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Everything posted by Brainpop14

  1. I think some of the ship models are inaccurate. Especially this one. You might need to make some changes to better match this image
  2. Next Stop, Sonus! And this place is beautiful! I'm blown away by this beautiful view! Now on the surface and I love it out here! I think I landed in an impact crater! Epic photoshoot with Bob Perhaps we should come back later and build a proper base here? Also took a quick stop at Sojos Is this a dormant volcano? I'm not registering any heat on the sensors. Looks like no fresh baked pizza today. Well, at least we can mark the territory.
  3. Taking a stop at Duna real quick Plotting Descent I'm still loving this surface view! I don't know what it is, but I feel peaceful here. Marking the territory of the Rebellion! Taking a pit stop at Ike as well, actually before now I've never sent anything down to this surface. This could perhaps be another potential site for an outpost.
  4. Probably not. It's most likely just the heat. The same thing happened back on Scorch and Gol.
  5. Taking a quick stop at Neivis and loving the view from here! Taking a quick walk little ways away from the ship and is it hot here or just me? Planting the flag and enjoying the view! I could probably bake a pizza out here with all this heat.
  6. Next stop is Neibos, and man! This place is beautiful! We could probably build another base here someday. This place is amazing! Bob marks the potential site for a new base.
  7. While we still wait for the update I do have a few places to visit before arriving at the Olu'um system. First up is Dreidos And is it just me, or does this place remind me of somewhere Well, sort of. Especially these mountains really give me this vibe. This surface really looks familiar to me. Planting a flag on a very familiar looking planet. Making a quick stop at Dreidiss, and yes to me the planet below looks very familiar.
  8. Any more news on this? I'm curious about 1.3.1 compatibility.
  9. WOOOOOT!!! FINALLY! I can now continue my epic journey to every place in the system!
  10. Maybe add this sometime soon?
  11. Landed on Gullis and where's all that smoke coming from? Planting the flag and it is really hard to see out here! Departing now and this is a great view of the neighborhood! Next stop Dreidos! I would do that if I knew how.
  12. Preparing for landing and taking in the view. Landed and the view from here is amazing! Planted the flag and maybe we should come back here and build an outpost. But that's coming later. For now, I'm heading to Gullis
  13. Left Gol's SOI and really enjoying the view from here! Passing over the North Pole before heading to Olei and this is another very beautiful view!
  14. Passing through the Gaia system for some sightseeing Making a stop at Gol and also getting a good look at Nightmare during approach Gliding over the lava lakes of the impact zone, and MAN they weren't kidding about it being hot even up here. Parked on a mountain overlooking the lakes and it's still a little warm over here. I'm king of The Rock! And I'm also feeling much more of the heat out here. I could probably bake a pizza on this rock. Planting the flag, and now I am ready to get out of this heat and head for Olei!
  15. Taking a quick pit stop at Gilly Doing an EVA to the surface, the ship is too unwieldy to land it on such a small body. Nice view from down here. Perhaps someday we can build a small outpost here.
  16. Sorry about the long wait everyone. Our hyperdrive went down and it took us a long time to get to Eve as such, but now we've finally got there and is it just me or are there not as many clouds? Heading down to the surface And yup there aren't as many clouds Planting a flag and during our time on the surface we repaired our hyperdrive now we can quickly get to the Gaia system
  17. Arrived at Scorch and now plotting descent Now landed and MAN is it hot here, or is it just me? Flag planted and Bob is joining us this time We had a really warm and fun visit here. Next stop, Eve!
  18. Landed at the Mohole and getting some great views! Planting a flag for the Rebellion Nice photo-op with Val. Next stop, Scorch!
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