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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. This requires many Earth launches, so you had better do it on a reusable launcher. Otherwise, the cost of this operation will be much larger than it needs to be.
  2. I found the raw audio (15 minutes of really low wind noises) here: https://www.nasa.gov/connect/sounds/index.html Raw data from the seismometer (picking up vibrations of the solar panels): https://www.nasa.gov/specials/InSight-Sounds/06-MASTERRESAMPLED-48Kraw_velocity_0.6_normalisedx1.wav Data from the air pressure sensor, sped up by a factor of 100: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/InSight-Sounds/09-APSS-Mars_sound1a_2m_x100.wav
  3. Wow. Today is the first day humans listen to the sound of alien wind. It's very eerie to think about the plains there, wind blowing over dust and rocks for millions of years without interruption. Now there are a few strange devices interrupting the monotony at a snail's pace, harbingers of what may become a drastic, abrupt change for the planet.
  4. Since the rocket floats very high, most of the engines spent a very brief amount of time in the water. I wonder what the submerged ones are like...
  5. I...am Groot.
  6. Yes. Star Wars was an integral part of my childhood.
  7. Those are some great shots of the GEO satellites!
  8. Just think about how much frickin' bigger the BFR will be...absolutely colossal.
  9. It'd make a fantastic museum piece if they decide they can't reuse it.
  10. So has the first stage been fished out of the ocean yet, or is it still on its little sightseeing adventure?
  11. Only time will tell! I will be getting to work soon, do not worry. But first, finals...
  12. If I do the entomophagy project, it's going to be in a research context.
  13. Undamaged? Still, I doubt they'll reuse this one...
  14. There was also a really big ring shaped piece of ice that came off after boostback.
  15. I definitely want to make a higher quality version of this image because it's the most fantastic thing ever
  16. But if you put a hyperdrive on an asteroid...eh, maybe it'd still be too expensive.
  17. "Did you know? You can donate one or all of your vital organs to the Aperture Science Self Esteem Fund For Girls? It's true!" -GLaDOS
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