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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Check your deploy altitude ... default is set to 1000 meters so if you are above that you will just fall with a partially opened chute and typically die a horible death crashing against the mountain you just jumped off of
  2. So either you have installed BDAc incorrectly, have the wrong version for your KSP version or you have another mod installed that is conflicting with BDAc ... Three possibilities, that's it that's all, no passing go, nothing else to be said on that matter Now as for what is the issue at hand, remove any mods other than BDAc and PRE and see if this happens again (NO OTHER MODS) ... if it does happen again you have installed the mod incorrectly ... SOLUTION: refer to the OP of this thread where it clearly explains installation procedures for BDAc If it does not happen then you have installed the mod correctly and you now need to figure out which mod you have that is causing the conflict ... SOLUTION: Read the following thread where it explains how to help us help you (and in the process help you help yourself )
  3. @MaximumThrust - So the first clue is when you said that you can revert, make adjustments and relaunch with no issue if using your main save ... so my first suspect is you have a borked save file which when it is loaded borks your whole game requiring a reload delete the savegames that cause the issue and problem solved Unfortunately if you require those saves or want to continue using them you're pooched ... the jig is up and you got bit by the almighty Kracken
  4. As my friend above mentioned, for all essential purposes the info you are looking to be displayed is hard coded and would require a plugin to display ... Writing a plugin to do what you want will not be very difficult unless you have no C# programming experience let alone if you are new to modding (as in making a mod, not adding mods to your game) Adding onscreen messages is very easy as well as displaying the information you want to see (when using the proper tools) ... perhaps you could write a plugin to do it As I said, fairly simple if you can figure it out ... Consider this a push to learn something new
  5. From my understanding this mod has not been updated since BDAc v1.0.0.0 for KSP v1.3.x ... Using this mod with any BDAc version past BDAc v1.0.0.0 will likely result in this mod not working as advertised as there have been numerous changes made under the hood of BDAc which have not been incorporated into this mod as of yet Be advised that continuously asking for updates or info on updates can be very trying on a modder and is generally discouraged ... Please read the following thread regarding 'not poking the bears'
  6. @Austinator48 - Sigima 6 Lean Manufacturing practices incorporated into the code now Only runs if your kerbal is on eva and the kerbal has been airborne ... no progress on the career or science deal yet though https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/EVAChutePack/releases/tag/v0.0.0.2
  7. Perfect ... I'll make the adjustments I mentioned about how the code runs so as to make it a lean program (lean meaning not very computationally large) I'll see what I can do about the science and career situation but no promises
  8. OK ... I'll look into that I should be able to get around the skill deal ... Not that experienced with modes other than Sandbox so may take a bit, at least in sandbox it should be working
  9. Fantastic Not sure how it will work in Career or in Science modes but Sandbox it should work perfectly fine as it is just slightly modified code from the OrX mod I've been working on and it works perfet in OrX (although only tested in Sandbox)
  10. @Austinator48 - Here's the thread link ... please move discussion on this subject to the following thread as I will be able to track the convo better in a dedicated development thread Links are in the OP ... I literally slapped it together in about 5 minutes (took longer to set up the Github repo and forum thread ) so there very likely will need to be some modifications done to it ... Let me know in the thread if it works and then I will make the adjustments I know that need to be made so that the plugin doesn't take much processing power Currently the code repack the chute if your kerbal is landed or splashed but it will continuously do this which is why I need you to test it out a bit to make sure it works and then I can adjust the code so that it doesn't run unless the kerbal has been airborne before the chute check
  11. EVA Chute Pack Automatically re-packs your Kerbals' EVA Parachute upon landing (SANDBOX MODE ONLY) Download Link: https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/EVAChutePack/releases Issues Link: https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/EVAChutePack/issues Licensed under GPLv3
  12. Gimme a couple minutes and I'll post the plugin ... have to follow forum rules so need to set up a development releases thread for it .... I'll post the link to the thread in this thread and ping you when I get it put together
  13. How do you envision it working? I just slapped together a plugin that should theoretically repack your EVA chute if you are landed or splashed while on EVA if the EVA chute has been deployed ... would this work for you or did you think it should be more complex?
  14. There was never an HP editor in BDAc ... I think you are referring to the standalone Dev tool I created which has been discontinued
  15. Please refer to the ingame BDPedia (KSPedia) for detailed instructions on the operation of BDAc The BDPedia has many entries in it and will give you a good overview of the controls and settings ... Click on the little blue book on lower right hand side of the screen
  16. So it took a few tries but I managed a respectable 5.9km
  17. As my friend above mentioned, this thread is for any and all BDAc addons Although it may seem that this is for BDAc addons from BDAc devs, nothing could be further than the truth Any and all BDAc addons should be included here ... The fact that most if not all of the good addons are from members of the BDAc Team or the SM Skunkwurks (unofficial BDAc test group) means nothing other than we were prepared for this BDAc release (all other BDAc addon modders were contacted and given ample assistance in preparing their mod ... not all wanted to work with us) Be aware that this list does not imply that a mod listed here works as advertized, however take into account that BDAc addons from members of the aforementioned BDAc team or SM Skunkwurks will very likely work as advertised on the tin as well as having a network of team members (both BDAc and SM Skunkwurks) who will gladly help with any issues with mods under our control The BDAc team and the SM Skunkwurks aim to further the 'splosions and carnage that users have come to expect from BDAc List of BDAc and SM Skunkwurks members: @SpannerMonkey(smce), @Papa_Joe, @jrodriguez, @gomker, @TheDog @Eidahlil, @DoctorDavinci, @TheKurgan, @XOC2008
  18. @Triop - Just an exploratory mission ... Val and her friends will come pick up Jeb when he is done diving in your hole
  19. If you have any other issues feel free to ask Also @XOC2008 is part of the defacto BDAc test group, he has valuable experience that might come in handy for you
  20. No problem My suggestion is to keep your poly count low and the .mu size on disk less than 0.5mb for each .mu .... 2.1mb is way to big I have seen this sort of issue many times before and it always turned out to be 1 of 2 things that cause it - First being high poly count and the second being open vertices in the model itself If you happened to miss closing up even one point on your model it can cause KSP to have a hissy fit ... generally the first cause is the more prominent one Also I remember being told that poly count should be divisible by 256 (or was it vertices ... I forget)
  21. Shader problems do not a crash make There is as issue with PRE that will cause textures to get a little glitchy after awhile if you have landed or splashed vessels in physics range, however this will not cause a crash Then why is there a plugin in the Plugins directory of your mod ... ModernNavalWeaponSystem.dll is a plugin and that requires that you have done some coding (and also requires you to provide a link to your code as per forum rules) Therein lies at least part of your issue ... I see there is at least 1 .mu in there that is over 2mb and that is a no no with KSP Personally I think you should go over your mod again and fix your poly count issue as there are numerous mods out there that have large parts but the reason they don't crash KSP is due to them having low poly counts .... more poly's means more processing power and when you add huge poly counts to KSP on a single part you tend to end up with a lot of lag if not crashes But feel free to not listen to me as apparently I do not know what I am talking about
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