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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Hmmmm, tell that to the Whiplash and the Juno jet engines .... I'm sure the Juno will feel better knowing that it is just as good as a Whiplash
  2. Perhaps not as a permanent upgrade but more as an in game option you can use to get a temporary boost to performance of the part? Spend some science and the ISP of the given crafts' engines are boosted for a short while ... only if you have an engineer and scientist onboard of course and also the engineer and scientist would need to be fully upgraded to manage this feat Thoughts? ... could be modded in with a bit of work
  3. So you're saying that in order for myself to bring mods to the community I must use the steam workshop? No, just no This is one of the things that will make or break my want to port any of my mods over to KSP2 Forcing modders to use the steam workshop is a bad move since many of use don't use steam and some of those choose not to have anything to do with Valve ... let alone the fact that many KSP modders play on Linux and KSP2 isn't planned to be released on Linux immediately (if ever) It may be easier for steam users doing this but creates more hassle for any given modder who doesn't want to contribute to the greed of Valve I for one say no to steam workshop integration
  4. Your statement reminds me of this video ...
  5. Not much of a reference if the code is under an ARR license plus I am quite capable of writing my own code The idea behind this thread is not to copy what others have done in the past but instead to create something new I appreciate you bringing that mod to my attention, however it is of no use to me for various reasons not to mention it was the victim of feature creep (I've been around since before 0.90 ) let alone it didn't quite work as advertised all of the time EDIT: For reference please see the linked comment below from @Snarkwhich demonstrates exactly why the mod you mention is of no use whatsoever
  6. All rights reserved license and it the mod has been abandoned Nobody can do anything with it EDIT: I guess a heavy emphasis on the 'there was' part of your reply lol .... Wind and Weather is only a part of the bigger picture which is to bring more exploration options to KSP through a rebuilt OrX
  7. This type of complexity may come in time since creating a mathematical model to do as you describe would involve a number of variables such as humidity, temperature and what biomes are surrounding the current one coupled with overall wind directions at latitude (just conjecture) ... however it is quite doable, in a simplified manner of course Wind speed and direction variability is in the code already, works pretty good too ... As for predictability, that is possible in the future as I do intend to create virtual 'sprites' in the code to represent storm systems but that will come after the foundation I am creating is ready for it The weather sat idea is pretty cool ... I actually created wind so @SpannerMonkey(smce) could go sailing with his pirate ships in KSP so I hadn't even thought about it (I even have cannon and cannon ball code for it ) I'm handling the wind through a tiered top down system ... the MesoSphere represents the control direction calculated off of the latitude and longitude of the active vessel and the TropoSphere wind direction is either a north westerly, south westerly, north trade wind or south trade wind (based off of a basic interpretation of atmospheric flow on earth) calculated off of the latitude of the active vessel (unless within 3 degrees of a pole which then the wind direction is due east) At the moment the end product wind direction is either the sum or the difference of those vectors ran against a virtual vector that is created through some more math trickery (basically a virtual point in space that varies depending on latitude and longitude to the effect of rotating the virtual vector) ... I intend to add in some more modifiers to simulate the effect of ground elevation on the vector of the wind to simulate updrafts and such (Hang Gliding comes to mind ) Anyways, here's some of the code I just described above for the weather system (360random = true) ... the whole kit and kaboodle so far is sitting at a little over 15 000 lines of code although the wind part is less than 1000 (the geocaching alone took 10 000 or so) Thoughts?
  8. So I've created a mod or two in my time and after being asked numerous times to fully release my creations, I decided to open up my bag of tricks and start putting something together I have cracked Geo Caching, a rudimentary challenge creator as well as Scuba Diving and Wind (among others ) and now I am in the process of working out some form of a weather simulation to control the wind direction on the fly Looking for input if any care to offer some
  9. no it wouldn't For example take a look at the reactive armor I made for BDAc, it has multiple points on a single armor part that go off depending on if said point is hit instead of the one beside it .... using a similar setup you could easily code something to do what was described Only caveat is the part would need additional transforms, one for each 'cells' on the panel to act as a sensor (to detect if light is hitting it) Not difficult, just Squad would need to have an interest in doing it ... unless a modder decides to take up the challenge I don't see this happening anytime soon
  10. So here is the beginning of a gravity mod for asteroids .... simple short script for anyone to do what they want with, just attach it to an asteroid (or anything else ) to have it attract nearby vessels Would need some additional code to calculate the gravity well radius and how much force is applied to nearby vessels (based off asteroid mass perhaps?????) Anyways, here you go ... I'm currently working on another mod so don't really have the time at the moment to do much more with this so have at it KSP community
  11. My github repo .... a repo (repository) is where modders, coders and others store their mods etc..... Interesting that you have heard that it's a fairly easy to fix BD FPS yet nobody has done it other than myself and @SpannerMonkey(smce)with OrX - The Loot Box Controversy There's more to getting it working right than just configs since in order to equip the weapons you require KIS and also you'd need BDAc working properly .... more to it than meets the eye
  12. @jrodriguez VesselMove.cs, in the UpdateBounds() method the code checks every part in the vessel to find the lowest point on the vessel .... The parts in question that are causing the issue need to be excluded due to the way thos parts have their transforms set up You'll see some 'if (p.Modules.Contains("Tailhook")) return;' deals in there, just add to the list ... you can also exclude the part by name (p.name.Contains("PartNameGoesHere")) Not an actual fix but it should stop the continuous adding to the altitude Come to think of it you could bypass the whole bounds check deal now that radar altitude is easily accessible.... it wasn't a thing when Baha originally wrote Vessel Mover
  13. So after a bit of thought I have a few other questions about this issue so I figured I would lay all my questions and assumptions here in the hope of finding a solution to this issue 1- Is the programmed data saved in the .craft file or is it saved elsewhere My assumption from what users have described is that the programmed data is not saved in the .craft file since the spawn vessel code changes nothing in the craft file itself and only adds some info such as rotation relative to the point you are spawning at Reasoning: A craft file does not have the extra info in it that you will find in the same craft in the .sfs file ... meaning there are a few extra config values in the craft data located in any given save file as compared to the same craft in a .craft format 2- if my assumption above is correct, then where is the programmed data saved and how is it associated with a specific craft My assumption is that when a vessel is spawned using the stock game (ie... from the vab or sph), the programmed data is associated to that specific craft (likely via it's unique vessel GUID) via some additional lines in the craft data held within the save file just like how a .craft file does not have the additional info like the rotation as mentioned above 3- If my assumption is wrong and the additional data is saved to the craft data when spawning from the vab or sph, where in the craft data is this info stored and how can I grab it? So by grab it, in regards to object oriented programming, I mean finding the information and being able to create an object to contain said info which, at that point, I can insert it into the craft data before the spawn code initialization of the vessel The caveat to being able to insert the info is finding where the info is stored and what needs to be added to the craft file data when the spawn vessel code is used My thoughts on this, if this is the correct way of things, is that Squad did what I generally do when modding KSP1 (KSP1 being the current version of Unity used in KSP 1.7.3 ... Unity 5.4 something or other, I forget) which is to go around the problem and affect the systems that they need to add to (sorta like tacking on a yellow post it note ) 4- On supposition that I am heading in the right direction on this problem, how would we implement a fix? So the final links to find in this chain is where the programmed data is stored, how this data is associated with a vessel and what additional config nodes need to be added at spawn when using VM's spawn vessel function Thoughts?
  14. OrX LBC is still in my repo ... works with BDAc v1.2.2.2 only and is no longer supported due to reasons On another note, I have removed all the BDAc and violent parts of the code and will be releasing OrX with a whole plethora of stuff (Wind, Scuba Diving, Geo Caching and more) ... the only violence in OrX will be snowball fights possibly (maybe a shark ... perhaps some spear fishing )
  15. Do you know where the robotic arm data is saved? The spawn vessel code, which I am intimately acquainted with, changes nothing in the craft file itself other than setting up the rotation of the vessel iirc so I wonder where the programmed data is stored I need a craft that has been saved in the sph with a robotic arm that has a user created program on it ... a single cockpit with an arm is preferable, then I can look in the craft file and find where the data is stored and write a pickle to pull it out and add it into a spawned craft (less part on the craft means less sifting through text for me ) Worst case scenario is wherever it is stored we can pull that info out and add it back in during spawn by using config nodes @jrodriguez, thoughts?
  16. Fairly complicated but doable (and has been done ) EDIT: Here's a better video showing more of what OrX was/is
  17. Actually this is a simple implementation to do with a part module (Hint: Asteroids are actually vessels ... the asteroid prefab is actually a part) ... just add force to any vessel that is within a certain radius of the asteroid in the direction of the asteroid (pretty basic Unity stuff ... Vector3's and rigidbody.addforce) Although if you want 'gravity' to work while the asteroid is out of physics range then a little bit of hack sauce would be needed although I don't expect this to be too much of a problem I'll see what I can drum up in a bit Basic Unity coding ... Challenge accepted
  18. So a little over a year ago I started working on a sort of Geo-Caching deal and managed to get it working Currently the mod will save a location, save a blueprint (a craft you select from your game save) and the beginnings of a challenge creator has been started ... All info is saved to a single text file, this means craft data, location data etc.... with multiple caches able to be chained together to leave a trail of breadcrumbs across the solar system My question to the community is how you would envision the Geo-Caching portion of the code working in KSP? ... as in, what would the community like to see in a Geo-Caching mod?
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