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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. Banned for thinking I thought He-111s were better than FIGHTER aircraft.
  2. 1487: You find yourself in the middle of a Aircraft Carrier.
  3. You ordered chicken soup didn't you? Waiter, theres a KSP Thread in my soup!
  4. The feels in the game sometimes. Thank goodness Squad just makes them puff away. That being said...is there...a...realistic deaths mod..?
  5. Bacon of yummy, so I consume it for my final part of a meal, but not for the final time period of the consuming food, that would be absurd.
  6. Have been using mac for EVERYTHING. NOTHING (including KSP) is severely hindered by the fact that I'm using a mac. Nor for the fact I'm using everything else on my Mac.
  7. Porta A puzzle game that involves using Porta-Pottys to complete test chambers and defeat an evil AI. (Portal)
  8. Granted. It hits your house. I wish for this wish to be corrupted.
  9. Gets 27 new Post-It notes. Inserts VAB
  10. Soyuz MA and the space shuttle. And the Shenzou but you said favorite sooooo.
  11. That is because, you are a dog. Waiter! There's a Soyuz being transported by two specialized consists to the launchpad in my soup!
  12. Banned for having 333 posts. (Multiply by 2)
  13. Would of made more sense if I said it was the B-29 Let me not DERAIL the topic. Space Travel is a HUGE waste of money. (I know, SO original.)
  14. I'm trying so hard to resist to rage!!! Those railroads were better off being merged into the Union Pacific The UP BigBoys increadably inefficient. Steam Locomotives are better off scrapped. The 747 is the best. The A380 is the best. The Tiger 1 is an INCREDIBLY inefficient combat vehicle. Saying "Railroad" in Europe and "Railway" in the US. The Apollo missions never happened. The B-17 ISNT the best bomber of the war. I can't type anymore. I regret typing those.
  15. Hi, I was just wondering if there's a mod with the old mk3 parts. I tried looking it up but no results come up. There is also I remember, a cockpit mod for it which looks amazing. So uh yeah, any where where I could get the old things?
  16. If you have the time COULD you make the rocketship part of the KSP logo have a train strapped to the top..?
  17. I was just hanging around in space when... Even Jeb is scared. I believe this is the NaN Kraken..?
  18. KSP is currently not at its highest at the moment but it certainly is not dead! Adding more stuff means you are running out of stuff to add. KSP is now officially "out" so updates won't be as frequent because its not in development 24/7. They have just refined the game. I'm sure they're brainstorming ideas for the next version.
  19. Well of course you see? Waiter there is highly unstable N1 rocket in my soup!
  21. Well, we don't let customers bring food from the outside. Waiters, there happens to be a Space X landing barge in my soup!
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