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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. There's going to be a day in the 2030s when Saturn's rings will briefly become completely invisible. If I'm on Earth at the time, I will be very interested to see that.
  2. Called it! I knew they'd have a 3D picture.
  3. We might be able to get a 3D image soon...They've been going on about having two perspectives.
  4. How'd I do? (drawing from July 2017)
  5. Briefing is going on on NASATV right now
  6. Not getting a tiger that can carry a ~4 inch glass sphere around like that, sorry. I'm probably more likely to get a scorpion than a housecat, although I do like cats a fair bit. For me to get any pet now I must consider a certain two year long trip I want to take sometime in the next 10-20 years...an arachnid is happy if it gets its cricket every week, a cat not so much...
  7. Those hand warmer packets are UNLIMITED POWEEERRRRR! I was outside stargazing for like an hour in about 4 degrees Fahrenheit and my hands were sustainably warm. The stars were very clear, and I had an exceptional, almost dreamlike view of the Orion Nebula in my telescope. I got ahold of a sort of galaxy in a ball - a glass sphere with a map of the Milky Way laser-etched into it. I found our approximate location on the map, and from this could also visualize other parts of the galaxy in the sky. I also saw First Man, and really enjoyed it. For a space movie, they did an extremely good job with scientific accuracy - the errors are all very nitpicky to recount. Even the landscape the LM flew over during the final descent was akin to the real one.
  8. Ultra neato! Although I think you might have forgotten to color in just one decoupler...
  9. Might have been an inaccuracy in the visualization. At least I hope so! Only time will tell for now, I'm afraid.
  10. In four minutes the craft will be speeding away...
  11. Scan, scan, scan! Click all those science experiments as fast as possible!
  12. ...and then forgetting that you have to wait two days anyway for the real pictures because you're sleep deprived....
  13. Less than half an hour to closest approach! Fingers crossed!
  14. Please be a donut please be a donut please be a donut
  15. Would be very interesting to jump right over it on Phobos.
  16. Must be a hell of a New Years party.
  17. This is cool as heck, having a space probe so far out doing such a complex job and sending all the data back to Earth.
  18. It's a key part of the mission architecture, with the streamlined swappability of the tanker ships. I trust they've designed that ship to take the forces with ease.
  19. Hmmm, yeah, that's a problem. I wonder if you could use them similarly to a NTR, using the heat of the nukes to accelerate a more hefty reaction mass.
  20. Granted. You start skipping over boring lectures and commutes, and by the time you realize you've skipped over most of your life you are old and senile, unable to go back and truly experience life. The power to walk on walls and ceilings.
  21. It would probably try to disassemble something important. They're also really good at letting themselves out of cages. This would be a very problematic creature.
  22. One page back in this thread. It's still a tiny dot. Tomorrow we might be able to see it's shape.
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