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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. 6/10 Big fighter looking thing can not into fighter. - - - Updated - - - Dangit! Why google, WHY?
  2. Granted but the curse has broken. I wish for a Bigboy, Mause, Yamato, Saturn V combined.
  3. It was in .25. I was trying to revive Jeb via Text edit when I came across a part called: POTATO LIKE ROCK Desc was: Big ol rock like thing I switched it from not being able to be found to being found And I played with it. The model is not true in the VAB/SPH. Attach anything and then when you launch. BOOM. I'll try to find it in 1.0 and hopefully get a screen shot.
  4. [Canon begins here!] Sir, your super-heavy bomber is completed. The KX-1 has landed at the Airforce Reserve. It is locked and loaded. One of the of the KSTP three main Kerbaoulnauts is inspecting it right know. It has lost 2 wheels but it has 10 landing wheels, nothing too major. [story is done now ] The KX-1 is a super-heavy bomber with 6 mk2 bays. It was made because mk3 parts, I have found out, have VERY weak joints for their size. It flies like it wants to be a fighter. It glides as slow as a turtle yet does not plummet like a rock. It is SO fun to fly for me. It has a lot of bombs as you can see. I have yet to test it very heavily.
  5. That is better than any train I'LL ever make! and I make trains daily! Ok, in looks....
  6. Nice start rover! Makes me kinda sad though... Sniff I miss old mk3 parts.
  7. I thought you wanted the soup with least fat! Waiter, there is a train in my soup!
  8. You HAVEN'T installed trackers so you can track via tracking station? Tell them NOT to play Space Fifa during Aerobraking. My Elcano Train clipped trough the ground and now we only have 1/2 of our train...
  9. Relaxing, but for some reason, I find Imperial March more relaxing than this...
  10. Nope. I think it will be a KSP forum user!
  11. -10: Yeah, but THE MARTIAN NASA becomes amazing and is not a turtle pace space program. Pros: SPACESHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!! Cons: SPACE WARS!!!!!!! (Beause russia)
  12. Post your channels here! Channels for anything! Youtube, Twitch... Those are the only ones I know... ANYWAYS! I'll put yours in if you just give me a link to it and tell me which program you use. Note: Subs are near real sub count. Updating it everytime you get one is tiring. Ex Username: Channel Link: Program Spacetraindriver: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUOqUQlt1uuBYGbFM9oTZQ?view_as=public Youtube 25 subs Ulico: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGT...k_rQLHEC1o89kQ Youtube 18 subs ghostbuzzer7:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-...d2cMVSvzCRbzNQYoutube 10 subs legoclone09:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-...0936J_wHmg04Hg 15 subs 5thHorseman: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLN7x3pLzmi_c8bloC4p3Fg Youtube <2000 subs Bev7787:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBw...RQ_2VKVvp67VxQ Youtube 5 subs pandoras kitten: www.youtube.com/baconspaceprogram Youtube <2500 subs Snidemeister: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHS...nmB9QJwoD2_1nA Youtube 75 subs Sampa:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClL...vsj7E0y_t9urNw Youtube C1maCat: C1maCat - YouTube Youtube Kaihn:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq-...confirmation=1 Xactar: http://www.youtube.com/user/Xacktar hellblazer:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK2...ysO-BFiM6shm1w Bluesubstance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6nZk_mEv9OK8heFn6ZWOg You can put videos in too in replies.
  13. Jeb, train, boosters, fast, scared, boom.
  14. Phew! Good thing this space train came and saved us!
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