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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. You cut out the part where I said my opinion doesn't matter either ... all that matters is we get an answer to the question
  2. Why should I not ask it publicly? Actually no, but at least the question is out there now as it seems nobody else wanted to ask it I hope that this is not the case either, but the question needs to be asked
  3. This is not what I am talking about ... What I am referring to is the actual data that is being sent to Squad/T2, not if an antivirus detects anything
  4. So your saying that asking for clarification on something specific means that I leave myself open to having my expectations being the subject of the question when that was not even part of the question? Nice redirect ... I regret to inform you that it sounds a bit intellectually disingenuous I also regret to inform you that your opinion doesn't matter either, neither does mine ... what matters is if we get a straight up answer to the question at hand
  5. How is this about me and my expectations? I'm asking for clarification if this is actually the case ... what I believe, know or expect has nothing to do with the purpose of this thread Please keep your suggestions as to what you think of my expectations to yourself as I am not interested in a peanut gallery commenting on them nor does your opinion matter in this case
  6. So in a few other discussion groups around the net there are whispers that the latest release of KSP is sending data back to SQUAD/T2 without advising the user that this is the case My question is if this is true ... Does KSP v1.4 have Spyware? Perhaps we could get a solid answer on this @SQUAD @Darth Badie @UomoCapra
  7. KSP.log and output.log please ... please provide a link to a dropbox or similar filesharing site as copy/pasting into the forum is not ideal as most who are in the know want the actual file so it is easy to scan for the errors
  8. I'v got some fairly large craft that have part totals over 2000 (many of which are fuel tanks) ... not so sure your strategy would work in this case However all is not lost ... I'm mostly finished writing a mod I am calling DCK Fuel Fill which gives you a toolbar button in the editor (SPH/VAB) which opens a menu that has 4 buttons that do the following: 1- Save Current Fuel Levels on all parts - each parts' fuel level (lf, ox and mono) are saved 2- Empty Fuel - Drains your tanks of lf, ox and mono 3- Fill to Saved Fuel Levels on all parts - sets your fuel levels to the saved values 4- Fill all parts to Max Capacity - Fills all tanks to the brim (lf, ox and mono) Suggestions are welcome ... other resources to add perhaps? Almost finished with DCK FF ... Let me know if you'd like to try the beta
  9. Not true ... Like @GoSlash27 said above, they're just accessories (like a purse or something) Long time ago, in a KSP version far far away we used to land kerbals on their heads if they were coming in for a splattery landing
  10. Nope, just another dumpster fire Nothin to see except conspiracy theories burn away into embers preparing the dumpster for the next fire It can be quite entertaining at times though
  11. That is the way of things round these parts ... Dumpster fires and conspiracy theories Don't get me wrong, this is a great community but it's all par for the course ... get out your marshmallows and popcorn so you got some muchies to yam on as you watch the show Every 4 to 6 months there is some new conspiracy going around that will destroy KSP .... I'v been hearing that for over 4 years now and you wanna know something, contrary to the conspiracy theorists and google lawyers beliefs, KSP is still a thing
  12. DRM you say ... Well congrats on lighting another dumpster fire
  13. ^^^^^ This KSP Mods aren't made using KSP, they are made with the Unity game engine, 3D modelling software and computer code Man ... this dumpster fire just keeps burning
  14. Ummm, you're forgetting the battery otherwise it is a one shot deal ... That would get heavy fast as you increase the size of this contraption Plus the mass of the ship could be an issue when compared to the mass of the projectile required to make this idea work ... you gonna need some reinforcing of the structure of said ship in order for it to survive the impact and that will add more mass which will require a larger projectile mass Then there is survivability of the crew to consider ... don't want them breaking their necks due to a whiplash effect Sounds like an interesting science project but not sure it would be scalable
  15. @njbrown09 To add to what @Hyomoto mentioned above ... According to contract law a company MUST seek to protect their IP or risk losing their rights to said IP (IP being Intellectual Property) ... This means that if T2 did not go after the mods and modders who were circumventing their online system then T2 would have relinquished sole claim to said online system This means that if they allowed the manipulation of their game code in an online environment that falls outside of simple addons and what they intended to allow (addon being skins and simple things that add to the game without changing the backend code) then the modders that were doing said manipulation of the backend code could then claim GTAV online (or a portion thereof) was a product of their efforts and in such case they could take T2 to court for a potion of the proceeds generated by GTAV online See the problem there?
  16. @SuicidalInsanity - As requested ... still in early stages I'm trying to be thorough with the part identification so as to give you more control over which parts you want to edit
  17. The thread you linked is outdated and old so is of little use ... The creator of Camera Tools hasn't been on the forum for well over a year but this as well as many of his other mods have been adopted by other modders Please consult the thread below for links to Camera Tools and other mods created by @BahamutoD
  18. So there is no BDA v2 ... unsure as to where you got your download for BDA but it isn't legit Please consult the following thread for links to BD Armory Continued
  19. As stated in our private convo ... any issues with DCK are your responsibility to address as I will not be providing support to anyone who installs DCK via this mod pack
  20. The first problem that I see is that you downloaded BD Armory from Curse ... this is an old version, about 2 years old, and doesn't work with KSP v1.3.1 (actually it is likely compatible with KSP v1.0.5 and below ... any higher KSP version and it ain't gonna wurk) Please consult the following thread where you will find download links for BD Armory Continued which has been managed by a team of talented developers in the original creators' (@BahamutoD's)absence for almost 2 years now Only download BDAc from reputable sources such as the links in the following thread I also suggest reading the OP in this thread (oringinal post ... first post of the thread) where it is clearly written: This pack REQUIRES BDAc BETA 1.1.0, earlier versions will NOT work with this mod! This means you need the development version of BDAc for NKD to work ... here's the link to the BDAc v1.1.0 Beta thread which is required for NKD to work: Please, read the OP's in the threads for the mods you download as it explains any quirks and additional info that you don't get by clicking a download button on Curse (or by using ckan for that matter) ... if you dont read the instruction manual how do you expect to know how something works?
  21. And that would be due to the version in this thread being for KSP v1.0.5 .... visit the thread I posted above for links to Camera Tools that works with KSP v1.3.1
  22. Please consult the following thread for links to Camera Tools and other mods created by @BahamutoD
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