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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Simple solution to a complex problem .... Just add some vernier engines underneath each of the ground vessels pointing down, when you pull up to dock turn on RCS and use the jets to lift the docking vessel ever so slightly (or if the base is the one with the lower docking port use it's RCS) Example in the video below
  2. Davinci's Move Launch Select alternative launch locations from inside the editor Move Launch v0.0.0.1[7.2.18] DEV ...Changed Models of ML Control part and GPS Logger to scaled down Stock Emergency Escape System model ... Surface attach the Move Launch part and after select location from menu in editor (part is in the Control category in the editor ... part must be attached before selecting launch site and part is killed after launch so don't attach anything to the Move Launch part) ... Vessel will spawn at the KSC and then be transported to your chosen location (happens within 2 or 3 frames) ... After location has been moved vessel will be setup to be moved exactly like in Vessel Mover, will be already in the move state, move and click place ... Altitude Adjustment slider is to fine tune the placement of your vessel (whether ground or sea) so as to prevent Rapid Unplanned Disassembly on landing .... menu window will show which site has been selected, if you want to change the site either remove the part and delete then replace or click on any other button in the menu and the site will reset after which select the site you wish to go to .... Still haven't solved the rotation deal which is why I added the move code from VM, this way you will can manually orient the vessel before placing Locations Available: North Pole South Pole Baikerbanur Pyramids Island Airfield KSC Beach KSC Island Beach KSC Island Channel KSC Harbor East KSC Island New Harbor Tirpitz Bay Kerbini Atol Missile Range 200 Download Link: https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/MoveLaunch/releases Issues Link: https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/MoveLaunch/issues Move Launch is Licensed as MIT
  3. @Vanamonde Thanx for the recognition Although I want to point out to the rest of the community that I am but a small part of a larger team ... The team been together going on 2 years now, ever since @BahamutoD moved on to bigger things , and we're still going strong BD Armory Continued Team members (in no particular order): @Papa_Joe @SpannerMonkey(smce) @gomker @jrodriguez @TheDog @TheKurgan @Eidahlil @DoctorDavinci We welcome all to come on in ........... inside the BD Armory experience Where weapons are your passport, your magic key, to all the destruction that awaits you Feel the thunder, and the frenzy, and see all the beautiful explosions And for your enemies ... Well ... I'm sure you can find something to poke them with
  4. https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/wiki [snip] (TL;DR- mods are not supported at this time)
  5. So I remember there was a bug that would cause this same thing to happen KSP v1.1.3 but was seen in v1.3 last fall Here's a link to the thread, take a look as it will likely help
  6. KSP.log? Also the suggestion from @Gargamel is basically all that can be done ... even with a 15 minute loading time, 30 mods will be narrowed down in under an hour and a half with most of that time being waiting for the game to load (go do some dishes or read a short story .... SCP Foundation creepy pastas are great time killers) Providing a screenshot does little if anything to help narraw down what is causing your issue ... upload your KSP.log to a filesharing site and post the link in this thread and those in the know will have the information they need to help you If you are unable to do any of the above then nobody will be in the position to offer anything but a guess so following the previous suggestion is probably your best bet
  7. KSP.log? A simple upload of that file to a filesharing service and posting the link here would probably save you a lot of screwing around (I even put it in the OP concerning support ... oh but who am I fooling, nobody reads the instructions anymore)
  8. Because it is a required dependancy for BDAc, says so in the thread ... why is it a dependancy, because it is needed to be able to run battles at distances over 200 meters If your game is laggy before even installing BDAc then it will get lagier ... This is what happens when you add mods to the game ... more code to run means it takes longer for a frame to be generated
  9. Ummmm no, BD Armory Continued works ... you either installed the mod wrong or installed the wrong version for your ksp version Perhaps if you read the instructions you wouldn't be experiencing the pink shaders Here is the link to our thread .... read and rejoice in the destruction that BDAc brings you If you have any questions after reading the OP of our thread I first refer you to the KSPedia where there is tons of info on how to use BDAc (it is an instruction manual) and if you are still having issues after reading the instructions then feel free to ask for help in our thread
  10. Reflection? Call the Awake and onstart methods onPartAttach?
  11. That is awesome ... now you have the variables you need to make an equation that will cover every orbital body since each of them will rotate at different speeds if I'm not mistaken Glad to have helped
  12. The point I was making is that you should be able to do the same thing I am doing with the world coords with the orbital parameters you are using ... the math and logic would be essentially the same
  13. Increase the texture quality in the main KSP settings to at least good although on some slower systems you still have to set it to high Render setting in KSP settings follow the same as above Sounds like you are forcing open gl .... to get around the purple/magenta shaders showing up the solution is to not force open gl (has been this way since KSP v1.2.x) Not sure about this one ... Perhaps reading the OP of this thread would help as all the other answers I have given you are in there edit: you should read the whole thing but the part I am referring to is the part that tells you what you need to do in order for you to help us to help you
  14. I have some code in DCK FutureTech that will give you part of what I describe above .... Look in here .... not sure which line but look for GetSatInfo() The code in there will give you distance per degree based on sea level, should be an easy modification to change it from distance per degree to distance per time.deltatime https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK-Future-Tech/blob/master/DCK_FutureTech_Plugin/Modules/ModuleDCKGPSSat.cs
  15. @Dagger So just a tidbit to add to what the other lads have mentioned ... Kerbin in constantly rotating which means the world location coordinates are constantly moving with the rotation This will cause exactly what you are seeing (we've come across this in the BDAc team) As for a possible solution, if you know the rate of rotation of an orbital body you should be able to adjust for that rotation .... trick is to find the amount the coords move relative to the rotation and then shift the vessels geo coords to account for it How to do this ... get the radius of the planet/moon (celestialbody.whatever) then do some math to get the circumference, after which you divide the circumference by the time it takes for one full rotaion and viola, you have how many degrees of shift per amount of time (in your case divide it into seconds) Now that you have the degrees per second of rotation you should then be able to subtract/add to the geo coords as needed to account for the shift.... do note that the direction that a craft is travelling in relation to the planets rotation will change based on the vector of the craft (more complicated math but doable) The above should get you close to a solution ... ping me if you have any questions
  16. I figured out how to launch a kerbal from the SPH
  17. Which version of BDAc do you have installed? Also BDA Weapons extenstion is not BDA and does not work properly... best course of action is to remove it Also your texture and render settings in the main game needs to be set at good or better to see tracers and for damage to be properly meeted out Did you manually install BDAc? .... did you read the BDPedia (KSPedia)? Where did you download from? ... if from ckan then you need to not install through ckan and manually install the apropriate version of BDAc for your KSP version You mention that BDAc works in 1.4.4 but not in 1.3 which tells me you haven't read the OP of our forum thread nor have you read the instructions ... this is the first thing you should do as reading an instruction manual for something as complicated as BDAc is always a good idea
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