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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. I started working on the instructions for OrX
  2. Hi all ... BFC Update incoming @katateochi @purpleivan Fixed the autodeploy ... Seems I somehow pooched the autodeploy code when I recompiled ... works as intended now https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/BFC/releases/tag/v0.1.1.1 Enjoy
  3. In the ModuleWheel section of the wheel change the resource used
  4. And that still begs the question what kind of dessert
  5. Odd ... I'll take a look and see what is going on Must have missed something ... try using the toggle button on the BFC Controller, might be what I pooched
  6. Yup, every IFS compatible tank gets spammed with cryo stuff ... Even when you don't use any of the cryo features
  7. You have to add Azimech's Boost Flap Controller part to the rover found in Command and Control ... Enable the boost flap as you did and then right click on the BFC Controller and enable BFC Control EDIT: Updated OP to better explain this
  8. @katateochi using service bays with BFC should be doable Will have to make a custom module for it I suspect but thats not a big deal ... I'll take a look and see what needs doing On the other hand the BFC controller has a deploy speed slider that controls the elevon deploy speed ... you can make the thrust cutoff almost instantaneous
  9. Best way to describe what to do is to show you .... download the following rovers and take a look at the elevon placement around the engines The elevons when deployed will block the thrust of the engine ... Juno's are best in my experience https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/CANUKWurks-F-1 https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/Dukes-Jalopnick https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/Vals-Purple-People-Eater Here's some visual aids
  10. So this is what Boost Flap Kracken Tech is Good time, decent looking ride too
  11. Hi all Due to @Triop creating another racing challenge, I now have a BFC update incoming ... Recompiled for KSP v1.4.x https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/BFC/releases/tag/v0.1.1.0 Enjoy
  12. I think it is safe to assume the same rule applies ... only @Triop can really say but he has confirmed that @Azimech's Boost Flap Kraken Tech is allowed I created a modlet just for this purpose after the last Dakar for autocontrolling the boost flap position based off of if your rover is in the air or landed .... It's cooked against KSP v1.3.1 so I'll sit down in a couple minutes and update it so it can be used for this challenge
  13. Please read the first post in the BDAc thread for detailed installation instructions Also please consult the ingame KSPedia for detailed info on the operation of BDAc
  14. The last BDAc update cleaned up the BDAc editor category .... modders making BDAc addons need to create their own editor category Quick solution is it change the category in each of the part configss from none to a stock category
  15. @Atlessa perhaps if you read the manual you would know about the Arm/Disarm master switch that @Deathpuff12 mentions above And in all actuality the bug is that you can fire guns without switching on the master Arm/Disarm ... technically the guns should not fire if the master switch is off in the weapon manager Take the above suggestion and please refrain from throwing insults at people as it is not constructive and only serves to make people want to ignore you That is all
  16. Please consult the BDPedia (KSPedia) in game for detailed instructions on the operation of BDAc Use the weapon manager to fire missiles, this is how the system is designed to work As stated, please read the manual
  17. @Fengist if you're doing this in a part module you will have to put this.part.force_activate(); in the onStart method else none of the code will run
  18. @Fengist if (FlightGlobals.ready) and if (!this.vessel.HoldPhysics) should help I get the same issue when spawning kerbals into the flight scene and my location is outside of physics range or if I don't wait until the vessel is no longer HoldPhysics
  19. @Fengist ConfigNode is your best option .... I tried doing a list in the part module for the HoloCache system I'm working on in OrX (GeoCache/enemy vessel spawning) and I found that in the end it's less hair pulling than trying to get the part module to carry the info Take a look at the BDAc GPS system, it will have what you need (BDATargetManager etc....)
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