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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. "Did you know? You can donate one or all of your vital organs to the Aperture Science Self Esteem Fund For Girls? It's true!" -GLaDOS
  2. Many of the effects of spaceflight on humans resemble those of aging. We can treat both better with knowledge gained from ISS.
  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey comes very close. There's only like one gimmick, that being the monoliths. There's even a live interview with the astronauts on the way to Jupiter, in which the news reporter talks about "Ok now we have to wait an hour for the astronauts to respond because of the speed-of-light delay."
  4. Just beware it might end up in some research paper at some point.
  5. That is too high quality, you need to tone it down. (kidding) It's beautiful.
  6. people are appreciating your contributions to the community
  7. 389,303.9 kilometers Measured distance to the Moon.
  8. Mars or Venus could be doable with rudimentary equipment under the right conditions... -Bright-ish star (maybe two) very nearby in the sky -As big a distance between the two observers as possible (say, one person in Canada and another in Argentina would be one ideal situation) -Planet as close to Earth as possible -Weather cooperates in both locations With slightly bigger telescopes, (and a very cooperative star of course) I can see Jupiter measurements being reasonably accurate, too.
  9. Looks like this Otherwise, there's no moon that I'm aware of. Maybe you're thinking of another system.
  10. I'm wondering if they even have to do anything at all to the booster besides move it around and refill it's fluid tanks. Maybe they are already at that point - the booster certainly looked untouched enough.
  11. I guess the saltwater isn't such a concern after all? Maybe all that analysis they did on the other wet fairings showed there wasn't really anything wrong with them.
  12. A sketch of a bionic hand and eye: I think using a cable system in a bionic hand would reduce complexity by not requiring a motor in every joint - to flex a finger, you would just have a cable pulled rather than three separate motors. It's more like the biological system we normally use, too. You could have a pretty good, human-like dexterity with about 9 or 10 basic motors that way, I think. Two for each finger: one for flexing action, and one that can rotate the finger laterally. You'd need about 15(?) highly accurate nerve action sensors to control it naturally. Touch sensitivity could be implemented as well with more sensors and more nerve interfaces. The mechanical design would be relatively simple, making it would be totally workable with CAD, and you could put anything you can't make it do with your brain on an Arduino or other such small computer in the base. As for the eye, it would be a camera, with a computer to convert the image into something to pipe into the optic nerve at the back. It could move around within a little magnetic casing, maybe with little rollers to rotate it based on either nerve impulses (very complicated) or by considering where the other eye is looking (less complicated). Power would be a Li-ion battery on the back of the computer, easily replaceable by removing the eye from it's casing.
  13. I really like how perfectly aligned the rocket is on the center of the pad. Right on the mark!
  14. It's simply because the spacecraft will be over areas of the world from which SpaceX can't get live video at the time.
  15. From a ground camera, I think. But we at least got live video from a helicopter or something of CRS-8.
  16. Now I wonder when we'll hear from the fairings...
  17. C'mon, can we get stage 1 footage all the way down?
  18. Sounds like updates on the fairing will be shared in the webcast. That shot of S1 pulling away tho
  19. Sounds like the status from that will come over Twitter again... Booster is extra sooty today, and there are 64 satellites in the fairing.
  20. LIVE VIDEO FROM MR. STEVEN!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!11ONE ONE No live video when the landing happens though.
  21. 2/3 of the Falcon Heavy was already flight-proven, wasn't it?
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