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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. Ummmm, how do you post just one imgur pic..? I tried using that I button up there, but it says the pic does not exist.
  2. So I was recording a Gemini mission, looking for my target. I saw something when I spooted my target. Well not really mines... It was orbital derbrie. It came in 4.5km withen my spacecraft! Getting hit by debrie is a legitimate threat. Too bad imgur won't cooperate with the new fourms.
  3. Is it just me or do I freak out when a non-KSP channel I'm subbed to on Youtube mentions of cameos KSP? Same on random channels. Take 7:00 from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewfePPj342M What is sad is that NO ONE knew what that Kerbal was. But me.
  4. Hmmm... Event though I probably take care of my kerbals the most I have the most horrific deaths, but I can't really scale it... Kamikazing into a Tiger tank... Sucked into an intake... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT0FK_6uD_8 Burned in reentry... Ejecting out of an out of control thunderbird 2 only to be crushed by it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc5_FuRzLjI I had a similar one like you Aser, except I was reentering... With no parachute... and survived So much more saddened Oh I forgot getting hit by a tail of a Concord and being run over by a train, and being in a said train in a crash...
  5. The kerbals are taking a break fro being shot into space on untested rockets with too many bossters and no struts, or being stranded in a tiny Hitchhiker forever, to celebrate Kristmas when Kanta Klause comes and brings presents for any kerbal willing to co-operate with the KSP! Goes like this: Poster 1: On the first day of Kristmas my kerbal gave to me: A booster. Poster 2: On the second day of Kristmas my kerbal gave to me: 2 struts and a booster. Rules: 1: Try not to repeat. 2: Try to make it rhyme somewhat. On the first day of Kristmas my dear kerbal gave to me: A copy of KSP!
  6. Am I the only one with this problem?
  7. I tried changing my avatar with a screenshot when all of a sudden the size limitation smacked me in the face. That size is as small as Vatican city! How am I supposed to post screenshots up? Imgur does not work! I barely used this since it updated so yeah.
  8. I still go to school... I warn you I am very mature for my age! I'm freaking serious, it is TORTURE when my classmates act like 5-year-olds. It seems like I'm the only one who pays attention to the news. We just read a story about Apollo 11, and it was torture!
  9. OMG me too. Luckily I had Big Bear to distract me.
  10. It is 12:54 right now in California, almost forum update day. Goodbye to vBulltin!
  11. Am I the better DJ now? [img]http://i.imgur.com/tELkJS8b.png?1[/img]
  12. That mini HMS Hood I made, as stated in thread, "...with funnels empty it could reach half way to the Abandoned Airfield..." and that is what happened. Because there were...uhhhh...VERY important components on it, I devised a rescue mission to "retrieve" them with Thunderbird 2. [img]http://i.imgur.com/CZjB3NL.png[/img] Lift off! [img]http://i.imgur.com/nzmRxFe.png[/img] Ship Spotted! [img]http://i.imgur.com/a368Cxw.png[/img] Val away! [img]http://i.imgur.com/9JEJ1rQ.png[/img] Val is down! Now getting on ship! [img]http://i.imgur.com/7tV1JVB.png[/img] That next ledge was conquered with help with EVA Pack. I didn't know it has effect in the atmosphere! [img]http://i.imgur.com/8uNXJ9d.png[/img] Val has the... stuff... and is heading back. TB 2 landed in the water quickly to pick up Val. [SIZE=1](Ok ok, It was there the whole time)[/SIZE][img]http://i.imgur.com/by6SF1dm.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uLUna7Y.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AsnarZb.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7sqq1xn.png[/img] Final aproach: [img]http://i.imgur.com/ryQcXRA.png[/img] I landed on the edge of the Heli pad, tried to save it, made it worse, then crashed, but they survived![img]http://i.imgur.com/hmYK6F7.png[/img]
  13. Ummmmm, K? Everyone has their own opinions, Its jus... I think they are monstr.... UH I mean... unappealing to me. Still big. Their fireboxes were too small for their size, and were prone to wheel slips... WAIT WAIT WAIT, TWO DOMES NEXT TO EACHOTHER?!?! Ummmm, k?
  14. Oh, OK. I'll add it right now (Airbrakes). Is this good (Pre Airbrake) as in swept wing? [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/YIeSPD7.png[/IMG] You can also see the drift. After Airbrakes: It still did that thing, but the brakes stabilized it, is that what it is for? The turn is not all that bad, just when I try to roll back it does the stall stuff. I guess this is answered. I'm pretty sure! I just saw a vid of one flying and it dipped down a bit, but once those split flaps came out, it stabilized!
  15. All I've done them all! [SIZE=1](Don't judge me)[/SIZE] Likes trains Spent 50% of 2 years of KSP dedicated to making Saturn Vs Get best test scores in class
  16. 9 (plus!)[SIZE=1]​Muha ha ha! WORD![/SIZE]
  17. I will be because this thread looks dead!
  18. 1298: A space train station to go to the ISS as well as free spacesuits and Jeb constantly orbiting this really, really really tall building.
  19. I just saw it in the upgrading to new forums thread, I've seen many sigs mentioning it, what happened? Also what other major forum stuff happened?
  20. 1st:TRAINS, TRAINS,TRAINS, TRAINS,TRAINS, TRAINS, 2nd: More varitey of plane size parts. Mk0, Mk1/2, Mk1, Mk1 1/2, Mk 2, Mk2 1/2, Mk3 3rd: More varitey of rocket size parts 4th BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE 5th: ROVER ROVER ROVER ROVER 6th PROP PROP 7th GP2, 3, and 4 8th More GALAXIES! 9th More engines (ESPICIALY a decent Single engine like the Mammoth) 10th Drumroll! FREE DLCs!!!!! 11th Trains!
  21. Concord with more engines= [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/7IhxIm2.png[/IMG] Even with just 4 it still manages that. Oh and this: [img]http://i.imgur.com/Xu8ghEUh.png?1[/img] (Its the largest it allows me.)
  22. Wait... You mean WT Forum format?!?!?
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