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Everything posted by PyroSA

  1. Well ... My boosters had boosters... technically. I had 3 boosters on each of my outside sections and 4 on the final stage. As the ship lifts all the fuel drains out of a stage sitting underneath the tuba, which is then dropped. The rest of the fuel quickly empties from the boosters and they then separate when they run out of solid fuel. The 4 inner did not have the additional fuel, and they go flying off to the side. The rest separate as well, but the added weight makes the angle less dramatic. As a result those 4 fly off dramatically, while the other 12 make a weird cloverleaf. Dropping 2 lifters are pretty boring by comparison. And since I had way too much fuel, the sustainers make it all the way to space with plenty of fuel left on top of the ~7k the minimal tuba stage had.
  2. Air brakes are a welcome addition. They insist on being control surfaces though, which I was expecting to be a toggle. Also - for some reason my test-jet had them deploying inwards in some configurations. But still - Welcome addition!
  3. I never did get back to my ship - got interrupted and never went back... But the Aerobrake was pretty cool. My ship came in at around 4900m/s with a periapsis of 47km (AP -6880km), exited with an AP of 378km and PE of 43km. A bit too much, but it definitely was interesting. Docked with Gilly around 7km above 'sea' level, which weirdly showed my ship trajectory as an impact. Hopped out, and noticed I was orbiting the wrong way, so did a 180 with the ship. Hopped around a bit... and then I had to go do other stuff :p
  4. That's a pity. FAR was a brilliant improvement to realism in KSP1. Yes - it was not always easy to design something that works, but what you built behaved as you would expect.
  5. The canyon being those three 'scars' on the surface? Right? Seems like orbiting in the ring would be easier than getting a vehicle down. Not to mention the luck I've had with vehicles...
  6. I clearly do not have the patience for Xenon... Build one with something like 50kDv, but burn times... eish. Then I tried to create multi-engine ones, hardly helping as you need so much energy generation you don't effectively increase the thurst unless you sacrifice dV. Ran into a bug where draining the battery means the torque wheels never come online again... So I settled for a Jet-assisted launch, to get to Jool. Used Tylo to shave a little off, but that probably only saved me like 500 m/s. Total trip direct was about 5000dV in to a stable, with 1400 to spare. Then I detached my satellite and headed to Laythe direct. Getting down to a stable orbit at 500km Burned like 2000dV of the 4400 I packed on to it. No way I'm visiting all the moons this way... So I'll settle for a stretch this time. An interesting thing I did in the first stage - A sustainer rocket with 12 ?scramjets? - Taking a very shallow ascent the jets burn until about 22km, with LOTS of horisontal speed already. Power on the rocket was 1750kN, but with scramjets it peaked somewhere over 5000kN, and it burns a fraction of the fuel since you don't need oxidizer.
  7. Is it that much cheaper? From what I could tell: KSP MGA Planner (krafpy.github.io) Kerbin-Jool at year 3 should take about 4910m/s and arrive on the 6th year Kerbin-Eve-Eve-Jool can pull it off leaving immediately and reaching Jool in the 4th year with 4674m/s Is there a cheaper route?
  8. The modified Naboo N1 made for a surprisingly efficient atmospheric flyer, but it was not going to space today...
  9. First draft has enough potential to make it to space... Not something I'd normally build. More images at: https://imgur.com/gallery/OIngCeb Primary - Looks Like a Dragon! Stretch: Breathes Fire! (Cheap Version) Jeb: Gets to space... (WIP)
  10. Apparently my horrid Starhip flights were at least more successful than the real thing. This specific variant glides gloriously (and decomposes rapidly if I let SAS do its thing). I did manage a few more technically impressive flights, but this one made an interesting spin... KSP Weekly Challenge 8 - Imgur I found that it glides fairly well, but all my attempts at getting it to survive flipping were unsuccessful so far. If I pump all the fuel to the back it is surprisingly stable in reverse. At least it got there and back?
  11. The accuracy of my re-entry and landings immediately rule out Jeb Level.
  12. Yes, so many mods Main ones: Micro Engineer - A must-have. Manuever Node Controller - excellent for fiddling with manuever nodes. Kontrol System 2 - Probably not for everyone, but extremely powerful scripting. It's Nervin Time enables the middle nuclear engine (not complete, ISP is mid-way between the small one and swerv. Interplanetary Calc - was used to get the angle to Eve. Heads-up-display - For a 3D version of the nav-ball.
  13. Well, I wasn't planning on going to Eve, but since I've not been there in KSP2, I decided to see if my other experiment could handle it. Some useful info: the atmosphere starts at 90km. A good intercept from game start happens around 1 year and 128 days in... well... around there, I was sloppy with time acceleration. I launched my nuclear tourist vessel, swung around the moon, corrected on the way, skimmed the atmosphere, dumped all the excess parts, and landed on the sunny side. https://imgur.com/gallery/UYEz0MV It landed! Primary goal achieved... might try a proper ship later. (This ship uses the unavailable medium nuclear engine, not a crucial part, but I was experimenting with hydrogen)
  14. Has anyone had issues with tooltips being 'incomplete' after 1.1.1? I'm seeing a lot of part names as localization tokens. Things like Electric Charge: 250 VAB/Tooltip/U or Methalox: VAB/tooltip/t
  15. Same - no audio with 1.1.0 Removed ALL mods, installed just space-warp and bepinex, and no audio.
  16. I wanted to attempt this as a 'tourist drone ship' - a mix of Jeb and Val. But even though I could get to Ike (technically landing at not-the-poles), and should enough dV on my tested to get to Duna poles to catch a second similar ship home, I discovered a flaw in my plan. Hitchhikers don't EVA, but I saw Duna and Ike: I'll be back! If I get time this week...
  17. KSP Version: Operating System and version: Windows 11 CPU and GPU models: AMD 5600, GTX3060 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior Wheels should roll only under power, if anything should decelerate when turning Observed Behavior Wheels, even unpowered ones accelerate the vehicle. Steps to Replicate. Build a small car with the largest wheels. Max speed should be 14m/s. Launch it on the runway. Vehicle might start rolling right as it launches, and even accelerate if it's off balance. A few swerves can cause it to rapidly accelerate - it might turns against the direction you input. Fixes / Workarounds Stick to flying A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. I've encountered similar before I had mods installed Other Notes I've encountered this before with aircraft wheels as well. Seems related to suspension being compressed at an angle. Suspect it might be related to wheels being clamped to terrain, but and suspension pushing the wheel through the terrain. Every time it adds a little momentum to the vehicle. Video example: Ghost Acceleration Note, SAS is off to rule that out.
  18. Kerpollo-11 This proved to be quite fun! I should definitely do voice-overs if this is going to hold anyone's attention for such a long video... but the video captures a few interesting moments. Video: https://clipchamp.com/watch/sKrs0xZS3Xp Images: Kerpollo-11 - KSP2 Weekly Challenge #4 - Imgur One really unexpected moment, was just before landing - I overshot, went back - overshooting again - and barely missed the top of the arch. The rest was pretty regular bugginess. Docking causing massive changes in the plan. Manuever nodes going away, or awry. Overall it went better than expected, managed to get there and back, even though I forgot to load Bill, and didn't mention Bob in the credits. Even had a RCS tank loaded and some jets, but completely forgot that those need to be positioned correctly relative to ship mass to be able to translate. This was my first docking in years. The flip: 2m55 Detach Launcher: 6m15 The landing: 8m50 Second Docking: 13m13 ... The important bits are there. And it didn't explode on the pad. It needed a flip, like the real thing: And the lander left a little piece of itself behind: The landing site wasn't quite authentic though...
  19. Just an addendum to that. You can create a V-tail to have a mix of yaw, roll and lift on the tail.
  20. Is this linked to rotation? I've had several mostly stationary ship in low orbit that was insanely unstable. A stable circular 5000m orbit would decay in less than a full orbit to hit the ground.
  21. I have the same issue after a minimus landing. I'm pretty certain my state was landed before loading. As I loaded because the lines weren't visible. I did quite a few hops on the surface though, so perhaps it was during one of these hops that I loaded before actually reaching orbit.
  22. I noticed the same thing while on the surface. I landed inside a dark canyon as I wanted to see how my lights work. Looking towards the star, I could see the flare clearly below the top of the hill even though everything else was dark.
  23. Sadly not live on (my?) CKAN yet. Should your .netkan in github not be updated to "ksp_version": "1.3"? Or is it submitted separately from the repo? I quite enjoyed this mod on 1.2.2. Main pain point were not being able to stop/start the charge/discharge manually. I had to send a lot of science over a very 'expensive' relay link. Battery alone could not handle it, but if the 'real' battery was discharging it was enough to send the last few packets while in sunlight. Yip, bad planning I wasn't expecting a specific experiment to need 800+ in a single burst and had several antennas that combine
  24. Very Nice! Really impressed. The only real successful VTOL I built was a heavy MK3 with a BUNCH of engines places on the underside. Once I had it nicely balanced with the RCS build tool it was somewhat successful on a trip to the moon and minimum, but it was still a hassle switching it around. With minimal effort this made a decent hover-buggy that I could control well enough to land on the VAB roof. I'll definitely be digging a bit deeper into the options to see what I can come up with.
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