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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. There is a third group in there ... we are a small one which is why it is easy to overlook us (even though it was one of us who started this thread ) We're the group that just wants to know what is actually happening, gathering data on the subject and asking questions ... not many of us here it looks like
  2. This was not my statement ... it was @Gargamel's Please do not put words into my mouth ... Just because I agree doesn't mean you can attribute his words as mine by editing the quote
  3. This thread isn't about the EULA Perhaps, but this is not the purpose of this thread ... Go discuss the EULA in the EULA thread as conflating the two is creating more of a disturbance in the force than anything productive
  4. So this thread isn't about the EULA ... It is concerning the data that IS being sent back to T2/Squad without explicit knowledge of what said data is We've established what sort of data is being sent back and it has nothing to do with anything except for KSP data itself as far as has been discovered ... So where does your bank account info come into it? ^^^^THIS
  5. Well it has already been established that this is not the type of data that they are collecting so I fail to understand what your social security number has to do with it
  6. I did not say that ... All I said was that is is not sending using HTTPS from what I was told Seems that I am responsible for all the comments saying that KSP is sending your personal data back to T2 ... I never said anything of the sort @sarbian - I apologize if I misunderstood your post, but the way it was worded made it appear that you were speaking directly to me
  7. [quote clipped for space] I never said anything of the sort ... I asked a question is all
  8. Words of wisdom from Spock .... “Insufficient facts always invite danger.” - Star Trek, season 1, episode 24 (“Space Seed,” 1968) “In critical moments, men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see.” - Star Trek, season 3, episode 9 (“The Tholian Web,” 1968) “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” - Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, 1991
  9. Hey all The point of this thread is to gather information and get some answers to the question I posed ... Speculation on what is up is all well and good but just remember that we don't have all the facts yet Myself and others here have provided information that can be verified by others among us but this still doesn't constitute a guilty as charged verdict This could easily be just simple game related data to help improve KSP as has always been a part of the game with the only difference being that we are unable to opt out Lets gather more info and wait for a hopefully honest and insightful response from T2/Squad before we hand down a verdict
  10. It means why would T2 use another type of encryption other than HTTPS which is good for online banking ... do they need to be sure that the data is more secure than banking info? And if this is the case then why does it need to be more secure?
  11. Jim Sterling is a video game commentator that digs into the shady practices of video game developers ... He was sued for 10 million dollars and won against Digital Homicide He was sued for giving a bad review
  12. Since we haven't even had a recognition of the concerns raised in this thread why not see what Mr. Jim Sterling has to say about this ... I'm sure he has the resources at hand to get to the bottom of our concerns Here's the reddit post for it ... if enough of us comment about it maybe he'll take a look
  13. So this thread blew up over night .... I guess we're still waiting for an official response then? Well, in the meantime, here's another little tidbit of info ... SWIM (someone who isn't me) decided to ask his/her employer (large corporate entity) if they would allow SWIM to run KSP v1.4 on their corporate network as a test for data connections going out, SWIM's boss said go for it What was discovered is a little disconcerting Said corporate network of this unnamed corporation track any and all incoming and outgoing connections from the network through a corporate firewall ... KSP 1.4 connects over TCP 443 to api.redshell.io and various hosts in cloud.unity3d.com. This firewall also does inline decryption of traffic to and from the network ... You want to know what else it discovered, it failed to decrypt these connections, so it isn't just speaking HTTPS but instead something else over TCP 443 ... Question is what is it sending and why is it encrypted? @Darth Badie, care to comment?
  14. Thank you for this information ... I think we're starting to see more of the picture now I guess we should wait for an official statement from @Darth Badie before we draw any conclusions
  15. Now that is an interesting piece of information Here's some info for those who do not know what Redshell and Ghostery are https://redshell.io/home https://lifehacker.com/ad-blocking-extension-ghostery-actually-sells-data-to-a-514417864/amp
  16. Could you open an issue on our github detailing what you are experiencing as well as what sort of behavior you would like to see Using the github issues tracker makes it easier for the team to keep track of bugs, feature requests and other good ideas such as you are suggesting ... Things can get lost under other posts here on the forum, however on github we can actually keep track of and report on viability, roadblocks or progress on the issue Here's the link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues
  17. How are you trying to fly your craft? I assume you're using the AI Pilot with the wing commander modeule ... Telling the craft through wing commander where to go, yes? More context please
  18. Apparently the mesh and texture switching is mostly locked out to modders ... Just what I have heard from those in the know If this is the case I wouldn't expect much in regards to using the stock texture and mesh switching
  19. Doesn't hurt to ask ... well, in my case there are those trying to make it painful to have asked the question but that is to be expected
  20. It is missing ... I install fresh from the store a new directory for each of my installs so no, the settings were not carried over
  21. Not in the 1.4 version ... that is missing now
  22. True, however it is something tangible .. not like most of the other comments in this thread
  23. @THX-1138 - Thank you for the clarification ... And congratulations on being the first response here that actually gave an answer to the question It only took 19 reply's to get an actual answer
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