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Everything posted by PyroSA

  1. Man, went googling for this instance the too many times. This is gonna be handy for going places
  2. I like. I never use fuel cells because I hate the management, but this should work as I intend to use fuel cell! Thanks!
  3. It shouldn't matter. Confirmed - V1.21 fixes the Mass issue, but I still can't change fuel types on the Stock Rockomax Jumbo-64. My super-scientific test (firing a big rocket straight up) still resulted in a slightly higher apoapsis with the Jumbo-64 for unknown reasons, but that might just because I suck at going in a straight line. In an effort to correct for this, I will add moar powah! EDIT: Second test also resulted in 2x64 being slightly better at clawing for height than 1x128. Strange considering the resulting ship should be similar.
  4. AVC V1.1.6.1 from CKAN has a version file that says, even though the DLL is correct.
  5. Installed via CKAN KSP CRP 0.5 IFS and IFS core 1.20 Modular Rocket Systems 1.12.5 And Non-CKAN Module Manager 2.6.21 Deleted the module cache before testing. ------ KSP's engineer report still shows a different mass between two 64s and a MRS-128, and the MRS 128 definitely still acts heavier based on a very scientific test of strapping on a big motor to see how high it goes. Kerbal Engineer Redux jumps between the high and low values. Also - no fuel selector on stock Rockomax 64
  6. That is awesome! Thanks for the quick fix! Sadly my game PC gave up the ghost today, so I can't confirm
  7. I also have this. IFS + IFS Core, installed via CKAN. 64-bit pre-release of 1.1
  8. I have the same issue. EG - The Rockomax X200-128. Parts list shows it as 8t When added on to the vessel, but emptied of its contents, the weight changes between 8 and 16t in Kerbal Engineer. In flight it seems to act as 16t for dV purposes, which makes it much less efficient than non-fuel-switch tanks.
  9. Same issue. Loaded my ship orbiting Laythe, and the framerate drops to some powerpoint-styled. Disabled Laythe, and no change. Disabled Jool, and everything is smooth again.
  10. Has anybody else run into issues with the ILX-40? The engine gives the thrust I desire, but seems to have orientation issues. If you fit it in the SPH/VAB, it points forwards. If you rotate it to point in the right direction, it vectors in the wrong direction. Turning left turns right instead. Other engines seem to function fine, and aerodynamic surfaces rotate as expected. The placement around the CoM does affect the direction of thrust, but it's always in the mirrored direction.
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