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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. 1/10 one point only for Wheatley and cool looking gun. WHAT HAVE TRAINS DONE TO YOU?!?!
  2. We get into the rescue ship and get onto a station. Which restarts this whole thing...
  3. I found, ​SPAM!
  4. Tell your kerbalnauts to STOP PLAYING DARTS. My train fell of a mountain with double sided super tape on the wheels.
  5. Huh. Apparently one of them was an intact oxygen tank, which connected right into our o2 supply...
  6. I've noticed there isn't a lot of easter egg threads... Here discuss your findings, missions to find them, just easter eggs stuff. Now I think there are things on planets it said they don't have them. There must be Easter eggs on seemingly "impossible" to land on bodies.
  7. We are gamers because we play games. I'm pretty sure no one has JUST KSP, or at least wanted to play another game, or even INTRESTTED. Though playing quite a sophisticated game has made us smarter (maybe) or we have been smart at the first place, which is why we bought this. Share things that makes us cooler than "average gamers" For example: A barrel roll is the wrong name for a " barrel roll". It is called an ALERION ROLL.
  8. Bombers are fighting against each other to win the title of best plane. However some are teaming up to deal with the Airliner Menace. However Emperor An 225 is in control of all of the air space. Google pics are not working for me so I'll post my version.
  9. I'm listening to "I like Trains" right now.
  10. Doing a loop de loop in a An 225 that flies like 10 trillion tons of bricks. It can barely do a ba... I MEAN alerion roll without losing a couple thousand feet.
  11. (Presses f12 and selects unvreakable joints and no damage)
  12. 10/10 because I thought invisibility was impossible!
  13. Ummm, There is a Kraken corpse on a trajectory somewhere in on our base...
  14. I'll take it away if you are allergic to cats, BUT NO REFUNDS (I'm allergic) Waiter! There is a Booster in my soup!
  15. Uhm, why exactly would we Califonians never let that happen? They have big space centers. We have a puney little lab.
  16. As some of you might know, Obama basically threw NASA's manned spacecrafts out of the window. Including the Constellation program. Current Orion does not count as it is not manned YET. In fact I'm surprised NASA even has funding these days considering the war in the middle east. But presidential elections are coming soon, which means new decisions. Which might affect NASA. Hillary, I'm worried she might throw out NASA all together. Though I'm thinking about the one all over the news about his aggressive campaigns. I thinking he might just be the one to revive NASA. What do you think?
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