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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Please stop spreading misinformation .... I see people offering advice to forum users in a number of threads, and although I think its is awesome that these people are willing to help and offer advice, if the person offering the advice doesn't know what they are talking about then the misinformed advice ends up confusing the issue If someone knows something for sure then they should speak up and help, but if said person is unsure or doesn't know what they are talking about then all that is accomplished is confusion for the person seeking help There are a few mods out there that are version locked as well as a few others that worked great up to 1.4.3 but the changes made in 1.4.4 broke some of their functionality
  2. The reason KIS can remove helmets is because Squad added a hook in their code for modders to remove it Removing the parachute would involve going around the KSP plugin code and using Unity itself to remove it ... totally doable, check the Unity docs to get started
  3. Does the file contain the source code from these mods or are they just the compiled mods If the former then I would be interested in a copy as without the source code etc.... there isn't much that can be done with it unless you start plugin scrying which is a major pain
  4. Although it is possible it could send someone into a seizure The way kerbals exit a command pod or passenger compartment is as follows: Kerbal is destroyed inside the part ... Kerbal with same name and stats is spawned at the airlock of the part ... focus changes to spawned kerbal .... rinse and repeat Essentially what happens is for each kerbal spawned the focus will change to the spawned kerbal and if you have 100 of them just think of the flickering screen as it jumps between each kerbal as they are spawned There is a mod, eva parachutes if I'm not mistaken, that will allow you to eject up to 3 kerbals at the click of a button and it could easily be modified to suit your purpose (increase the max kerbal eject from 3 to whatever ... you would need some coding experience) DD
  5. Let me get this straight ... So, in short, what you are asking is for me to add a whole other game mode and create a single player campagn for this new game mode? You do realize that the BDAc team is not a game studio and we do this in our spare time, yes? I don't think you fully grasp what is involved if the BDAc team were to take on such a project Now this isn't saying a single player campaign isn't possible, all that I am trying to get accross here is that is quite a ton of work to implement If you wish to release your own version of BDAc the please open your own thread, set up the OP and be sure you follow all licensing requirements In addition to this, please name your BD Armory release something distinct from this one as we do not want to be forced to support your version or be flooded with issues when your versions code is not updated alongside ours as we will provide no support to another BDAc version as we have a perfectly fine working version here My suggestion is to perhaps release your changes as an addon and follow the licensing ... basically create new configs, rename the parts and release them in your own thread under your own name
  6. You should be able to edit the prefab in the editor but the values may not carry over on scene load Another thing you could do is have a monobehaviour that checks each part of a vessel on flightscene load and if the physics is off on a part it turns it on
  7. Follow the insructions in the first post in this thread please ... I just edited it to be more clear Be advised that there is a lot of info in the post so please read the whole post as it clearly explains what the team needs in order to assist you
  8. So just an fyi ... the people who have responded so far are part of the BDAc team We need your KSP.log as detailed in the OP of this thread ... this file is overwritten every time you start KSP and we require this file to diagnose your problem and fix your issue so you can start blowing stuff up with weapons Please start a game with BDAc and Physics Range Extender installed and start a game ... make the issue you are experiencing occurrs and then exit immediately from KSP Then take the KSP.log (found in the same directory as the KSP x 64 you double click to start KSP) and then upload it to a filesharing service such as dropbox .... post the link in this thread to the shared file and the team will look into it and help you figure out how to get BDAc running Thousands upon thousands of people have no problem like you describe so it must be either wrong version for your install or bad install ... either way, do what I posted above and then the BDAc team can help you ... otherwise there is nothing we can do to help
  9. Yes, the instructions could use a bit more clarification, I'll change that Although this is just the dev thread as the intention for this mod is to be incorporated into vessel mover ... I posted it to work out any kinks before it was integrated and So far the only issues are a clear explanation of how to use it and the rotation of the vessel after moving I'll take care of the first issue now but the second one will require assistance from the BDAc team ... thanx for bringing thus up
  10. List of supported mods is in the first post at the very top of the page, can't miss it if you decide to look But since you haven't looked .... no, procedural wings are not supported
  11. No, not dependant on other mods ... Did you attach the Move Launch part the your vessel? .... The only reason you would see that message is if you didn't follow the instructions in the first post of the thread ... IIRC I put the part in the Control category in the editor ... as stated in the OP, surface attach part and select launch location from menu in editor (part is a shrunken down Emergency Escape System)
  12. Yes, I agree with @The_Cat_In_Space to a degree that this is unrealistic given the scope of the game ... however some of the things you mention here have already been accomplished through mods
  13. So Module Manager is required for BDAc which is why you had that red message on screen ... Module Manager v3.0.6 is perfectly fine for this or you can upgrade to the latest release, doesn't matter, it will work no issue As for BDAc not working, well we're gonna need a bit more than "it did nothing" to figure out what the issue is as BDAc works fine for thousands of people My suggestion is to read the first post in the BDAc thread, then using the instructions contained therin, install BDAc according to the instructions After you have done this, start the game and once you get to the KSC scene click on the KSPedia button and read our BDPedia ... it is a little outdated as I made it a little over a year ago but it contains detailed instructions on how to use BD Armory Continued All the info is at your fingertips ... I have shown you the door but you are the one who must step through it Good luck with the destruction and mayhem ... feel free to contact the BDAc team in our thread if you require further assistance
  14. Check your staging ... many a player including myself have designed perfect craft for a given mission only to end up borking the whole deal because of a parachute or decoupler in the wrong stage Lets have a moment of silence for all the Kerbs lost in this manner
  15. I don't look at it like KSP has an identity crisis ... It's more like KSP has multiple personality disorder where the user gets to change the personality of KSP by adding mods If you want a meh vanilla go of things, play stock ... want realism, play with rss and that rabit hole ... want more places to go, use kopernicus ... want to blow up some enemies, use BDAc and any of the many mods that the team maintains for it KSP has MPD and that is it's personality (MPD is just another MLA for describing KSP and it's personality )
  16. Or you can install Mr. Clean as @4x4cheesecake mentioned above and have it cleared in 1 click of a button instead of this save/change settings/ save again/change settings back/save again and then reload Seems to me it would take literally seconds using Mr. Clean and minutes if not dozens of minutes doing it your way
  17. Thanx for the report .... If you could be so kind as to open an issue on our GitHub repository detailing this bug, reproduction steps etc.... - be as detailed as possible The team uses the git repo issues section to track bugs, fixes and ideas that the community come up with as posts tend to get buried in this thread Here is the link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues We'll definitely want to take a look at this issue and our git repo is the best place to get all the devs to see that there is a problem (although I will bring this to the other lads attention) Thanx again
  18. That tractor would look much nicer with DCK coloring on it
  19. ummm, that is an oxymoron as expecting a mod to run correctly after a major version change is an exercise in futility (not trying to harp on you, I just found your comment amusing since in certain circles the very same situation/context is a proliferant meme) ... for the most part any mod the is compiled in KSP v1.3.x will not work in 1.4.x without at least a recompile As for if it works .... as the friendly giant would say, 'look up, look way up into the sky' Meaning your answer is only a couple posts above your question .... might help to scroll up a bit So might I suggest looking up? It may not directly solve your problem but I am sure the friendly giants suggestion as stated above might be of assistance to you (DISCLAIMER: You're gonna have to read something ... Honestly, reading the instructions can be helpful at times)
  20. easy solution - in whatever image editor you are using that can edit tranparencies all you need to do is create a rectangle that is solid black that covers the whole image and then make the big black thing the background of the image done, you can see everything ... not complicated in the least You can also copy the whole image (ctrl A to select all, ctrl C to copy) then paste 5 to 10 copies of the image on top of one another, select all but one of those images and then flatten the selection into one layer .... stick that layer as the background, lock the layer and then get to work doing your thing on the top layer in the image ... you'll be editing the image as it is saved but have the 'denser' image underneath that lets you see the image below Those are two approaches and there are a couple more but the above should suit your purposes and the software you are using Hope this helps
  21. var direction = (this.vessel.getworldpos3d() - worldpos where you want to travel to) this.vessel.rootPart.addforce(direction * speed you want to add to vessel) The above should at the very least will show you what in the API you should be looking for .... if you don't know how to find the above in the KSP API then you are not ready to make your mod as you'll need some knowledge of the KSP API and Unity in order to get it to work I assume you know how to write programs/scripts in C# .... if not then this will be another hurdle that you must overcome to make your mod
  22. RPM isn't our mod, however all the hooks are there for that information to be displayed .... all it takes is for someone who knows how to make stuff for RPM to use it Perhaps that person could be you
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