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Everything posted by Shna_na

  1. Good idea, I'll get on it soon. I'm a little snowed under at the moment with not much spare time, and the little spare time I do have is being devoted to the logo competition (something like that doesn't come around often enough for me, so I'm grabbing it by the reigns). That's why I haven't finished the circuitboard, too .
  2. That looks great, it could easily be converted to a mass kerbal-carrier, too. *hint-hint nudge-nudge*
  3. We're getting some pretty good submissions here!
  4. Skim-read some replies , but read the OP. I don't think a building is needed for this, though it would be a nice feature to have as a simulation. For that reason, I think that in the mission control building there should be a "simulate" button. When you press this button, it should take you to a list of variables: Atmosphere: Select from a list of bodies with atmospheres to simulate their density. Gravity: Select which body's gravity you would like to simulate. Landing altitude: Select the altitude of your landing zone (a random button could be available for those who don't need a specific height). Flight Conditions: Flight Path: Select the angle at which you are landing and the current altitude (just above the atmosphere in those that have one or 10KM for those that don't by default, but is tweakable). Situation: Landed, splashed, or sub-orbital trajectory? Stage: Starting stage and remaining fuel. This should display options based on the science you already have. This means that you can only simulate the gravity of planets for which you have gravioli research from and only simulate the atmosphere of a planet you have done some barometric research on. The planet simulated should be flat at the altitude you specified and have a ground composed of different shades of grey, with a plain blue atmosphere for those that have one. This ensures that no spoilers are given in terms of the actual planet, and makes it more like a simulation. This would be a great way of making the science more than just a currency, but also an actual piece of researching material. As more variables become a factor (such as temperature, seismology, etc.), the research becomes more and more important for simulations.
  5. Nice loading area. I'd recommend making a dashboard for it, you seem to have plenty of room to do so in there. Remember, less is more, so don't go overkill!
  6. This challenge is aesthetics > functionality. Maybe you could sacrifice some functionality for aesthetics? Hmmm, it is against the rules to use any engines, but at only 0.5m/s I'll let it slide. And it's for aesthetic purposes, so I suppose I can't really complain.
  7. True, but don't attack me yet! I'm gonna get round to watching it. The user below me is in the GMT time zone.
  8. Technically false, My first account succumbed to the purge and so I created a new one. The user below me has never witnessed Overgrowth (game)
  9. Here's a small, low-quality sample of the circuitboard so far (colour): Edit: The original is 1000x1000px, this sample is only ~1/50 of it.
  10. True, and I loved it. It's one of those that's so bad it's good. The user below me is monolingual.
  11. named mmm Bop! Ba-da doo-wop, boo-dey-do-wop! Mmmm bop! Ba-ba-doooooooo. (<--- Yes, that was my 10-char) "Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to NGC 7032, where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately, he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus, he squelched to eat - the koalas drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep, causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly without Bill, who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin. Henceforth, trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat, loathing the Orangutans who postulated why they require boosters betwixt two, now exploded, Kerbals named...
  12. I've been pretty busy, but I've started work on the circuitboard. Should be done before GMT Midnight tomorrow, hopefully. Edit/Disclaimer: I'd like to point out now that I have no idea how a circuitboard works, nor do I know anything about how this kind of circuit works. After some research, I'm able to create something that looks the part but the chances are that it's unrealistic in the sense that if it were to be built in real life it would be non-functional.
  13. False, I once had cleats for teeth back in the glory days, but alas they crumbled under the pressure of drinking blo- um, eating ice-cream. The user below me has not seen any of the "Alien" films.
  14. It's great! I like what you did with the RTG, and the exaggeration of the spoiler is brilliant. Hey, it looks great! I know your problem with the corners and the whole strutting fix, such a pain. Wings are just too big, sometimes. Typical, I was going to spend today making a dump truck after watching the latest Little & Cubed (I assume that's where the inspiration came from, yes?). I'll probably do it anyway, the more the merrier, right? Wow. Nice attention to detail! The dashboard looks great, and using the ladders as grates for the headlights was something I hadn't even considered. Don't worry about clipping, it's not against the rules here (aesthetics>functionality).
  15. False, Nerd³ doesn't see himself as awesome and reserves that term for things that genuinely blow his mind with epicosity (I try not to refer to him as awesome, but it's difficult). The user below me is neutral when it comes to the tea/coffee war.
  16. True, as is stated by my signature. The user below me has watched curling in this year's winter olympics.
  17. You are correct! It's good to have a fellow procrastinator roaming about the forums. True (but who doesn't ) The user below me Is yet to witness the immensity that is Banished.
  18. True, though not for much longer (thankfully). @likke_A_boss : Daniel Hardcastle is Nerd³. Please tell me you know who that is . The user below me plans to enter this.
  19. True. The user below me, sadly, does not know who Daniel Hardcastle is.
  20. False... I think. I've never found out, despite having various blood tests. The user below me is not vegetarian.
  21. OK, leaving this corner - how would you go about fixing it? What kinds of categories and subcategories do you foresee?
  22. 7/10 +1 not cluttered +1 quote +2 good and true statement +2 I now am aware of the definition of "whackjobbing" +1 I have a harsh system, gonna change it soon. = Slight English error, but it's not your quote so it's not your fault... You could always correct it.
  23. I agree with the OP. It's something that kind of narks me a little, but suggesting a change never came to mind. Isn't it just changing one word in the config files? Examples: category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = PPD-12 Cupola Module ^The Cupola command pod (Pods section) category = Science subcategory = 0 title = SC-9001 Science Jr. ^The Materials Bay (Science section) These were taken from the config files for the parts in question. I'm in no place to say this, but wouldn't this take somewhere along the lines of 5 minutes to do? It's only changing 1 word in each of the RCS tank .cfg files, right? With only 5 parts at up to 1 minute each, it can't be too much of an impact on development time. Anyway, after straying into the no-go zone of mentioning whether it would be easy to implement or not, I will now huddle into a corner and await my punishment. EDIT: Oh, also, am I the only one wondering what the use of "subcategory" will be? It seems to be "0" for all parts... I just wonder how these subcategories will appear.
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