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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Errors found: 1 - [ERR 15:19:17.001] [ShipTemplate]: Could not locate root part in Tu-22M4 as 7 entries remain after eliminating all parts listed as children. This is probably wrong. .......... Not DCK doing this 2 - [ERR 15:19:17.008] Untitled Space Craft has no root part defined, aborting .......... Not DCK doing this 3 - [ERR 15:19:21.205] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". Source mesh is likely have too many smooth surface regions. Please reduce the surface smoothness of the source mesh. Alternatively turn on Inflate Mesh and increase the Skin Width sufficiently for this mesh. .......... This is an issue with the part, Not DCK doing this 4 - [WRN 15:19:21.400] [TweakScale Warning] No valid member found for surfaceArea in ModuleAeroSurface .......... Tweakscale error, Not DCK doing this 5 - [EXC 15:34:21.184] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSPWheel.KSPWheelDustEffects.OnDestroy () .......... KSPWheel error, Not DCK doing this 6 - [EXC 15:41:44.488] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.IVAEVACollapseGroups.onVesselChange (.Vessel v) KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.IVAEVACollapseGroups.onVesselWasModified (.Vessel v) EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) EventData`1:Fire(Vessel) ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:OnPartColliderChanged() BaseEvent:Invoke(BaseEventDetails) Part:SendEvent(String, BaseEventDetails, Int32) ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape:ColliderChanged() ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape:RaiseModelAndColliderChanged() ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractSoRShape:WriteMeshes(LinkedList`1) ProceduralParts.ProceduralShapeBezierCone:WriteShape() ProceduralParts.ProceduralShapeBezierCone:WriteBezier() ProceduralParts.ProceduralShapeBezierCone:UpdateShape(Boolean) ProceduralParts.ProceduralAbstractShape:OnUpdateEditor() ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:InitializeNodes() ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:DoInitialize() ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:OnInitialize() Part:InitializeModules() ShipConstruct:LoadShip(ConfigNode, UInt32, Boolean, String&) ShipConstruct:LoadShip(ConfigNode, UInt32) ShipConstruct:LoadShip(ConfigNode) ShipConstruction:LoadShip(String) FlightDriver:setStartupNewVessel() FlightDriver:Start() DCK is not causing any errors, it is tweakscale, the parts you are using (I suspect that it is proc parts) and proc parts is throwing errors all over the place ..... DCK is not the issue as all it does is switch the textures What I suspect is going on is you have imported a craft from a previous version and since proc parts (the original) has been modified and you are using the modified version the errors you are encountering are from the proc parts you are using is not set up to use the older vessel that uses the old proc parts TL;DR - You're using a version of procedural parts that is not backwards compatible with the craft you built using a previous version of procedural parts Hope this helps
  2. That is a good idea ... I may just add the functionality you describe to Mr Clean
  3. With that attitude no wonder you haven't recieved much help .... generally when one is asking for help one should try and not be a negative nancy
  4. And as stated, this will mess with the BDAc hp and armor calculations so any user trying to use a mod that uses this method will not work as intended ... if you want to refute the findings of 5 prominent KSP modders as well as the test information received from the test group then be my guest ... as stated, doing this will irrefutably affect BDAc, no questions asked as what I have repeatably said in this regard is what is the case Whether you think it will affect a vessel or not doesn't detract from the fact that it will affect BDAc, period, no passing go and collecting your $200, said and done, this is the way it is Other than BDAc associated mods or user trying to use this mod or a mod that uses the same method you will have no issues ... as soon as a user trys to use this method/mod with BDAc then all bets are off ... I'm not suggesting that this might happen, I'm am telling you this will happen
  5. To be honest, no it won't ... this has been tested extensively and I guarantee that wonkiness will prevail if Xyphos' mod is used with any mod that uses BDAc since the hp calculation rely's on the density if the unity gameobject which is integrally hooked to the buoyancy of a part Parts are painstakingly gone over, sometime up to 100 reloads of ksp to get that one part set up to perform properly as advertised on the tin, and once you start playing with a variable that is integral to how a part works, said part doesn't work as intended and users start getting flustered which leads to users asking about a solution which leads to users being told not to use that mod with BDAc or BDAc add on parts There's more than meets the eye in this situation As I mentioned above, if using mods that aren't geared towards BDAc I don't expect any issues ... on the other hand it is a definite guarantee that things will go wonky otherwise
  6. The only real issue I can see happenning is if Xyphos' mod is used with any of the BDAc oriented ship parts such as anything from SM Marine, LBP or any of the other sea vessel/BDAc oriented mods out there For anything other than that then sure, should work great ... however many parts in the aformentioned mods are set up to work a certain way and manipulating the buoyancy of said parts will lead to things not working as intended
  7. Yup ... @TheKurgan got a hold of the configs and now missiles are as deadly as their real world counterparts All the config changes were done with consultation of serving military personnel and now are very close to what would be expected in a real world scenario
  8. So playing with the buoyancy of a part directly would lead to some shenanigans I would think, however you could take a look at the following link which may help achieve your end goal .... I've seen it used to control depth of a submarine so should at the very least give you an idea of how to proceed
  9. Honestly I have no clue .... the only real difference is in the GenIcon ... this is what I have there and it compiles no issue and works flawlessly EDIT: this is a quote from a unity dev on the matter of texture2d.loadimage ... it is there but was moved to code that is inherited by texture2d so still accesible through texture2d " Texture2D.LoadImage has been moved to a Texture2D extension method ImageConversion.LoadImage: https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.1/Documentation/ScriptReference/ImageConversion.LoadImage.html Since it is an extension method of Texture2D, you can still use it the same way, and any existing code using it, should compile without changes " https://forum.unity.com/threads/unityengine-texture2d-loadimage-is-missing.467202/ @Fengist - just a thought but is your MPConfig running at startup and if so do all the checks it does run before the category code? .... could be that the reference in the awake section is trying to access the MPConfig but it is either not loaded or the values that are being looked for haven't been grabbed yet
  10. I am a leaf on the wind ... Watch how I soar
  11. Take your time ... Spanner mentioned this issue to me so I figured I'd lend a hand Worst case scenario is I slap a category module together for you and you import the .cs into your project (would take all of 5 minutes) .... easy peasy We'll get you up and running by the end of the day
  12. So that code you are using is a modified version of DCK's editor category deal that was adapted from USI Tools Post a link to your editorcategory code and I'll take a look .... I'm having no issues with it in DCK, DCK FutureTech, Enemy Mine and any of my other mods so only thing it can be is the adaptation you did to the code Let me look at it and I'm sure I can spot what is going wrong
  13. My suggestion is to start the game, open a save game or start a new one then click on the KSPedia (little blue book, right hand lower corner of screen) and read the BDPedia Most of the time reading the manual tends to help If you have further issues feel free to comment in the BDAc thread where myself and the team as well as the many BDAc experts will be glad to help get you up and running
  14. One method I use when on eva in orbit is switching the camera mode, it changes thr reference for you Get to lean how you can control a kerbal using this method and eva becomes a breeze Here's a video that demonstrates what I am referring to ... pay attention at the beginning as I get the kerbal out of the pod and into the command seat at the other end of the vessel, notice how the camera will spin around and change the view pisition, this is what I am referring to
  15. A KSP update actually fixed a mod ... who woulda thunk it, I guess there is a first for everything
  16. It's actually maintained by one of the teams code guru's @jrodriguez ... check the bdac family mod list spoiler in the first post, the links to his repo are there and I believe ther is a thread, I forget
  17. FYI .... Camera Tools has been kept up to date since the BDAc team was formed over 2 years ago
  18. @JPLRepo suggestion - perhaps when KSP releases an update the release notes could include a small notice to not bother modders with the inevitable 'is this mod working in KSP' The reason I propose this is it took less than an hour after release was up on steam before Kerbal Konstructs got the gold medal for being the first mod thread to mention KSP v1.4.5 .... BD Armory came in a close second at just over an hour and a half Just a thought
  19. Really? KSP v1.4.5 was literally released a couple hours ago and you are already asking if BDAc works in it
  20. @theneenyo although it is posted that the output log is needed providing the KSP.log would also be helpful ... you can find it in the same directory as your ksp x64.exe deal For debugging and quick finding of issues it is generally easierto look at the KSP.log One thing to note is if you are using the launcher then dont ... thing has been broken since before 0.90 beta than ever (3 years now?) .... use the ksp executable, not the launcher if you were doing so Regardless, KSP.log would be handy ... same thing happens to it as the output, it is overwritten each time the game starts ... this log is the BD Armory teams goto to get an idea of what is up and generally the output log is only useful if there is a crash in my experience
  21. You posted this thread 20 hours ago and haven't received a reply ... why, probably due to it being mid week and many forum goers are not on the forum all the time Another reason could be the somewhat vague and overly generalized request for mod suggestions ... There are hundreds of mods out there all with different 'flavors' that they add to the game .... nobody here knows what you find interesting other than you My suggestion is to look in the addon releases section of the forum as well as the addon development section, this is where you will find mods .... another point of note, read the first post in each thread for the mods that interest you, it is general practice for modders to keep the first post of a mod thread updated with information on what the mod does, how to install it and how it operates Good luck
  22. You could write a mod to do it ... wouldn't be that difficult
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