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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Then it happened three times on one planet alone. This really could swing either way.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised finding critters deep under Europan or Enceladian ice, in their oceans. But something similar enough to us that we can begin to hold a conversation? I wonder if one per galaxy is accurate.
  3. What's wrong with waiting until 2AM on a Friday night? Just binge Star Trek as necessary until the time comes, like me.
  4. I believe the inner hatch in that case is equipped to rapidly close automatically, likely sparing anyone station-side of it from certain death. ======================= Seems the webcast is going to be much longer than usual - starting around T-50 minutes. Also, I really like that mission patch.
  5. You know what they say... ALL TOASTERS TOAST TOAST

    1. Chel


      What's Siiva?

    2. cubinator
    3. Chel


      Hmm, I'll give it a watch later

  7. If you're drawing something, it won't look just the way you first intended it to. That's just the way the universe works. I think if you draw something without that expectation, you won't have to be disappointed in the final result, because you didn't create something wrong, you just created something new.
  8. Did something happen to the Great Forum Test Thread? I was going to test something, but it's locked, and I can see all of it except the latest page.
  9. /\ || || / \ . . .= . / \ / \ | | | | | | | | | | /| /\ |\ / \ / \ / \ | | | |\ | || | || | || /| || || || \| || | |/ |____________| || || \| |/ | | | |\ | || | || | || | || | || | || | || | || | || | |/ | | | | /| / \ |\ / |__ / \ ___| \ / / \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
  10. You have not entered a valid country. Please enter a country between -0 and NaN.
  11. Actually, I can see an Alcubierre drive (which I think is what the warp in Star Trek is) doing that, because it's basically carrying the ship along on a tract of space, and if it shut down your little 'bubble' would collapse and you'd no longer be moving at superluminal speeds...but the impulse engines would work inertially.
  12. Welcome! I would love to teach astronomy one day, but for now I am working hard to get to Mars as soon as I can!
  13. But take a closer look at the picture...
  14. It's better to use a long, easy to remember code than any random 8-digit BS any site makes you put up with. (https://xkcd.com/936/)
  15. When you're too good at calculator art for your own good:
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