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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. 10/10 because you yell at anyone who says anything about Dres. Or doesn't. 72 is your favorite size font.
  2. 11 - 2 Return of the @Red Iron Crown?
  3. This gives me an idea for a forum game...but it would probably get locked Or merged with this one.
  4. Wait, so they're going to deorbit a cubesat by catching it in a net? The net is still in orbit...Does it increase drag and deorbit it after a shorter time?
  5. Global warming (word association)
  6. When I'm asked "what's up?", I am prone to this situation: Instead of trying to come up with a real answer, I say "nitrogen, mostly". It's not untrue!
  7. If it can be defined as a colony, do it.
  8. Banned for posting in three consecutive forum games.
  9. Nah, I want to be the second person. Press this button for an actual, working portal gun! You can retrieve it at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, you are the only one that knows it is there, and you are the only one who can retrieve it.
  10. [Insert snarky comment] close enough? @Mad Rocket Scientist?
  11. Nothing ever actually exists until I first learn about it; after that it starts appearing in other places.
  12. Banned for banning someone who banned someone who banned someone who banned someone who banned me.
  13. I thought so. Imagine the size of the SOI of the proposed ninth planet! It would get much smaller near perihelion, of course, but still!
  14. We actually have an hour and six three minutes. The millions of stripes on the American flags people are toting right now should help, too.
  15. I'm not a professional engineer, but the other day my mom made a remark about how windows looked so dark outside during daytime. I started explaining reflectivity in glass and how our eyes adapt to different light levels when my dad cut me off and said something like "it's darker inside than outside".
  16. Huh. That's interesting. Does Neptune's SOI have a larger apparent diameter from Earth?
  17. Depends. Are we using the force of jumping, or do we need to all fart prograde at the same time?
  18. Or save some delta-V on a retrograde burn. Neither planet there is in position for a Hohmann transfer, though.
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