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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. I personally wouldn't trust it to work correctly as Mac updates are notorious for breaking games and other software not directly developed by Apple If you must upgrade then perhaps by using bootcamp or another boot loader you could set yourself up with a dual boot to run Linux or even Windoh's ... You would need to be sure that your Mac is running an Intel processor for it to work properly though
  2. Caves and tunnels are a possibility once the game engine update is released for KSP 1 ... KSP v1.8 will be using Unity 2019.2 iirc (same as KSP 2) which will give modders many more ways to manipulate the game Come to think about it theoretically caves and tunnels could be made with the current Unity version although that would involve quite a bit of trickery and collider shenanigans As an aside, the statements made about bringing even more access to modders is more a result of using Unity 2019.2 than the developers (of both KSP 1 and KSP 2) 'coding' it into the game Agreed ... especially in the case of KSP seeing as it has a CPU heavy physics simulation
  3. Sort of along the lines that I was thinking but with different kinds of racing too (and bass .... Davie504 recommends a healthy dose of bass daily)
  4. Actually I will be coding it so that all you have to do is drop the texture into the textures directory ... no configs needed is the intention ... no module manager, nothing Completely standalone
  5. There are a bunch of easter eggs like that in my mods
  6. This might be what you are looking for KSP.UI.Screens.VesselIconSprite.Destroy(); KSP.UI.Screens.VesselIconSprite.Instantiate(); It appears that you will have to destroy the gameobject and then re-instantiate it afterwards if you want it to show up again ... plug the above lines into VS and hover your mouse over it, VS will show you the parameters that each require inside of the brackets (name and vector3 for the instantiate and the unity gameobject in the case of destroying it)
  7. A part module attached to the asteroid in the case of KSP 1 I even posted some code for asteroid gravity a month or so ago ... needs some work but the concept is sound If a vessel is within the 'gravity well' of an asteroid then a force proportional to the asteroids' mass is applied to the vessel Given that an asteroid is a vessel and a craft attached to an asteroid is one vessel, I am sure you can see how it could be achieved ... each of the vessels would have an effect on the other I think I may just revisit the asteroid gravity code I did and actually release it as a mod since the subject of asteroid gravity has come up a few times on the forum
  8. I had to look that up and discovered you are totally right ... Learn something new every day
  9. So I figured that I would add a bit of clarity to this concept of 'protectionism' for copyrighted works Basically, according to US copyright law (which many countries have signed onto or instituted something similar) a company who holds the rights MUST take action to protect their intellectual property or else they can lose the rights to said intellectual property ... So no, it isn't a protectionism racket as you put it but rather what is expected by the law as written The only choice they have is to protect their IP or risk losing it ... This is not to say that a company can give permission for the use of their IP but this still isn't a protectionism racket, it is their resposibility under the law Don't hate the player ... Hate the game (although there is quite a bit of stuff to not like Disney for)
  10. Just Jeb being tossed from Ike orbit to Duna using a triple momentum tether ... Jeb even survives the landing Hardest part is finding a video under 3 minutes as I got a ton of videos that I think are really cool
  11. No, it is copywrited material ... as in you need explicit permission from Squad to do anything with their game assets, textures included
  12. I got lots ... I don't want to hijack the thread though
  13. Yeah eh Oh, you said something about space?
  14. @jrodriguez So after a bit of thought I have come up with another approach to this DLC parts sending a craft into the nether deal Vessel Mover uses a bounds check to determine the height to subtract from a vessels altitude so that it both spawns above the terrain as well as doesn't spawn with part of the craft in the ground which can happen with tall rockets (think about width, length and height of a vessel). The bounds check scans each part of the vessel for the furthest point from the vessels' CoM of said parts mesh which, in the case of the DLC parts, is getting thrown out of whack (I suspect due to some layer deal like with Kerbals and wheels not affecting each other ... layer 21 suspicions ) ... This is what I believe is causing the problem As for a solution, I believe that we can do away with the bounds check completely since the craft size is already in the .craft file, all we need to do is grab it during spawn ... in the primary craft node look for a confignode value called 'size' and then grab the string Once you grab the string, split the string with a comma (string.Split(new char[] { ',' })) and parse each value as a float ... Width then Height then Length is the format Do a Math.Max(Height, Math.Max(Length, Width)) on the 3 values to find the largest of the dimensions and then divide by 2 ... this will give you the distance to the center of the craft from the furthest part Next take that value, multiply it by 3(works out to 1.5 times the maximum dimension of the craft) and add that value to the spawn altitude (vesselData.altitude in SpawnVessel()) When the spawn code hands over the spawned vessel to vessel mover, send the calculated altitude in the EndMove() call (VesselMover.instance.EndMove(largest dimension divided by 2)) and use the vessels radar altitude minus the sent value as the altitude to subtract during the end move routine This should do away with the need for a bounds check on the vessel I'm thinking Squad did a similar trick like the kerbals and wheels interacting deal that would cause infinite explosions back in the day ... Likely what is happening is the bounds check isn't finding the mesh of the robotic parts due to a layer trick with the meshes which is causing VM to have a conniption fit (makes sense as craft with robotic parts are being thrown off into infinity which would be the altitude to subtract deal sending back infinity when it comes across a robotic part) I could be wrong ...
  15. Who would have thought that game that simulates flying would be similar to another game that simulates flying
  16. Use Paint.net (Google it) ... import the edited texture into Paint.net and export in .dds as DXT5 That should put you on the right track
  17. What is it that you are trying to do? If you're making custom wheel textures I'll warn you it took me hours to figure out how to line the textures up
  18. Hmmmm ... a bit of a haul but totally doable I think I may have something in my bag of tricks that would do nicely for setting up each stage as well as keeping a scoreboard OrX - Is There Anybody Out There (the successor to Orx The Loot Box Controversy) has geocaching as well as a challenge creator specifically designed for racing that has a built in scoreboard that can be update in game by dropping a challengers exported scores file in a specific location ... the scoreboard code automagically updates the scoreboard The whole deal is contained in one text file (.orx file) that has a bit of encryption to prevent config editing out any blueprints or local vessels that are to be spawned when the player gets within 2km of the geocache location I think this challenge would be a perfect test of the Outlaw Racing deal in OrX ... I need another week to finish cleaning it up but I'm down Thoughts?
  19. Well I'm neck deep in that geocaching/challenge builder I mentioned awhile back so it won't be anytime soon, however it really could use a complete overhaul once 1.8 is dropped with the upgrade to Unity 2019.2 May just have to run a Dakar to test out the Outlaw Racing challenge builder in OrX
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