the Kerbals. So uhh, what happened? This isn't really a question more like a reminder... (I solved that)
  2. Ok, both types of engineers mean: Train driver (engineer) and the buildy/mechanically engineer.
  3. I don't want this thread to slip down to the "Third Page" so here are some Kerpollo Application Program blueprints! Now if only my art teacher were to give me my work back...
  4. I bomb you with my B-29. My disintegrated cookie.
  5. I swoop in, in my P-51 and catch the cookie. My shredded cookie.
  6. Just add -ar or -ur at the end of a celestial body's name. Munuar Dunar Eveur Mohoar Gillyar Dresur Joolar Elloour. Etc.
  7. Gets Carl the crawling cake. Imserts a F40PH
  8. (Notice how the rocket is mostly intact)
  9. Though I wonder if the original crew will make their own show that'll get ratings far surpassing the new version of their "old" show.
  10. A shame to have wrongly accused me!
  11. Has any flame wars ever erupted or do you guys close the thread at the slightest threat of (the forum version) total nuclear war? The only thread I can remember that might have erupted is the "We are Closing rocket Builders" thread.
  12. There doesn't appear to be a picture... Or is it the sentence? Its a obvious misspelling of "WHAT ARE THOSE!!!!"
  13. A quote not of your own? Shame!
  14. http://hostthenpost.org/index.php
  15. Granted. Tronald Drump places huge restrictions making it virtually impossible to launch anything important. I wish the my Duna transfer window would come faster.
  16. When I'm not playing KSP I work on my Virtual Model Railroad or Vitually Bombing German bases in my Virtual B-17 and killing Virtual pilots that underestimate my Virtual Turret Gunning skills. Or I'm watching YouTube on my TV while sitting on my couch. Yeah, I don't do much, do I?
  17. Most of my old Saturn Vs have been designed 24/7/4, even in sleep. (24h, 7d, 4w) Then in 1.0 I made one suitable in like one week. I would post some pics but I'm on my phone...
  18. Personally I think the only games that should get "2s"should be games with stories. Though a KSP with the "Original" story would be nice.
  19. I liked trains. So I clicked on this since it had something that resembled a train somewhere that isn't earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmSHFCls9H0 I immediately searched up KSP and got 0.23 for Christmas.
  20. I decided to remake my old bomber planes (and some new ones!) because idk. But I made them smaller, which look more propositional to Kerbals. And real life. Seriously, they are quite a lot smaller (irl) than I have expected! (IDK about the B-24, that wasn't in the Boeing Museum. But the B-17 and B-24 have similar dimensions. Sooooo Yeah) Special thanks to @Azimech for changing my I-beam propeller ways! American Bombers! Koeing B-17: Crew: 1 pilots, 3 gunners Engines: 4 Armament: 12 Oscar Bs (I think) Capable of flying without 1/4th of its wings! Koeing B-29 Crew: 1 pilot, 5 gunners Engines: 4 Armament: 16 Oscar Bs Konsolidated B-24 Crew: 1 pilot, 4 gunners Engines: 4 Armament: 12 Oscar Bs (I'll add more I think to justify its larger size compared to the B-17) Korthop Krumman (X)B-49 (XL) Ok, this has a lot more bombs than it did. Its a XL model Crew: 2 Egines: 6 Jets (Well technically that are all jet aircraft but this one is modeled a ACTUAL Jet aircraft so... Umm...) Armament: 1 Turret and 30 Oscar Bs ?!?! (Yeah it can destroy the R&D, which I might test my other ones actually...) Korthop Krumman TBD Avenger Crew: 1 pilot, 2 gunners, 1 radio/radar operator/ bombardier/navigator..? Engines: 1 Armament: (X*) Bombs, 2 turrets *Bomb load still being worked out British Bombers! (I based the size of these on the size of the other planes both in game and in real life) First up, my favorite plane in War Thunder, the Vickers Wellington! Crew: 1 pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 bombardier, 3 gunners Engines: 2 Armament: One Cookie (6 Oscar Bs in one...so 6.) Avro Lankaster Crew: 1 pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer/Gunner, 1 Bombardier/Gunner, 1 Tail Gunner Engines: 4 Armament: 2 Cookies Short Stirling Crew: 1 pilot, 3 gunners Engines: 4 engines Armament: 2 cookies (I'll add the turrets later, I made this one at 10:00 Pm) Germans: Kienkel He-111 Crew: 1 pilot, 4 gunners, 2 Others (IDK) Engines: 2 Armement: 2 turrets, 8 bombs Catalina STILL WIP. It can't takeoff from water. *I don't own the IRL pictures
  21. I called my supersonic Kerbin explorer plane "almostspaceplane1" during testing and X-Planer 1 (explorer plus plane). I also have the Koncorde, the Koeing 747, the Kpollo CM and LM, the Kragen, Kerlympic, Kertanic... *Turns on Computer* *DEEPBREATH* ... Yeah, I think you can see where this is going.
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