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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Thing is around this forum you will find that a majority of modders and users have a modicum respect for each other and will tend to ask about things before just doing whatever notion comes to mind
  2. Actually, no you don't ... at least not until you have done your due diligence in finding out what is going on with any given mod you wish to do something with It seems this point is being lost on people How would you like it if you just made a sandwich for lunch and had to go do something real quick before you could eat it, then I walk up and say 'oh, sandwich' and then start yamming down on it I don't know about you but I'm not too keen on people eating my food This is exactly what happened in this case ... eating someones food without even finding out what is what
  3. Actually it could definitely be considered false advertising if they do not put that text there ... by displaying pictures in the loading screen of a released piece of software with pictures made with mods for said software then the company who released said software can be held liable for misrepresenting how the game will look Period ... do not pass go and do not collect $200
  4. After numerous polite requests for me to revive DCK I decided to upload a new repo with a release for 1.7.3 You can mainly thank @Triop and @SuicidalInsanity for this
  5. I have had numerous polite requests to make my mod DCK available again If one of the moderators would be so kind as to unlock the thread I would be glad to release an updated version of DCK Thanx
  6. Consider it done ... I'll have the thread unlocked and make DCK public on my github repo
  7. @SuicidalInsanity I can fix that for you if you want ... if you would like me to revive the code all you have to do is ask DCK FutureTech is not DCK ... FutreTech has active camouflage, nano tech to repair your craft hit points and a Hammer of Dawn orbital tracking and targeting laser for destroying landed vessels from orbit as well as energy shields Whereas DCK is basically a modified firespitter texture switching deal with a bunch of qol stuff (menu, 30 something textures and wheel rims)
  8. You say that like space combat was an intended ability of BD Armory, which it really wasn't But with that said ... yes, sort of, maybe The issue of space combat with guns has two main components (maybe more) with those being the use of vector3's to do the gun targeting not being precise enough when KSP uses vector3d's for vessel coordinates and the second being the world reference point (the floating point reference of the focused vessel) and the velocities of the vessel Space combat would likely need a BDAc declared point of reference that takes into account orbital velocities
  9. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the modders notes state that OpenGL in no longer supported?
  10. @R-T-BSo this sort of deal is exactly why I took down most of my mods last year since I was getting inundated with support requests for versions of my mods that others broke Even one of my unreleased mods was grabbed, compiled and then handed out to whomever wanted to try it ... that would be OrX The Loot Box Controversy This sort of thing is making me consider changing OrX Kontinuum to All Rights Reserved and coding in a lock in all my mods to guarantee that nobody can get them working in later versions unless they know how to unlock it in the code I fully understand that you're just trying to help but in the end it is actions like this that causes many a modder to just say liquid on it and delete their repo's
  11. @jrodriguez so let me know if you want better precision in targeting etc... for BDAc I wrote some code that does away with using the getworldpos3d deal ( it only converts vector3d's to vector3's ... quick primer, vector3's use floats and vector3d's use doubles ... the difference being doubles are more precise and Unity can only use vector3's) I came up with a way to calculate distance and targeting outside of Unity with vector3d's and then convert it to a vector 3 so Unity can use it since Unity only uses floats in their vector calculations What I believe is going on with the offset targeting is that BDAc is using the getworldpos3d deal which converts the vector3d to a vector3 and then it calculates the parameters whereas I am calculating the parameters in a vector3d and then converting that result to a vector3 (those who understand how mathematics works will understand the significance of this) .... not sure I am right in applying this concept to BDAc but there's an awful lot of getworldpos3d deals in the BDAc code I can give you a function that will do the business for you but unsure if you're even working in this Let me know EDIT: I am referring to the gun targeting being offset, not the missile targeting code (although I would think applying this logistical sequence would possibly be a benefit for the missile targeting)
  12. The kerbal took its helmet off? Not smart to do that ... I guess the kerb hasn't seen Prometheus? ... The astro-nots () did the same thing after entering an alien structure and they didn't fare so well
  13. Yes, Squad did have a choice on whether to include Unity Analytics as they specifically have to include it themselves into their code Now this isn't saying that T2 or Private Division didn't tell them they had to include it but the point is that someone had to specifically make the choice to do so since Unity does not force a game developer to include it Citations: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityAnalytics.html https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityAnalyticsDataPrivacy.html Been reading the Unity online manual the past year and have learned a thing or two
  14. Yes, it even has a scoreboard setup in game that can be updated ... still working on it but the Dakar Race type for the challenge builder is almost done I'm not suggesting you don't use the races mod, probably best at this point as there are still a few things to work out with the challenge builder ... probably release it in the next few days
  15. Here's the thread from the first Kerbal Dakar (2017) ... read the first post, it will let you know what is what That is not to say that the rules will be exactly the same but it'll give you an idea of what you're in for
  16. So do we have to go through each checkpoint or can we just choose our own route from start to finish of each stage? I ask since I had a pretty major sucess today with the Dakar Race type finish line setup in OrX Kontinuum
  17. I definitely see hill climbing with rovers being a thing but what really piqued my interest is using just a Kerbal to climb the mountains Might have to revisit the 'Ropes n Things' deal I was working on ..... (and perhaps push forward on the spelunking for OrX)
  18. Seems to be many assumptions floating around The person I mentioned is actually an educator and one of the many who fought for the right to repair act ... Louis even was called as a witness in the Netherlands as to the underhanded business practices of Apple and their whole 'ecosystem' deal But that is a different subject all together Second, you might learn something It appears to me that this conversation, meaning this one we're having now which you started, is just an excuse to vent ... Clearly just a reason to be outraged for the sake of being outraged as this is just brigading Please, tell me more ... the internet is eagerly awaiting
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