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    Martian Bug Farmer

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  1. Working on a 3x5x7 Rubik's cube design.
  2. Nothing on the Moon is going to be limited by light pollution, at least.
  3. If Titan looks bright, on a clear winter night it's worth going for Rhea, Dione, and Tethys too. You probably won't be able to make out any detail, but Neptune's not too hard to find right now and is about as bright as Titan, and Uranus is close to the Pleiades. Also, after the Full moon look for Reinier Gamma, it's a squid-shaped bright spot caused by a magnetic anomaly, not a mountain or crater. It's flat and doesn't cast any shadows. There are also some volcanoes and lava flows that can be seen when the phase is just right...
  4. I can't WAIT to see one of these things come back to Earth filled to the brim with well-packaged, organized and labeled lunar rocks.
  5. Yeah, I think that part gets clamped to the transporter-erector and contains the release mechanism for the rocket itself.
  6. I'm hoping to be doing the real thing by the time any decent successor comes out.
  7. I find it interesting that PD was less than thrilled by the lack of art, and then KSP2 ended up being all art and no function. I'm glad the spirit is still alive!
  8. Rain currently transitioning to snow here.
  9. It's been a while, so here's some various interesting things I've done during the outage: -judged an egg drop -solved a 3x3 in 10 seconds at a competition -watched the sun rise -cooked some mealworms -went planespotting -went to a really exciting astrobiology lecture about hot springs -saw comet 2023/A3 move against the stars in real time -tried to solve 15 Rubik's cubes blindfolded
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