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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Minnesnowta. I've been wearing little less than a spacesuit to go outside. No class tomorrow, but I'll go outside in the morning just to experience it for a bit - maybe insta-freeze a cup of boiling water or something and evaluate whether I really want to go to the South Pole.
  2. Like I said before, if the methane and oxygen explodes in front of the rocket it will accelerate her towards retrograde, shortening reentry time. Delightfully counterintuitive!
  3. Current temp is -22˚C, and this will drop to -32˚C by tomorrow morning! Classes are cancelled tomorrow, and many are today as well. I'm looking at the forecast, and it might get colder here than the South Pole and Gale Crater.
  4. Yes. I suspect that if something happens in between, for instance if I liked the post, then quoted it, then unliked it, then the notification would not disappear.
  5. Check your notification now. Do you see a "like" on this post?
  6. Apollo astronauts could see stars in broad daylight as long as they weren't looking at the Moon's surface. I'm sure it would be better than during a solar eclipse on Earth.
  7. Hmmm...maybe I should. I draw pretty quickly, I think mostly because I rarely have the patience to work on a project for more than about 2 hours. So a drawing is something I do in a single go, otherwise it may sit half-finished for weeks. I'm capable of putting out a really high volume of doodles that may not be breathtaking, but get the point across. That orange planet was made entirely in about 45 minutes.
  8. After getting a little ahead in physics, this starts to happen: Should have put New Glenn in there too. Oh well.
  9. Put some seats on it and take me to Brazil, that's almost orbital.
  10. That's too bad it fell over, but I'm glad it's far from irreparable.
  11. If the methane explodes after being vented... *Kerbal hat on* ...it's like an engine on the entire side of the ship to slow it down faster! *Kerbal hat off* Am I wrong, or am I very wrong?
  12. Well, we've got a great new development to change the subject! Come to think of it, I thought I might have seen something but dismissed it as probably a random speckle in my vision. This was right after the start of the totality, so if you were watching, chances are you were looking at the Moon when this happened.
  13. Well, the hole fills in after a while. But if yours aren't causing any trouble and you're aware of how to keep it clean back there, you shouldn't have any issue.
  14. Yes, pollution does make the light redder, but the Moon is always red during such am eclipse because it's mainly the same scattering you see in a sunset which is hitting it. Pollution isn't the cause of that.
  15. I have something for occasions such as this:
  16. My phone got a little too chilly, I've put it inside with a hand warmer on top of it for now. 1˚F will do that. If it gets better in a little while I'll try to take some pics of totality.
  17. Also today happens to be Buzz Aldrin's birthday, who's been there!
  18. My wisdom teeth have given me about three migraines in the past few weeks as they push on stuff in my head. It's coming close to the time to get rid of them...
  19. I've found that I can fight back against migraines, with some success. So I may be able to learn how to stop them and prevent them better.
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