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Everything posted by genericeventhandler

  1. Other Non: TV signals don't have much power and will be lost in background noise before they get too far out our solar system. The most likely, we will never receive a message from outer space. The reason is because you don't know who you are shouting at, the people hearing your call for Help / Greeting could already Warp technology and will be eating you and planting flags on your planet before you wonder how long you will have to wait. The only way is to go out there and observe the culture you want to meet to see if they are stable and don't have nukes.
  2. I try to play without mechjeb, but If it wasn't for the pinpoint landings I would be sending rescue missions to rescue the crew that were there to rescue the crew that were there to pick up the data from the Science probe that Didn't have enough DV to get off the mun.
  3. Mods lots and lots of mods, I've started writing my own now, but I suck at designing parts.
  4. Spent time getting ready for my first asteroid capture. I'm not exactly sure how to go about the rdv, when I don't know when it will enter the SOI. But I think I have enough fuel and DV to bring it into an elliptic orbit.
  5. My daughter showed an intrest at the weekend, she is 9. I started her off in a science sandbox, learning with solid rockets and watching them go splat. Then she got the idea of parachutes but not the staging, another splat. Now I've got a multiplayer server setup on my raspberry pi, and we are currently building a space station around Mun, With help from mechjeb.
  6. I love this little mod, my rockets have become more streamlined and I can think up interesting ways to bomb the launch pad. Now If I could only figure out how to add integrated parachutes! Awesome mod. +rep
  7. I'm attempting just this using Kolonization. It's a little daunting to be honest, I have my first shipment of buildings on the way to minmus at the moment.
  8. Diazo: Thanks. Sarbian, that is awesome I've quickly glanced at the code and it seems to be fairly simple. My idea is for rovers. I'm always ripping the cells off because I forgot to retract them after stopping to recharge! I love mechjeb, it doesn't like retrograde orbits but that's fine
  9. Hi, I've got this idea to help me start understanding how to mod, can anyone give me any ideas how to open and close all solar panels and radiators? Thanks GE Scenario 1: GIVEN: I am on the ground WHEN: I am stationary and my solar panels are not open THEN: I open all solar panels and radiators Scenario 2: GIVEN: I am on the ground WHEN: My speed is > 0 and my solar panels are open THEN: I close all solar panels and radiators Scenario 3: GIVEN: I am not on the ground WHEN: Atmosphere Pressure > 0 and my solar panels are open THEN: I close all solar panels and radiators
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