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Everything posted by genericeventhandler

  1. So the two mods play well together? I've always tried one at a time. Thanks
  2. Hi all, Which mod is the best for controlling vtol craft? I've tried a number of them and I can't seem to figure out how to let a mod control the vertical to horizontal transition. Throttle controlled avionics gets installed and unistalled regullaly, as on paper is sounds great but can't figure out how to work it. Vertical Velocity Control seems good until it asked to remap all the keys to make it work. Any other ones that you would recomend? Thanks GE
  3. All street - a movie about a road and everyone that lives on it. Goo will hunting - A blob of goo and it's quest to obtain it's farthers last will and testement Black hawk own - A predator bird holds a small community in fear No country for old me - The shocking story of pension fund fraud. Fining Dory - A documentry on how to fillet fish Froze - a womans last hours on earth in an alaskan winter. X-Men: First Lass - A 2 hour interview with Jenefier Lawrence Hansel & Gretek: Itch hunters - Massage parlor exposé
  4. I always install RoverDudes Survivability pack Survivability Those little ships are really good at landing. GE
  5. Hello

    Do you mind if I add your mini claw to my no model modlets pack? I'll credit you in the file.


  6. Look in the debug definition of the part, I am guessing that you have two node-stack_top entries, or just the original. Add a @ before the entries to edit them. If you make it a copy script, you can compare the definitions to see if everything has been modified while you are in game. GE.
  7. Hi what did you add to the part, just modified the attachment nodes? Here's a basic Copy part script, // https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Syntax $PART[wingStrake] // Copy the wingStrake { %name = Mk1PodMiniWings // Edit the name so it is a new part %rescaleFactor = 0.25 // Mess with the size %TechRequired = start // change where it is in the tech tree %title = Mini wings for a Mk1 pod! // Change the title %description = Generic Eventhandlers plastic racing fins, MODULE // Add an RTG Generator for the sas to work. { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.75 } } } That should help with part one of the question, the second one I can't help with sorry.
  8. Kerbal Space Program WindowsPlayer x64 Same as above, I have had a career game going without changing mods for a log time, suddenly I can't enter / exit buildings. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Contracts.Parameters.PartTest.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractParameter.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Game.Updated () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSP.UI.Screens.RDSceneSpawner.onRDDespawn () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSP.UI.Screens.RDController.CloseButton () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent() UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update()
  9. Known for his elegant splashdowns and huge recovery costs.
  10. Have you tracked down which part of the code is taking too long? if so can you mail me a sample and I'll see if I see anything wrong with it. The only real thing you can do is make sure that you are not releasing lots of objects all at once, clean up and make everything as temporary as possible. As i've not seen the source code for ksp, but looking at the git hub repositories for mods, I see a LOT of static lists, these are very bad for the garbage collector as it has to check everything that might have a reference to the object. If you are using VS2015 add the code guidance packages to the source (one at a time, it's a nightmare to do in one go!) *nuget* Microsoft.AnalyzerPowerPack codecracker.CSharp They will point out problems in the code, I still miss some when I'm coding and I've been doing c# since the first beta. I like to use the StyleCop.Analyzers as well, but my colleagues would kill me if I inforced it :).
  11. Mono garbage collection You need to aim all objects at what the article describes the "Nursury" level 0 garbage collect, Nulling objects will qualify them for quick collect. GE
  12. Hi, Forcing a garbage collect is a very brute force way of freeing up memory, but the whole .net stack will pause when you do it, so that's not what you want. Simple rules to follow, Avoid huge arrays of objects, use arrays of primative types instead. Don't create List<T> before you use them, if a list is in memory for a long time, it skips the first (quick) garbage collect and goes straight to the slow jerky version When you have done with an object set it to null as soon as possible, don't hold onto it if you don't need it, a method that takes 2 seconds to fall out of scope means that that object is in memory for 2seconds longer than needed and will probably be slow garbage collected. If the object you are using supports IDisposeable wrap it in a using block to close and free it as fast as possible.. If you are using an IDisposeable interface, implement it correctly and call GC.SuppressFinalize(this) after you cleaned all references Avoid Statics, See previous rule Seriously avoid statics GE.
  13. Hi, I've been working on a bunch of ModuleManager scripts that take stock models and modify them. I don't do real solar system or real fuels or any other reality mod, so most of these would be considered cheating, but I don't care! Source (github) / Zip Install, Method 1. drag the GenericEventHandler folder into your game data. Method 2. Read the readme next to the .csproj, set the ENV variable correctly and you can modify the .cfg and have them depoy to kerbal by pressing F5. Parts: Aero DustScoops - Modify the radial scoop to have resource intakes of Dust, IntakeAtm, XenonGas MicroSpoiler - Copies the Airbrakes and makes them 50% smaller and able to withstand 4000 degrees, for Aerobreaking Mk1PodMiniWings - Mk1 pod sized strakes that enable to glide a mark one pod before popping chutes for landing Mk2HeatResistant - All Mk2 parts are much more heat resistant Parachutes - all parachutes now deploy at 0.5 and 1000m - remember to change your drag chutes. Engines DeOrbitEngine - still working on this, using the seperatron to be highly efficent Xenongas like de-orbit engine ElectricFan - not working at the moment, still bug fixing. Optional Mods USI_Suvivability : modifies RoverDudes suvivability DERP to have monopropellant generator, add a SmartParts heading control, Derp Solar panels generate monoPropellant, and the Floats can now Bounce! Pods CommandCoresHaveRTGs : adds a small RTG to all command pods that don't already have one. Resources Dust : Adds a dust resource Rovers RoverBodyScienceExperiment - adds a science container to the rover body and adds 4000 electric charge. Included SmartParts radio control for synchronized buggy driving. RoverWheel1 - Moves the first rover wheel down to the first node of the tech tree, so that it is easier to get science from around KSC Utility Dockingports - adds RCS to the docking ports LargeSolarPanel - Large solar panels and the small solar panel collect dust Mk1ServiceModule - Adds: SAS Command Pod Reaction Wheel RTG Generator Dust to Ore Compressor IntakeAtm to Dust Compressor Ore to LF / LFOX / OX ISRU Ore to MonoPropellant ISRU Ore to Metal converter Metal to RocketParts converter KIS Inventory Science Container Resource Storage for LF / OX / Monopropellant / Dust / Ore / Metal / Rocket Parts TODO: Fix the Engines so that they work correctly Figure out how to make the Dust resource scoopable between planets, and not rely on the hack of having the Solar Panels generate it Add Landertron module to the Mk1 service module if the mod is present Create an engine that can use IntakeAtm and IntakeWater to power it. Modify the rapier to have it's major source of propellant as IntakeAtm, with a little LF/OX mix + a lot of Electric charge.
  14. CrewQueue gives your kerbonauts holiday leave after each mission. Unfortunately it has not been updated for the current version.
  15. Thanks for bringing this back from the grave again, I can waste time floating around ksc again. Would it be possible to have an auto land function using this sort of logic. if TrueAltAboveGround > 1000 set alt adjustment to -240 m/s if TrueAltAboveGround < 1000 set alt adjustment to -3 m/s or possibly two buttons that can set to these values ? Thanks GE
  16. Uninstall Intersteller extended, it was throwing hundreds of NullReferenceExceptions for me last night.
  17. Thanks for the feedback, I've created the GitHub and I am now converting my existing mods to a separate modlet pack. It may take some time to convert from what I have to what could be considered not cheating! I will post when I have 5-10 modlets to share. Tx. Geh
  18. I've got about 20 module manager patches that do a load of different things, for example: Mk1 pod wings using rescaled strakes, allow the mk1 pod to glide back Add ISRU to a T400 tank to provide resource conversion without loads of extra parts packs New intakes that ingest lots of different resources Adding RCS to docking port Would I be ok to put this all up on git hub, as all models that are rescaled/modified are stock ones?
  19. smartparts works fine in 1.05, I use it constantly to extend the antennas at 75km
  20. I added the radio module to all command pods, set the default to 11 (lights) so it is totally possible to add the module to your part of choice.
  21. always start de-orbit from the lowest orbit possible, make sure you have air brakes and drag chutes for atmosphere worlds, turn of all limits, esp Q and G.
  22. As Dr Jet said, but with these added bits 1. switch to the other vessel, and right click the target docking port 2. switch back to the other vessel and the window should still be open on the target vessel, select set as target 3. Control from the port that you want to dock to. if both vessels can be rotated without wobble do control from here, face the target on both vessels, then turn on kill rot with both and dock at a much faster rate.
  23. As far as I know, the rate can't be dynamically changed like that. The density of the atmosphere and the air flow from intakes very with speed and altitude. For interstellar gases you need a resource config, look at the xenon config for an example, and make an intake for the new resource. For different inputs, you need a separate module section for a new converter. And you need three per resource. LfOx, Lf, Ox. LfOx will only fill the tanks until one of the resources hits maximum. LF and Ox are needed to top up if either is less than maximum. If it's cheating or not, well the difference between converting ore to fuel, or air to fuel. Is just the name of the resource. They are both resources in the same way, my config is slower to refuel than mining for ore! Do what you want to do, it's a sandbox game your only limit is what can't you do!
  24. If you are adding a new resource take a look at the community resource con figs. You probably have the folder already. You need to create a config for how abundant your resource is. If you don't have it, get karbonite by USI and take a look at his configs GE
  25. I wouldn't know anyone that has done, that. No nobody, don't look at me like that! ;-)
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